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Thread: this veil business

  1. #41
    Forum Master pheasantplukka's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dragonmist View Post
    My grandson when small was frightened of Nuns in their Habits with headcoverings hiding their hair. I dread to think how he would have reacted to someone fully covered except for their eyes. I think it would have given him nightmares. No I'm not racist. My children were not allowed to be taught my religion in school, and my grandchildren still can't be taught. Religious tolerance is extended to Sikhs, Moslems, Jews, Hindus et alia, but home grown Pagans are still discriminated against.
    exactly Beryl....

    really , really off to bed now lol >>>>>>>>>>>>>

  2. #42
    Forum Diehard DaisyChain's Avatar
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    I dont think it does seem to be the minority that rule, if it was then im sure there would not be this much hatred, bitterness aimed at immigrants etc.

    im not saying you personally on this, i mean the british as a whole, just everywhere i go i hear, muslim this, polish that, immigrant this...........

    Things in this country are being more and more exagerrated ever since the attacks in london. No one is bothering to read the facts anymore, no one wants to read them, we just want the snippets that feed us the infomation we want to hear............WTF is happening here????. 2 years ago, if this had happened, the media & nation would of cried how disgusting this was that this woman has been made to go against her religion.......

    I feel as if people belive that this woman is forcing her religion upon the kids?, if people feel thats true and we ban veils in schools then we SHOULD ban Xmas as well, in fact we should take the french approacch and keep education and religion completely seperate...............

    A slight change of subject on the terrorist note, let us all picture in our mind of a terrorist NOW.....got it, a muslim with a bombpack? yeah me too.

    Interesting how ten years ago, ask that same question and everyone would of thought of a white guy dressed in combats, a balaclava and an irish accent

    gotta love the media huh
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  3. #43


    Im split on this issue.

    Im very much a ONE RULE FOR ALL, person, dont care what your colour, religion etc ... whats good for the goose ( and all that jazz ).

    I wonder if there was a secret poll for muslim women ONLY to fill in, how many of them would love to ditch the whole garb.

    I have lost count of the times i have been sat on the bus and seen young asian women relaxed and hair on show , only to see her cover it as quick as a flash when she sees an asian man get on the bus.

    As has been pointed out It is not appropriate wear for teaching children in a non muslim school no more than it would be apt for a teacher in a muslim school ( or any school come to that ) with a mini skirt on, low cut top and or other revealing clothes.

    In some cases i see no harm in them wearing them, ( in their free time ) etc ... but they should be FORCED if needs be to toe the line in the work place , along with EVERY other member of staff.

    The points of sympathy i have for muslim women, is in a lot of cases they seem to be DAMNED if they do and DAMNED if they dont. ( I wonder how much imput they have themselves into their dress code ? ) sorry if that apears patronising of muslim women, its just what i have observed. Like you mantomar, i too grew up in a predominetly black and asian area and have seen the way things work from all sides of the fence. Muslim women are STILL downtrodden to an extent, even in this country and so i feel the real issue should be : NOT , Should she be allowed to wear it ? rather DOES she really want to ?

    Taking that aside for a moment and presuming she does want to, then i can only echo other comments that this is not that she is being picked on , more that she is being asked the abide by existing rules.

    LASTLY ... The point about how do we view in our minds eye a terrorist ? Well, i can honestly say ( hand on heart ) that i do NOT automatically think of an asian man carrying a bag, i suspect everyone and no one. My cousin is a muslim and he is as white as the driven snow and id hope no more likely to plant a bomb than any other muslim regardless of skin tone.

    & You can believe that or not. Living where i do, if i suspected every non white person of being a bomber id never leave the house.

  4. #44


    I for one am sick and tired of always being told to consider the feelings of the minorities, to consider their religious or cultural beliefs and to bow down to their chosen way of life, when I see absolutely none of that same consideration coming back the other way.

    WTF should I consider the feelings of anyone who wants to wear clothing that is both devisive and scary (to some) when they clearly couldn't care less about the feelings of people around them?

    WTF should I care whether some outsider who has chosen to move to this country and refuses to join in with our society, finds our way of life to be distasteful to them? If they don't like the way things are round here, then WTF did they come here?

    I'm fed up with being told that my way of life has to give way to others and then being called racist if I dare stand up for my own country's beliefs and historical practices.

    And why, oh why, is it that we in the UK have to always consider the desires of minority groups over our own except in those areas where white, British people are the minority?

  5. #45


    One word can sum up the double standards here ..... HOODIES.

    There was a big fuss about some shopping malls/garages etc banning anybody from wearing a Hoodie on their premises. They were backed by MP's and even civil rights organisations as there was no need to wear the hood up except to avoid identification.

    So why should anybody be allowed to use religion as an excuse to wear an all-concealing Nijab/Burkha or whatever when it is purely a personal (and most likely political)decision, and NOT demanded by their religion ?

  6. #46


    Quote Originally Posted by PATRIOT73 View Post

    Lumme, it's Darth Vader's wife innit!!!!

    May the FARCE be with her!

  7. #47


    Quote Originally Posted by hoverstar View Post
    One word can sum up the double standards here ..... HOODIES.

    There was a big fuss about some shopping malls/garages etc banning anybody from wearing a Hoodie on their premises. They were backed by MP's and even civil rights organisations as there was no need to wear the hood up except to avoid identification.

    So why should anybody be allowed to use religion as an excuse to wear an all-concealing Nijab/Burkha or whatever when it is purely a personal (and most likely political)decision, and NOT demanded by their religion ?
    It's not only HOODIES, many places also display a sign telling motorcyclists to remove their crash helmets, again because it is a way to avoid identification.

    On a personal note I feel it's extremely rude to hide your face when having a conversation, & that includes people who wear very dark reflective sunglasses to hide their eyes, (when they're not in direct sunlight).

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  8. #48


    Quote Originally Posted by Gothicina View Post
    ... that includes people who wear very dark reflective sunglasses to hide their eyes, (when they're not in direct sunlight).
    Those in the military manning check points, civilians at night club doors or folks at other areas where confrontation and interaction is likely, are told that they must remove sunglasses - particularly those reflective ones - as they are a barrier to amicable discussion and are likely to inflame the situation.

    It's just a shame that nobody gave the same lecture to those who wish to wear these veils.

  9. #49
    Forum Diehard GirlPlanet's Avatar
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    Why can't muslims just redesign their attire to suit our country, as it has been said before if we went to their country we would have to abide by the law, their law, if they was to come into my shop or any other shop, just like a man with a helmet on his head it would be asked for them to remove the helmet or leave the premises, so why can't they adapt their gear so the general public whoever it may concern see their face?

  10. #50


    Quote Originally Posted by manstomar View Post

    I feel as if people belive that this woman is forcing her religion upon the kids?, if people feel thats true and we ban veils in schools then we SHOULD ban Xmas as well, in fact we should take the french approacch and keep education and religion completely seperate...............

    not the same is it? though!

    xmas is a once a year traditional thing - getting more tacky each year - and not all Christians celebrate it LOL and as far as i know its not forced down anyones throat thank you very much ! my kid in re has learnt about every single religion in this world - christianity is not promoted or enforced

    not exactly the same is it having carols and plays once a year as day in day out having someone dressed in certain way which MIGHT get some kids to adopt her/his religion or get them to doubt their own- hmmmm

    shes not forcing her religion upon the kids but heck bloody heck she sure would make them think of religion even if she was teaching maths biology street dance pottery or what not!
    dont you see????

    that dress is religious and personal - its not a professional dress like a nun for example - it says that secular and religious life are one and the same

    oh dear maybe i will delete this thread after all

    oh and yes manstomar - education and religion should be kept miles apart= after all we only get educated to get to know the false gods lol xx

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