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Thread: A case of mistaken identity??

  1. #1

    Default A case of mistaken identity??

    I was walking into town earlier today and through the rain could see someone coming towards me that was the image of my brother. I knew it couldn't be him as he passed away years ago, but it was SO like him that it made me pause in my stride. That got me to wondering about 'doubles' or 'dead ringers', or as some call them, 'doppelgangers.' I've had two strange things happen to me personally, first was when people asked if they had seen me on TV the night before? Apparently, there was a new series being shown called The Practice, (I think!) and the character playing the ambulance drivers wife looked just like me! My sister-in-law confirmed this, and she knows me! The second thing is much more bizarre...a few years ago I was in town on market day browsing, and this woman came up to me and started chatting about allsorts. She then dragged me to the jewellers window and showed me what she wanted for her birthday! Now, this happened fairly quickly, and caught me unawares, but I finally said to her, "Excuse me, but....do I know you?" The woman looked more closely at me, then said that I was the double of her daughter! Even more weird was that we both wore a similar denim jacket, which was why she assumed I was the daughter.
    Now what I was wondering is: has anybody else been mistaken for somebody? Or do you know someone who is a 'dead ringer' for someone? Do you believe that we all have a double somewhere?

  2. #2
    Forum Saint shezz's Avatar
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    It's happened to me

    Was in Asda where .I work and one of the assistance working in there started chatting to me, asking how the family was, and where they was going at the weekend, i ended up saying to her "do I know you" then she said aint you so and so's mum

    I said no

    she was not convinced i dont think as she was tellin me i was the spit
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  3. #3


    Thanks for that shez, was beginning to think it hadn't happened to anyone else! Either that, or I was being 'sent to coventry!!' lol!
    Anybody else?

  4. #4
    Forum Saint shezz's Avatar
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    Even i've sort of done it,only i thought i knew this car, grabbed the arm stickin out from it and said "got you"

    And this stranger sat there looking at me

    I just said oh no i aint and walked off

    I could'nt move my A*** away from there quick enuff
    Life is serious but taking it too seriously robs you of
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  5. #5
    Forum Saint merlin's Avatar
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    i been told i look like brad pitt or it might have been mad spit was very busy place

  6. #6


    Happens to me all the time..... I've got an identical twin brother, I've been accused of being in pubs with blondes, his wife's blonde mines a brunette ( or she was )

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    Forum Diehard h1r3z's Avatar
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    I was asked once "How could you afford that flashy car I saw you in?"
    Apparently someone had seen 'Me' in some expensive sports car driving through town.

    It wasn't me of course, but that's one experience I've had.

    I was on holiday once on the Norfolk broads and moored at this place where you have to pay to stay there. When I went to the office to pay, the bloke behind the desk asked me if I was "That bloke out of Status Quo?"
    I said no (because I'm not) and we had a little laugh about it, I paid and left. I wondered afterwards if I should have said yes, maybe I wouldn't have had to pay for mooring.

    I've also been told by a few different people, in different places that I look like Ozzy Osbourne.

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by kengillam View Post
    Happens to me all the time..... I've got an identical twin brother, I've been accused of being in pubs with blondes, his wife's blonde mines a brunette ( or she was )
    Identical twins are fascinating. Nature's clones. Identical DNA but different fingerprints ....

    (I once squeezed the wrong bottom when I was seeing a guy who has an identical twin. )

  9. #9

    Red face this still makes me cringe

    many years ago i had left my hubby fixing the car and had gone off into town for some retail therapy.
    on arriving back home very pleased with my purchases and in a very good mood i spotted my hubby bent over with his head still under the bonnet of the car.
    sneaking up behind him i grabbed a handfull of "you know whatties" and said in a sultry voice ..keep these babies warm for later..i felt him go ridged( no,,not in that way) and heard a voice behind me say WHY? WHAT YOU GONNA DO WITH HIM?
    in utter horror i turned and saw my hubby walking out the front door with two mugs of tea and my next door neighbour crawling out from under the bonnet with the biggest grin on his face.after they managed to prize me out of the locked bathroom they did see the funny side of it but for a long time after this , all my hubby`s friends bent over when they saw me.

    we have moved house now so i can once again hold my head up in public.

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by maggiethecat View Post
    Identical twins are fascinating. Nature's clones. Identical DNA but different fingerprints ....

    (I once squeezed the wrong bottom when I was seeing a guy who has an identical twin. )
    pmsl could have been worst

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