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Thread: Cocktails!!! and Music

  1. #20591

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Corr... Posbear, not only does he have a good voice but he was on the front row when good looks were handed out .....
    One of my new faves to listen and ogle to!

    Thanks for the doggy pics, I soooo love a German Shepherd, they are just adorable. I so miss not having one in my life.

    Pos, keep yer chin up son, there are so many others much worse off than us here .... yes, it's going to be a hard time to get through, but remember us Brits have stiff upper lips!
    Hugs for you (((((xxx)))))
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  2. #20592

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Hi everyone, just checking in to see if you are all okey-dokey.
    The forums have suddenly gone rather quiet (again).... sad really, as so many of us like to pop in and pass the time of day with our eBid pals.
    I suppose all the terrible things that are going on right now in the world, combined with worries about how we will be able to afford our heating or eating expenses are taking it's toll upon our morale.
    Well, at least the weather is beginning to be a little more springlike. It's such a pleasure to see all the colourful spring flowers bursting into bloom.
    All the lawns need mowing, and there is much work to be done in the gardens.

    We have had a new roof and side panels put onto our little 'hut/shelter' where ole JR and I spend many hours together. It was almost a write off after the horrendous storms we had, the winds blew most of it away!

    The greenhouse is still missing 6 roof panels, JR has managed to repair quite a few of the other shattered panels. I did say "That's IT! ...
    No more greenhouse", blerdy well fed up with forking out good money for perspex panels that lift and snap or take off every time the wind gets to around 50 mph. BUT ... as our kids pointed out to me, JR spends most of the summer pottering around the greenhouse, and they said he needs that recreational hobby to occupy his time.

    Anyone that needs a chat, do pop in .... always a friendly welcome here!

    A choon to enjoy ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KQetemT1sWc

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  3. #20593
    Forum Diehard yellerbelly's Avatar
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    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Hi Not been hear for awhile, not been on the forums much anyway, well Posbear never heard of the guy until looking at it but loved it, especially the Angels but I always love hearing that no matter who is singing it.

    Trish loved the Billy Fury and Marmalade also, I still have Billy Fury on Vinyl from 1963 and remember having a big picture of Billy Fury on the bedroom wall which my older sister put up I was 9 at the time but she was 8 years older than me so used to buy the latest hits but used to play them on an old Wind Up record player until she bought a Dansette, the Marmalade one I had forgotten until I heard the first few bars then it came back and I was able to join in. Driving back from Lincoln last night listening to smooth radio singing along with Roxette, Jennifer Rush and a few moor.

    Sorry to hear your a bit of an insomniac, I understand, I have had some sleepless nights over the past 6 months and it is draining, I now go to bed with a cup of herb tea and a book, read until I start yawning, however some mornings I wake and cannot get back to sleep then end up getting up and get busy in the kitchen but went for my first acupuncture treatment in 2 years at the college yesterday and felt much better for it, slept well, but that could be down to a very busy day.

    Know what you mean about the greenhouse, I bought one of those perspex one's when I moved here but it only lasted a couple of months as one windy night it blew the panels out, all my little seedlings lost so I ended up buying a glass one, I did complain to the company I bought it from but in the end had to do a chargeback as I paid with my credit card, I love my greenhouse but like you had a fright when a huge spider ran across it last week when I moved a bag of sand. Lets hope the sun does come.

    Yes, agree with tou about the terrible time we are living in at moment with rising prices etc and it will be a worry for many of us, but when I see the refugees leaving the Ukraine I realise how lucky I am because one of my relatives could be in amongst them, although I have never met them but hope they will be making for relatives in Poland, just glad my Dad is not around to see it, I have decided to give 20% of any sales I might have to the crisis which at the moment could be 20% of nothing.

    I need to move house this year due to rising site management costs and to somewhere on a bus route but like the sarge with rising house prices at the moment a smaller property will cost me more than I get for mine as the area I live in has a ceiling price and Lincoln is more expensive, so time to photograph and list items to have a clear out.

    Must learn how to put in music recommendations from u tube

    Take care everybody, I'm now off to bed with my herb tea and murder mystery book

  4. #20594
    Forum Diehard Policequilts's Avatar
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    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    The weekend has started for me and who doesn't love

    QUEEN - Bohemian Rhapsody

    And those that are cat people may like - Bohemian Catsody

    And then those females among us may like - Menopause Rhapsody

    Have a great weekend !

  5. #20595

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Oh Police!
    I have just laughed myself outta ma chair!
    I just LOVED your music choices - have forwarded them onto my daughters!
    MORE please!

    Yeller, oh I was such a Billy Fury fan. I used to have a friend called Gladys way back in the 60's/70's and we were both nuts about Billy!
    We used to have pics of him and sing his songs together!

    Sorry to hear about your insomnia -it's awful. I don't have trouble getting off to sleep, it's just that I wake during the night at any time with the need for the toilet. I try and get back to sleep, sometimes I might get another brief snooze, but then I start getting irritable leg syndrome which drives me nuts. My mind goes into overdrive, and it wears me out. I lie in bed waiting for dawn, then decide to make a hot drink and do a sudoku puzzle. I just cannot sleep during the day no matter how little sleep I have had.

    I hope that your relative makes it safely to Poland, and that you manage to relocate to more affordable property.
    I hope that you enjoy your late night cuppa, enjoy a good read, and manage to sleep better! x

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  6. #20596
    Forum Diehard Policequilts's Avatar
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    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Quote Originally Posted by Tropical_Trish View Post
    Oh Police!
    I have just laughed myself outta ma chair!
    I just LOVED your music choices - have forwarded them onto my daughters!
    MORE please!
    Trish, She has some merchandise. On of them was "I was hot, but in a different way" shirt. (Do I hear gifts for those hot flash females)

    I was looking at some of Queens music and I came across the menopause rhapsody song a couple weeks after she published it. Then just a couple weeks ago, I saw the cat one.

    My favorite Queen's song : Queen - I Want To Break Free

    I also like this version. This man has a beautiful voice.

  7. #20597
    Forum Saint HerMajesty's Avatar
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    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Good evening, all! Hope you are well.....I know you are keeping busy!
    Here is a little ditty arranged and performed by a guy from a little town in Iowa where I used to live. Enjoy!

    Ta-Ta for now!


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  8. #20598

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Hi everyone!
    Well it certainly has been a busy time for me, I'm so glad that Mother's Day is over. The melts flew off the shelves, especially the free personalisation ones.
    I haven't done much to promote Easter, I will leave that to other sellers coz I need a bit of a break!
    Summer is a-coming (hard to believe at this moment!) but 'tis true. I want to spend more time with my family, and get out into the garden, which is in need of care. Ole JR can't do a great deal, he finds it difficult to bend or kneel for a while.

    Your Most Gracious Maj, I DID enjoy your "little ditty" from Brassman Bart. I couldn't help but sing along with some norty lyrics that were popular amongst the ranks some eon's ago!

    Police, BRILLIANT choice of choons! I just love Queen, Lucia and I went to the O2 arena to see them, with Adam Lambert as Freddie. (He was very, very good , but nowhere near as talented and charismatic as our Freddie).

    I prepared my evening meal 4 hours ago, and it's sitting in the fridge calling out my name! (It's cheese and onion quiche, home-made coleslaw, baby leaf salad with toms, cucumber etc. and a hard boiled egg with mayo dressing to boot). Seemed like a good idea yesterday as the weather was sunny and warm, but today I wished it was something a little more "warmer" ... like a good chilli con carne or cottage pie!
    The wind has been from the East for ages, and I have felt so cold I have actually wore leggings instead of my usual shorts!

    Now then, POSBEAR..... come on out! Hibernation time is over, we need you to supply this ole rock chick with some of your selections and the same thing applies to our very musical knowledgeable pal books.
    More choons please!

    Did I mention earlier that I'm in love with Andre Rieu? Oh, I'm fascinated by him, he is such a darling . I listen to his music when I'm working late. During the day it's Led Zeppelin, AC/DC, The Who ( just so I can hear Keith Moons drumming) and 60/70's pop/rock amongst other things.
    I also love opera, my favourite composer is Puccini, Lucia and I went to see Madama Butterfly opera live. We both cried our eyes out!

    Well, before I bore y'all to death with my ramblings, I will bid you farewell and leave you with a little treat!
    Help yourself to a cocktail!

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  9. #20599

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Well, seems like I'm rambling on to myself!
    What has happened to the enjoyable, chatty forums?
    (Actually, I think I know, but will not let that bother me, don't fancy getting involved!)

    Our weather here on the East coast has become more settled, after the horrendous winds of late.
    Ole JR and I went out earlier to sit in our little shelter that we call 'the hut'.
    We always enjoy a couple of drinks, do a quiz or puzzle, and spend a bit of time together as I am always working.
    It was wonderfully calm, and the birds entertained us with their frantic too-ing and fro-ing with beaks full of nesting material.
    Mr. Robin and Mr. Blackbird sang their hearts out, whilst the Bluetits amused us with their acrobatic skills at landing on and pecking away at the dangling half coconut shell filled with suet and seeds.
    Sparrows all nesting in our hedges and under the roof. Seagulls have decreased in number, thank goodness!
    Pigeons and Doves driving me mad with their incessant racket, especially early morning.

    It's curry night for us, as per usual JR has devoured his - I'm just enjoying a Courvoisier on the rocks before I settle down to dine and watch tv (no doubt fall asleep after half an hour!)

    I need to get all the kids Easter eggs ordered and cards written, a challenging task for me with so many to see to.
    I will listen to Andre Rieu and refill my glass to spur me on!
    Now then, if this doesn't give you goosebumps ..... it's so pertinent right now.
    Have a listen .... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NveDG8CcQ-A

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  10. #20600

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Hi Ebidders

    All quiet on the Western Front so I'll leave you with my lone daffodil. I have no idea what happened to the other bulbs lol

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