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Thread: Okay, I give up!

  1. #31


    Quote Originally Posted by heartscup View Post

    That would work but in order for me to set things up totally, I also have to set up for shipping and other items in the defaults. Something I won't do. I try to list each item up with a different amount for shipping. To set a "set price" is something I have never done.

    BUT I did rellist all of what I had up to go to gallery as you had said to do. So that takes care of those items for now. Just that things are a little tight here and was just trying to save some money by using the free listings. But guess if you wanna make sales you have to spend a little in order to do so.

    AND just want to add, I do appreciate ALL the help and advice all have given me so far. Needed a little help! ALSO, might add that I also did make my first sale even though I had things listed for free without gallery!

    Hope I don't get yelled at for posting to the same thread about different things! I am not trying to post anywhere other then where I am supposed to and just want to keep everyone that has been helping me informed as to what I am doing as they suggest and thanking them. Besides that! I am using one thread and not posting all over the place.

    heartscup, You are not doing anything wrong by posting in the same thread.
    As long as you have questions just keep on asking

    PS It is not necessary to include any shipping details in your defaults if you don't want to. Just leave that bit blank and set defaults to Gallery, and 10 day -10 re-lists.

  2. #32
    Forum Saint astral276's Avatar
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    Defaults are there for things that remain constant across listings. So price and postage would rarely apply as suitable for inclusion in defaults - but might. You can set up different default settings with which to populate your listings. You can even fill them in using settings from recent listings.

    But guess if you wanna make sales you have to spend a little in order to do so.
    At least here, as Seller+, it only costs if the item sells.

    Hope I don't get yelled at for posting to the same thread about different things!
    Not from me. I find it more annoying when people come in and bambard the different groups with messages rather than talking issues through in a single thread.

  3. #33


    Well I will try again on the defaults to see if I can get it to work for me.

    And I had noticed that a few people had gotten upset with one person on here posting the same thing in several different areas and just wanted to make sure that I was okay.

    I hate getting yelled at! That is why I often times will read what is going on before I start to post. That way I know what will be tolerated and not.

    So will go into the defaults and see what will set for me, I hope! Any other suggestions on things?


  4. #34


    Quote Originally Posted by heartscup View Post
    Well I will try again on the defaults to see if I can get it to work for me.

    And I had noticed that a few people had gotten upset with one person on here posting the same thing in several different areas and just wanted to make sure that I was okay.

    I hate getting yelled at! That is why I often times will read what is going on before I start to post. That way I know what will be tolerated and not.

    So will go into the defaults and see what will set for me, I hope! Any other suggestions on things?

    No more suggestions, except for relax
    The forums are a generally very friendly place and if you've got a question you should not feel frightened to ask away.
    BTW your store looks good, and I wish you lots of success here on ebid


  5. #35


    Quote Originally Posted by heartscup View Post
    Well I will try again on the defaults to see if I can get it to work for me.

    And I had noticed that a few people had gotten upset with one person on here posting the same thing in several different areas and just wanted to make sure that I was okay.

    I hate getting yelled at! That is why I often times will read what is going on before I start to post. That way I know what will be tolerated and not.

    So will go into the defaults and see what will set for me, I hope! Any other suggestions on things?

    Store looks Great! I'm tempted by a few items... but only tempted (Yeah, I'm a tightwad! - LOL!)

    As for people that got yelled at, I think the problem is they did not have patience, so they went and posted their question in a bunch of different places (in essence, spamming the forums) but it was all the same question.. they were either being impatient, or just really felt like annoying people, I guess..

    I'd rather see someone that starts a thread with one question and then has follow up questions, keep them in the same thread.. because sometimes the followup is relevant to earlier posts..

    But if the next question is something else entirely, might be worthwhile to start a new thread - it's really just up to the person's judgment.. I haven't been here that long, but seems like most of us are an easygoing lot... very much unlike the way it is at FleaBay.. long time ago, I had one post I put in the wrong category (in THEIR opinion, I thought it was appropriate..) and got ripped a new one.. (still talking about SneezeBay here.. LOL!)

    But here, people are just really nice, easy going.. sometimes it is hard to get a "tone of voice" across, and some people might read something and feel they are being attacked or ridiculed, or something, so once in a while a little flamewar might start up from an innocent enough, well-meaning reply.. so it also pays to try not to be too sensitive to things... but then it is like that in *every* forums I have ever participated on over the years

    But, overall, the people here are a terrific bunch, fun and easy to get along with... So feel free to post away... once in a while someone might get mad, but that's their problem, not yours :-D

    Anyhoo.. Welcome to Ebid.. and Best of luck in your sales! . I still might swing by and toss a bid at an item or two... if I happen to wake up one day feeling particularly generous.. LOL!
    Many changes yet again, started a new venture, and you can watch my store grow here: Really Rural Woodworks

  6. #36


    Hey Ideal,

    The last time someone told me that they were tempted, I went a little further and tempted them more and they bought more then one item.

    Hmmmmm......... thinking now of how to do that! LOL!!!

    What have you looked at? Never know what I will come up with! And yes, I am sitting here with the most devilish grins you will ever see!


  7. #37


    hehehe.. I'm not TELLING!

    OK, OK.. The celtic cross temporary tattoo caught my eye.. and the cat items.. seeing as I'm a cat lover.. (my own cat is spoiled absolutely rotten! she rules this household with absolute authority) My main interest is in keyrings though.. dunno why, but I love 'em..
    Many changes yet again, started a new venture, and you can watch my store grow here: Really Rural Woodworks

  8. #38


    'Ello again heartscup
    Your store looks good. Well done

    Hey chill out there! Nobody's going to shout at you for asking questions.

    You get some people tho sometimes who have no patience and...well!..... You know what I mean...you meet them all the time in Supermarkets ...them that barge you outta the way with their trolly or catch you on the back of the heel or ram the trolly into yer bum when they are queueing behind you at the checkout

    So ask away and keep chatting here You seem a very OK person
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  9. #39


    Quote Originally Posted by Idealproductsales View Post
    hehehe.. I'm not TELLING!

    OK, OK.. The celtic cross temporary tattoo caught my eye.. and the cat items.. seeing as I'm a cat lover.. (my own cat is spoiled absolutely rotten! she rules this household with absolute authority) My main interest is in keyrings though.. dunno why, but I love 'em..

    Hmmmm..... gives me an idea! Don't wanna know! LOL!!!
    OOOOOOOOOOOOHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Just got it!!!!!!
    I have this clown cat that hangs on a swing! It is adorable!!
    Gonna get that up today! Got 2 of them! May like those!
    Gimme a door and I will barge my way through when it concerns a possible sale!


  10. #40


    Quote Originally Posted by redmerlin777 View Post
    'Ello again heartscup
    Your store looks good. Well done

    Hey chill out there! Nobody's going to shout at you for asking questions.

    You get some people tho sometimes who have no patience and...well!..... You know what I mean...you meet them all the time in Supermarkets ...them that barge you outta the way with their trolly or catch you on the back of the heel or ram the trolly into yer bum when they are queueing behind you at the checkout

    So ask away and keep chatting here You seem a very OK person
    Speaking of someone using a "trolly" as you Brits call it.......
    Had this person who apparently was not paying very much attention to someone being in front of them and they caught the heel of my foot! Boy was I ticked. She should have been lucky that it was not AFTER I had done a major sprain on that same foot. She would have had that buggy permanently embedded you know where! That was the first time and had better be the last time someone does that one! Next person may not be so lucky I walk away.

    Anyway, I like to have just one thread to just goof around in. And sometimes vent. But I have a few people over in England from another site that is there for me to bounce bricks off of. They are really nice. Wished I could find people that nice around here where I live that I could have to talk to. Kinda a loner. Always have been. I have hubby and the children to talk to but it is not quite the same as having a close friend, if you know what I mean.

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