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Thread: The irrational view counters are hurting sellers, buyers, and EBID!!!!

  1. #1

    Default The irrational view counters are hurting sellers, buyers, and EBID!!!!

    I have only been on eBid for about 6 weeks now. I almost didn't register as when I checked out the auctions, SOOOOOOOO many had 0 views--like NOTHING was happening at all on eBid. Then I noticed some very high views, and realized the viewers were not reliable, which really turned me off, as well.

    So I listed my first auction, and clicked it on and saw "116,000 views". I listed another, and that one came up with over 300. I contacted eBid as I was REALLY confused as to why this would happen two times in a row, and they did manage to put them back to 0 on one and 12 on the other.

    I just had another one showing over 8,000 and another over 2,000, so I just closed them out and relisted, as I would like to think that maybe sometime the correct views do show, and I would like to know if anyone was at all interested in what I post. I too, have seen the views go up and down randomly, as well. I really do feel that the fact that eBid must be totally aware of this problem, and that they won't fix it, doesn't say much for their desire to attract more sellers and buyers in order to have the site grow. I feel it is definately hurting eBid's credibility and their growth, as well as our sales, as I am finding sales to be few and far between.

    It is VERY frustrating for a new seller especially to check their listings and sometimes see nothing but 0 views. I have seen comments here on the forum about that. Then on another day you might see 4 views, and the next day it is only 2. It is totally absurd, and I can't believe that this should be such a monumental problem to correct????

    Perhaps if everytime we notice these errors and inconsistencies we contact customer service, maybe SOMEONE out there will FIX IT. PLEASE!!

  2. #2


    I totally agree, i have raised this problem in the forums and many agree so i just hope that eBid start to sit up and take notice as without us, the buyers and sellers, eBid would be no more.

  3. #3


    The problems with the view counters started back in October, when the guys had to change things to ease pressure on the site.

    Maybe it would be better if they just removed them as so many people seem to find it such a major problem.

    That way people that want them can add one themselves to each listing.

    To be honest I don't take much notice of them.

    Quote Originally Posted by gazza View Post
    We've recently changed the way we count views and we are having a few teething problems. A fix is being worked on. We have 300% more visitors and pages to serve than 12 months ago this was the reason we tinkered with the views counter to ease some pressure, our database was getting hit thousands of times a second with updates to view counters.

    Last edited by Gothicina; 15th March 2009 at 07:29 AM.

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  4. #4


    I for one do take notice of the view counters. It is nice to be able to see if people are looking at your items even if they aren't actually buying them!! I tried to add a counter from some popular counter sites but it wouldn't allow me to.....they only cater for eb*y!! If the counters on here don't work and are not getting fixed then i think we should be able to add our own!

  5. #5
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    As long as it doesn't link back to an ecommerce site, ebid will not object to you adding your own counters, but I'm afraid they can't do much about sites that don't provide the facility!

    I agree that until the built-in facility is fixed, it would be better to remove it.

  6. #6


    I agree too - viewers might find it a bit odd, but better than looking as if the site is dead!!
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  7. #7
    Forum Saint astral276's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by YummyMummy1980 View Post
    I tried to add a counter from some popular counter sites but it wouldn't allow me to.....they only cater for eb*y!! If the counters on here don't work and are not getting fixed then i think we should be able to add our own!
    I use http://www.free-counters.co.uk/ - though not on listings.

    As is, I would imagine, common to all external counter sites there is no inherent link to an auction. That means you would have to create a counter for each and every listing rather than a single link that passed the id of the auction containing it to the counter site. That would be a pig to manage and maintain.

  8. #8

    Default Irrational view counters

    This is in response to Yummy Mummy. I thought this would tack onto your quote. Don't have this quite down yet, I guess.

    Thank you for your reply. It seems most others feel the answer is to do away with the views, but I believe that anyone searching, as well as us sellers too, would prefer to at least see some kind of input. or action, as to whether anything is being checked out or viewed.

    I do check the views every day, even though I know they may be way off, but it gives me a little hope that there are people out there searching our listings. I have to wonder if eBid is prepared to deal with more growth. A lot of sellers are coming over from another site with hopes of making some sales.

    Hopefully eBid will find a fix to this view counter problem soon. Someone said it was going on since Oct. of 2008 and posted the message from "Gazza" from back then. I wonder what that stands for? Take care.
    Last edited by honestdependable; 15th March 2009 at 07:17 PM. Reason: Clarification

  9. #9


    I don't want the view counters to be got rid of either......they need fixing!! As ive said before it is nice to see how many people are looking at your auctions even if there not buying. This is especially true when you are just starting out like myself. It is so downheartening seeing your items with zero views. Please please get this fixed. If the 'other' sites can manage to run there's with no problems then why shouldn't eBid??

  10. #10


    honestdependable.....forgot to say that i too check the view counters on every one of my auctions at least 10 times a day lol in the hope they will suddenly show great amount of views! I wish!! )

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