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Thread: Murano Glass - what do you know about it?

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    Default Murano Glass - what do you know about it?

    Hi Everyone

    I was wanting to get an opinion on what my fellow members know about Murano Glass. It has been loved the world over since the late 13th century and I am always keen to get peoples opinion and thoughts on what they know, and more importantly what they don't know or have every wanted help with. I look forward to discussing things with you

    Best wishes

    Dean Cato

  2. #2
    Forum Master JaBek1's Avatar
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    Default Re: Murano Glass - what do you know about it?

    Doesn't Murano Glass have to be produced on the island of that same name near Venice in order to legally be called by that name? Or am I confusing it with another type of glass.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Murano Glass - what do you know about it?

    HI Everyone

    Thanks very much for your replies and interest as it is very encouraging that so many of you are wanting more information.

    Let me answer each question in turn


    Q. Dean , is all murano art glass signed on each piece by the artist

    This is the one sure way to make sure that the piece you have purchased in indeed Authentic / Genuine Murano. The way in which the furnaces on Murano work and their are only a handful of them, is that they will bring a boatload of tourists to a mini furnace where a Master glass blower of Maestro will make a simple horse or other piece of glass, then they will take the crown into a room where no pieces have any prices on them and the furnace will then try to get the interested parties to pay what they think you will pay based on your look, dress etc. Many furnaces will produce pieces and the master or the furnace will then sign each piece (normally) and apply the furnace label authenticating that the piece was indeed made in Murano. Let me explain - on the island group of Murano, there are approximately 176 individual showrooms each of which may have a display furnace where you can see the master at work but there are less than a dozen. Most of the furnaces due to their size are located on the mainland and ship their products to the showrooms for the visitors and this is only due to space restrictions on the islands of Murano.

    Most piece of authentic Murano glass are signed by the master or carry and engraved signature of the furnace that produced the item. Check for a label, engraved or etched signature and always ask for a Certificate of Authenticity and every furnace that takes pride in their work will happily provide this for you. So in summary, pieces that are specifically commissioned for customers will carry either an engraved signature, an impressed glass disk on pieces such as chandeliers and are issued with a COA. I hope this answers your question but if not, please don't hesitate to ask

    Member - JABEK

    Q2. Doesn't Murano Glass have to be produced on the island of that same name near Venice in order to legally be called by that name? Or am I confusing it with another type of glass.

    For ANY piece of glass to be labeled as AUTHENTIC Murano Glass, it MUST be made on the island of Venice or by a showroom which has a furnace on the mainland and has a display showroom somewhere in Venice. If it is not made in Venice or by a furnace that has a showroom on the island, then IT IS NOT AUTHENTIC MURANO GLASS. In mid 2010, a furnace in Venice was prosecuted by the Carbaniere for selling fake imported Chinese Jewelry and other small items. What happened was that the furnace imported fake goods and placed these fake items with applied Murano glass labels amongst genuine items - most disconcerting indeed. The haul was over 11 million items totaling 16 Million USD which was a massive haul. This was the first case I have every heard of and I don't think it has happened since by BUYER BEWARE and only deal with a reputable furnace or dealer that can GUARANTEE you of the items authenticity as being produced in Venice.


    Q3. i read that there were 4 or 5 factories on the island where murano glass is made , many famous artist were hired over the years to produce items for murano , there is alot of illegal copies out there also

    Answer - Let me assure everyone that their are many furnaces that have Showroom on the islands of Murano, 176 at last count and only less than 12 have actual physical furnaces on an island that makes up part of the venetian chain of island called Murano. You are 100% correct that furnaces did indeed hire and still do today, many world-renowned artists that design pieces for the furnaces and the master glass blowers (Maestri) then produce these designs in limited editions. Furnaces such as Formia Murano work with world renowned designers such as Hilton McConnico and others to produce limited edition exclusive glass sculptures for the company. When it comes to illegal copies, the Chinese flood the market with fake Murano Glass. Unless the piece was made either on Murano or by a furnace that is based on the mainland of Venice, then it is 100% FAKE. eBay is flooded with pieces that claim to be from Murano but they simply are as fake as the day is long. If it is not sold by a reputable dealer who can provide you with a 100% ironclad guarantee that the item was produced by a Maestro in Venice, then do not even entertain the idea. If it wasn't made in Venice, then it is not AUTHENTIC Murano / Venetian glass. It is as simply as that.

    Thanks again for your input and questions and keep them coming. I will try to answer each one as quickly as possible.



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    Default Re: Murano Glass - what do you know about it?


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