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Thread: What A Mighty God we Serve!

  1. #1281
    Forum Saint burgyeb's Avatar
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    Default Re: What A Mighty God we Serve!



    Youmeus - (1/1) Praying the New Year will be God focused - (1/13) Linda reports focusing on God's grace in her devotions & sharing about it with others

    Burgyeb -(1/1) Praying the New Year will be God focused -(1/14) Ava reports focusing on God's Word in her daily devotions & striving to live it.

    Luvintage- (1/2) Needs strength to act in wisdom for challenges being faced in her life

    Charlene, neighbor of Youmeus - (1/13) Had recent mastectomy, awaiting tx decisions, & is a widow who farms.

    Sofiag1964 (Sophia) - (1/17) Praise Report: "my sister is doing well & continue to improve since diagnosed with brain embolism; my niece Taya still improving & doesn't need oxygen tank as much due to the swine flu." Also praising God for blessing her with 6 months of free rent in her first shop.

    Sofiag1964 (Sophia)- (1/17) Requesting prayer for her fibromyalgia condition that is putting a strain on her physical strength as she runs her business.

    Hopeful2 (Sandy) - (1/17) Requesting continued prayers for her daughter Rene who has been struggling with cardiac problems. Rene is also homebound and is in need of prayers for the prosperity of her business of making & selling jewelry online. Rene's restoration to a state of wholeness in spirit, mind & body is the focus of prayer. [Jeremiah 33:3]

    Youmeus - (1/23) Is requesting prayers due to a very difficult week for her & her loved one's. Oh's Uncle was admitted to a facility due to Alzheimers. Neighbor with cancer awaiting source & treatment information. Her brother had surgery on Thursday for removal of a portion of his colon. ADIL's father had an aneurism, & it reportedly looks bad.

    Youmeus (Linda) had a doctor's appointment & was scheduled for a total hip replacement on Feb. 14th. Prayers for God's peace & strength needed to help Linda and her loved ones meet these difficult challenges. (3/8/2011) Linda reports on continuing to feel better since her successful hip surgery on Valentine's Day (2/14/11).

    Update (1/27) Youmeus reported family of DIL made decision to take father off life support on 1/26/11 and he passed away 3 hours later. Continue to pray for the families peace and strength. Also neighbor, Frank will be starting a treatment plan for esophageal cancer. Continue prayers for him that the treatment plan will be effective and that he will be able to tolerate the treatments.

    Youmeus - (1/30) Linda is thankful to God for providing traveling mercies for their family who attended DIL's father's funeral. She shared testimony of her DIL (Joy) concerning her father's passing (see 1/27 update above & post # 1076).

    Youmeus - (3/8) Linda is thankful for the many prayers received for her hip surgery on 2/14/11; she is in self-directed rehab & recovering nicely. PTL! (4/10/11) Linda continues to receive good reports from her doctor on her hip surgery success. Praise The LORD!

    Gramma1111 - (4/8) Pray for Jackie as she is dealing with illness in her family. Pray for Jackie's strength and family peace.

    Rene' (Hopeful2's Daughter) - (4/8) Sandy has requested continued prayers for her daughter Rene' who has chronic cardiac problems. Please continue to stand on Jeremiah 33:3 for a wholeperson healing from the LORD. Nothing is too hard for God! PTL! (see 1/17/11 request above).

    United States of America - (5/23/11) LORD we lift our Nation to you and ask that you would restore this Nation once again to be One Nation Under God Indivisible With Liberty and Justice For All. Let your blessing roll down like the waters. Still the ravages of natural disasters that are destroying our beautiful Nation. Bless our leaders at every level, make them mindful of your sovereignity and power, and obedient to your laws and commands. LORD heal our land and it's people. Thank you LORD for being a God who hears and answers prayer. Amen.

    (UPDATE 10/2/11 As Requested by Poppa501) Continued fervent prayers going up for the great Nation of the United States of America. May she be restored to her rightful place as "One Nation Under God." Strenghthen our Nation spiritually, morally, socially, economically, and in all ways make us whole. Bless our leadership, make them mindful of your requirements LORD; give them the wisdom and understanding they need to justly govern this great Nation. Amen.

    Will and Family in Joplin Missouri - (5/24/11) LORD we lift up Will & his family to you and ask that his location & status be determined; give Will's family peace during this devastating tragedy. LORD continue to minister to the needs of all the tornado devastated communities in Joplin Missouri, Minnesota, Oklahoma, Kansas, and other mid-western and central USA states. Continue to restore the devastated Southern States from tornado damage. LORD please heal our land. Thank you LORD for being a God who hears and answers prayer. Amen.

    HerMajesty - (7/17/11) - Prayer request renewed for Nancy (cousin of HerMajesty) for a miraculous intervention from God, as she receives radiation therapy to her back for her lung cancer (non-smoker). LORD please touch Nancy and give her relief from her pain. Make the radiation therapy effective in destroying the cancer cells, and sparing the surrounding normal tissue. Bless Nancy and her young family with your peace. Thank you LORD for being with Nancy and her family during her 1&1/2 years of treatment. Thank you for being a God who cares about our troubles and pain. Amen.

    Burgyeb - (7/22/11) - Prayers for Oslo, Norway terrorist attacks on the political center and the youth camp. Prayers for family & friends of the youth who were killed, injured, or terrorized by the attacks. Prayer that the responsible party(s) be captured & brought to justice. (Within Days of Attack) Perpetrator turned himself in to the law; processed for trial. (8/28/11) Continued prayers needed for all those affected by the trauma inflicted on the Nation of Norway.

    Burgyeb - (8/8/11) - Prayers for the Nation of England for the mass rioting & unrest among the youth and the damage caused to many properties and businesses.
    (8/28/11) Continued prayers for all citizens of England who were negatively impacted by the rioting. Praying that the Nation will be strengthened as they go about pulling their Nation together again.

    Burgyeb - (8/26/11) - Prayers for the East Coast of the United States of America that Hurricaine Irene be weakened as it travels up the East Coast.

    (Quote From Post 1190 on 8/27/11 - PRAISE)

    Thank you LORD for weakening the storm to a category 1 as it reached North Carolina. I pray that you would continue to weaken this storm as it travels up the East Coast. Protect the communities impacted by this storm. Shield lower Manhattan and NYC from storm damage. Protect the infra-structure of the City. Minimize personal injury and any loss of life related to this storm. I ask these things in the matchless Name of Jesus Christ. Thank you LORD for being a God who hears and answers prayers. Amen

    (Quote From Post 1192 on 8/28/11 - PRAISE)
    Thank you LORD for being a God who hears and answers prayers. Thank you that the storm was significantly weakened as it entered New York. Thank you for it's down-grading. Thank you for limiting the loss of human lives to 10 people across the entire East Coast. Please be with those families who lost loved one; 4 in North Carolina, 3 in Virginia, 1 in Florida, 1 in New Jersey, and 1 (?). Help those who have sufferred property damage and loss of power. Thank you LORD for your continual presence, protection, provision, and goodness. Amen.

    (UPDATE 8/28/11) Total of 14 lives reported lost. Pray for all families & friends affected by the loss of loved ones.
    (UPDATE 8/29/11) Total of 35 lives reported lost in ten States. Connecticut (2), Florida (2), Maryland (1), Massachusetts (1), New Jersey (6), New York (6), North Carolina (6), Pennsylvania (5), Vermont (2), & Virginia (4)
    (UPDATE 8/30/11) Total of 41 lives reported lost in 12 States. Please continue to pray for all impacted by storm

    Dardonboi- (11/15/11) Dardonboi is requesting prayers for the LORD's strength and guidance in the new position as Coordinator for the Salvation Army's Red Kettle Program in Boise, Idaho. She and her husband will be serving in the capacity of Coordinators, so both will need our prayers. This is a six week assignment, that begins 11/17/11. May the LORD also bless the Salvation Army as an organization in Boise, throughout the USA, and worldwide.

    [Quote From Dardonboi 11/23/11 @ Post # 1242 - PRAISE]
    Wanted to report that we so far have been way ahead of last years figures. Praise the LORD!
    Everything is running smoothly so far........... Since we are not spring checkens anymore please pray for strength.

    [Quote From Dardonboi 12/09/11 @ Post # 1264 -PRAISE] - Updated praise report (Kettle Program 35% over last year); and request for added strength has been granted by the LORD. Amen.

    (11/17/11) Prayers for the South Eastern Corridor of the USA needed for individuals and families impacted by at least 19 tornados. Please pray for their recovery efforts, that there will be limited loss of life, and that power will be restored as soon as possible.


  2. #1282
    Forum Saint burgyeb's Avatar
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    Default Re: What A Mighty God we Serve!

    Wishing all a blessed Christmas celebration, honoring the birth of our Lord and Saviour Jesus the Christ. May your holiday season be fillled with the peace of God and the joy of family and friends!

  3. #1283
    Forum Master ropegg's Avatar
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    Default Re: What A Mighty God we Serve!

    Quote Originally Posted by burgyeb View Post
    Wishing all a blessed Christmas celebration, honoring the birth of our Lord and Saviour Jesus the Christ. May your holiday season be fillled with the peace of God and the joy of family and friends!
    What Burgy said and I don't mind if it is a double dose.
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    God Bless and have a great day!!!!

  4. #1284
    Forum Diehard RatDog's Avatar
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    Default Re: What A Mighty God we Serve!

    Against You, You only, have I sinned,
    And done this evil in Your sight -
    That You may be found just when You speak,
    And blameless when You judge
    (Psalm 51:4)

  5. #1285
    Forum Saint burgyeb's Avatar
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    Default Re: What A Mighty God we Serve!

    Was it partaking of a double portion of Christmas dinner or was it more along the lines of what the Apostle Paul did, before his Damascus Road experience. Either way, if you confess to him, he is faithful and just to forgive..........

  6. #1286
    Forum Diehard RatDog's Avatar
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    Default Re: What A Mighty God we Serve!

    Quote Originally Posted by burgyeb View Post
    Was it partaking of a double portion of Christmas dinner or was it more along the lines of what the Apostle Paul did, before his Damascus Road experience. Either way, if you confess to him, he is faithful and just to forgive..........
    Amen .

    The Lord is righteous in all His ways,
    Gracious in all His works.
    The Lord is near to all who call upon Him,
    To all who call upon Him in truth.
    He will fulfill the desire of those who fear Him;
    He also will hear their cry and save them. . . .
    My mouth shall speak the praise of the Lord,
    And all flesh shall bless His holy name
    Forever and ever.
    Psalm 145:17-19, 21

  7. #1287
    Forum Saint burgyeb's Avatar
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    Default Re: What A Mighty God we Serve!

    Quote Originally Posted by RatDog View Post
    Amen .

    The Lord is righteous in all His ways,
    Gracious in all His works.
    The Lord is near to all who call upon Him,
    To all who call upon Him in truth.
    He will fulfill the desire of those who fear Him;
    He also will hear their cry and save them. . . .
    My mouth shall speak the praise of the Lord,
    And all flesh shall bless His holy name
    Forever and ever.
    Psalm 145:17-19, 21
    Yes, He is so awesome. Amen.

  8. #1288
    Forum Saint burgyeb's Avatar
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    Well, here we are at the last day of the year! Praise the LORD for blessing us all to have seen another year. God continued to to be faithful during 2011 in so many ways. He has met many of us at our point of need, spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and financially. Even during times of turmoil, upheaval, and distress; the LORD's presence and peace has been a sustaining anchor.

    There have been those who have requested prayers during 2011 that cover the spectrum of whole person need. Prayers for spiritual growth and strength, physical healing and restoration, mental and emotional healing, financial stability and properity, a multitude of natural disasters, and prayers for Nations/States/Cities and our leaders.

    Thank God for the praise reports that have come in this year for answered prayers. There are also many requests that are either seemingly unanswered or still in need of continued prayers. As we move into the year 2012, please remember to pray for those on the 2011 prayer list who have not reported an answer to prayer. Also, if you have received an answer to your prayer(s), please let us know, so that we can add to the praise report in 2012.

    For any who would like to review the first summary report, that actually covered a 2 & 1/3 year time frame, that report can be found at page 104, post # 1039 or on page 128, post # 1271. The first report was titled "Summary Report For 'What A Mighty God We Serve' August 14, 2008 - December 31, 2010"

    In the coming new year..............."The LORD bless thee, and keep thee: The LORD make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee: The LORD lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace." Numbers 6:24-26 KJV


  9. #1289

  10. #1290

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