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Thread: Feedback does help with sales.

  1. #11
    Forum Diehard theElench's Avatar
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    Default Re: Feedback does help with sales.

    I could live with that idea, more so if it was back-dated so to speak. I've been here four years so would miss out, but if I could import it now for one year I would. Another thing I thought was that imported FB could be in a different colour. Anything that shows that I am an experienced seller with consistently happy buyers can only give others more confidence to click the BUY button.

    Seems to me that the longer I'm here with very little FB the worse I look to those who don't take the trouble to read what I have got, it is all positive. With my join date and FB score displayed it doesn't give a very good impression, I sometimes think it's become like an "avoid" sign.
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  2. #12

    Default Re: Feedback does help with sales.

    " I think that the importing of feedback is OK when a seller has just started selling on eBid. It indicates that this seller is not completely new to selling and has some kind of record of successful selling. "

    What if the importer has previously only bought?

    (By the way, I couldn't 'reply with quote', the forum just sat there spinning. But on another thread, later, it worked ok... came back here, reloaded the page [ctrl+f5], 'reply with quote' still broken)
    Click for bargain auctions!

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  3. #13

    Default Re: Feedback does help with sales.

    Quote Originally Posted by theElench View Post
    I could live with that idea, more so if it was back-dated so to speak. I've been here four years so would miss out, but if I could import it now for one year I would. Another thing I thought was that imported FB could be in a different colour. Anything that shows that I am an experienced seller with consistently happy buyers can only give others more confidence to click the BUY button.

    Seems to me that the longer I'm here with very little FB the worse I look to those who don't take the trouble to read what I have got, it is all positive. With my join date and FB score displayed it doesn't give a very good impression, I sometimes think it's become like an "avoid" sign.
    Elench - I didn't know there was a time limit for importing feedback from other sites?? I've been a member here for 10 years, although it's only been the past year that I've been active. A couple of months ago I checked out a site that I had sold on 10 years ago and discovered they still had all my feedback and was able to get it imported. If you are still a member of that other site, contact customer support and ask about getting that feedback imported.

    When you sell specialty items like art glass or other collectible/antique/vintage items, you are selling to a very limited audience and sales can be few and far between - waiting until just the right person comes along that has been looking for exactly what you are offering. Then if you are lucky, half of them will leave you feedback. And rarely do you sell more than one item at a time. When a seller has small, lightweight items for sale (NOT picking on stamp sellers ) they might sell 10-20 items in one sale and get 10-20 separate feedbacks. That makes them appear to be very successful!

    If my imported feedback was deleted after one year, I'd have a total of 14 feedback entries, with most of them being from YDC sales & purchases and eBid Buddy point purchases as most of my buyers have been "first timers" on eBid and do not leave feedback. That wouldn't build much buyer confidence, especially if they were new to the site. Without imported feedback a buyer would not know that I have had 1,376 other very happy buyers during the 16 years I have been selling online. Granted, that only works out to be an average of 86 sales per year but that's still pretty good for a "niche market" seller.

    Just had to add this quote taken from an article on another thread ( http://www.ebid.net/forums/showthrea...-Lookie-Lookie ) :

    "To avoid falling victim to these internet crimes, you should research the seller. One of your first steps should be to view the seller's profile and read any feedback left by other buyers. If anything looks suspicious or the seller has poor feedback, avoid them."
    Last edited by Shesawaya38485; 24th January 2017 at 03:14 PM.

  4. #14
    Forum Diehard theElench's Avatar
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    Default Re: Feedback does help with sales.

    Hi Shesawaya,

    I understand and agree with what you say, I have said similar on this or other threads. I was replying to #10 where they said imported FB should only be allowed for new sellers here and deleted after a year. My original point was that anything that gives buyers that extra bit of confidence to actually buy is worth trying and I'd settle for imported FB for one year rather than, as is the case now, no imported FB.

    I have not taken out the £50 lifetime membership so cannot import my FB. I understand that the privilege is part of rhe lifetime membership package and would be willing to pay to be able to import my FB. If members are facing an uphill struggle to sell here already I think it is short-sighted to prevent some sellers using this tool to improve their chances of success.

    We all want ebid to succeed, we all came here to sell but not all of us have thousands of items to list or the time to list them if we did have, so lifetime membership does not make sense for everyone.
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  5. #15

    Default Re: Feedback does help with sales.

    Quote Originally Posted by theElench View Post
    Hi Shesawaya,

    I understand and agree with what you say, I have said similar on this or other threads. I was replying to #10 where they said imported FB should only be allowed for new sellers here and deleted after a year. My original point was that anything that gives buyers that extra bit of confidence to actually buy is worth trying and I'd settle for imported FB for one year rather than, as is the case now, no imported FB.

    I have not taken out the £50 lifetime membership so cannot import my FB. I understand that the privilege is part of rhe lifetime membership package and would be willing to pay to be able to import my FB. If members are facing an uphill struggle to sell here already I think it is short-sighted to prevent some sellers using this tool to improve their chances of success.

    We all want ebid to succeed, we all came here to sell but not all of us have thousands of items to list or the time to list them if we did have, so lifetime membership does not make sense for everyone.
    Hey, El

    Since I did get the Lifetime membership, I didn't realize that importing feedback was a "perk" that doesn't come with all memberships. I agree with "If members are facing an uphill struggle to sell here already I think it is short-sighted to prevent some sellers using this tool to improve their chances of success." I don't know how many active members are affected by the inability to import feedback but it might be worth talking it over with the support staff. Anything that improves an individual seller's success makes the site more successful as a whole.

    The rest of my comment was in response to #10 also and I should have made that clear. I do have thousands of items to list - just not the time to get them done right now, but I'm working on it! I have 8 large totes taking up space in my living room full of items ready to list - hope to get those done this coming week. In the meantime, having few items listed and most buyers not being courteous enough to leave feedback, deleting my imported feedback would leave me in the situation you described:

    "Seems to me that the longer I'm here with very little FB the worse I look to those who don't take the trouble to read what I have got, it is all positive. With my join date and FB score displayed it doesn't give a very good impression, I sometimes think it's become like an "avoid" sign."

    Best of luck to you!!


  6. #16
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    Default Re: Feedback does help with sales.

    Thanks for your good wishes, I'll carry on listing and hoping for the occaisional sale here. I'm not sure talking to the support team would do much good. The management will have figures for sales and the number of sellers who come and go having sold little or nothing. What I, and very likely others over the years, am suggesting isn't rocket science, is it.
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  7. #17
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    Default Re: Feedback does help with sales.

    Hi, I have tried to send you a reply to your private message but my "Sent" folder still shows as being empty. I'm not used to the message system here so am not sure whether it was sent to you or not. Hope you got it OK.
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  8. #18

    Default Re: Feedback does help with sales.

    Quote Originally Posted by theElench View Post
    Hi, I have tried to send you a reply to your private message but my "Sent" folder still shows as being empty. I'm not used to the message system here so am not sure whether it was sent to you or not. Hope you got it OK.
    Yes, I did - 3 times LOL!! I've been busy with YDC sales and will reply soon.

  9. #19
    Forum Diehard theElench's Avatar
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    Default Re: Feedback does help with sales.

    Ooops, sorry about that. My sent folder still says zero. I expect my settings are wrong or some such.
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