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Thread: Speed Problems

  1. #11
    Forum Lurker
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    40 second to log in and 25 seconds to go to my ebid Forums are very fast almost instantaneous
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  2. #12


    Ditto everything hanging now every minute or two

    Reincarnation is just another repeat

  3. #13


    Most of the time eBid has been very slow in general and it's a pain. It is not just a second or two longer that you have to wait, it is 15-20 seconds, sometimes a minute, very noticeable anyway, to the extend that you start clicking on links frantically hoping for some reaction. On the other hand other services like bbc, amazon, google or your greedy competitor work a treat...

    I'm in Southampton, UK and, in reply to one of the previous posts, I do think it's eBid's fault.

  4. #14


    Down altogether at 12 midday - dont know how long for - I had to go out!
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  5. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by machinogodzilla View Post
    Most of the time eBid has been very slow in general and it's a pain. It is not just a second or two longer that you have to wait, it is 15-20 seconds, sometimes a minute, very noticeable anyway, to the extend that you start clicking on links frantically hoping for some reaction. On the other hand other services like bbc, amazon, google or your greedy competitor work a treat...

    I'm in Southampton, UK and, in reply to one of the previous posts, I do think it's eBid's fault.
    Can't understand the regional differences in speed of access to eBid or changing pages. I have BT Broadband providing a max of 1.6Mb download speed (supposed to be 4.5Mb, but BT being what it is ...).
    With such basic broadband speed, I still have almost instant access to eBid homepage and perhaps a second or two to switch pages.
    However, I did notice that my speed of access dropped (sometimes considerably) when I had multiple Windows open on my computer. Sometimes I might have 6 windows open to different sites at any one time plus a couple of files on my computer - closing some windows did speed up working on eBid.
    SO before blaming the eBid site, perhaps we should also look at what WE are doing at the time? If you are running programs that use a fair bit of memory, then internet access will slow. One example is a Phishing Filter - it takes time to scan each web page you visit before loading it.
    Just a few thoughts.

  6. #16
    Forum Saint JanetB's Avatar
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    No problem here in Des Moines WA USA - using Fire Fox 2 - on XP - DSL hookup.

    But, I did experience something really odd for quite some time, up until last night. Browsing was getting kinda slow, even on eBid. Then 3 days ago, every time I booted up in the mornings, the scan disk went into action and I did not request an auto scan on booting up. After the first day, I hit ESC (within the 5 second warning option to cancel scan). I did some research and couldn't really find a solution until last night just by accident I was doing something on the PC and my SPYBOT software popped up. I noticed a familiar link pertaining to scan disk. The software had requested that a scan be performed on every boot up. Alarm bells rang, and I went and uninstalled everything to do with SPYBOT then shut down my PC and rebooted again. Hey Presto, no more scan disk PLUS browsing is a lot faster again, even more so on eBid.

    Not sure if this has anything to do with members slowness but just thought I'd mention it if anyone is using SPYBOT.


  7. #17


    The site seems slow all round but the worst is the save changes.
    I'm using FF in Leadhills, Scotland,
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  8. #18


    Database error with the forums.
    Network timeout with the main site,
    Southend, Essex,
    Blueyonder/Virgin cable
    same problem with FF 3.0.1
    IE 6

    Forums back at 12.50
    site back at 12.54

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  9. #19


    Quote Originally Posted by NowAndThen View Post
    With such basic broadband speed, I still have almost instant access to eBid homepage and perhaps a second or two to switch pages.
    However, I did notice that my speed of access dropped (sometimes considerably) when I had multiple Windows open on my computer. Sometimes I might have 6 windows open to different sites at any one time plus a couple of files on my computer - closing some windows did speed up working on eBid.
    SO before blaming the eBid site, perhaps we should also look at what WE are doing at the time?
    Never had such problems regardless how many tabs were opened in my browser with services mentioned earlier. With eBid there have been constant issues with speed since I have joined and even earlier, when I was just browsing.

    At this very moment not only speed is the problem. I tried to sell an item and a blank page was displayed several times. I tried to save this post and what I got was "Database error" - the forum crashed altogether...

    This all is very annoying especially when there is a queue of auctions you want to list or buy something right now, and you have to sit and look at the progress bar forever.

  10. #20
    Forum Saint sidthelamp's Avatar
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    really slow to log in had to try via another link, spybot icon was whizing round, me thinks it does that anyway. 3 trys to accesss forums. bt broadband middle of nowere ceredigion
    http://uk.ebid.net/stores/under pressure


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