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Thread: Loving ebid already!

  1. #31


    welcome to all new ebiders, i to have today got the dreaded email from the dark side about my dsrs for p&p. i only charge at cost, but it seems some buyers expect it to be sent for free. i discount on p&p for multiple puchases wherever possible. i have been, and at the moment still do sell on the other site (until they take more action against me). the good news is, and this may be of interest to new sellers to ebid, in the last couple of weeks my sales here are higher than on feebay. there probably are a few reasons for this, however, the signs are that ebid is definately getting busier, and its nice to know that i will not be threatened and cajolled on ebid into doing something i do not want, just to swell their coffers.
    i really do believe that greedbay are leaning on small sellers like myself just for me to to pay higher fees, so my listings will be seen. i think the next email i will get will tell me that i HAVE to give free p&p. on an item that sells for 99p (p&p costs me 69p), paypal charges = 27P final value fee 10p, they will leave me no choice whatsoever.

  2. #32

    Default Greedbay

    Have had this problem myself this week. I charge P&P at cost plus @ 60p for packing which I think is fair but some buyers want everything for nothing!! I think they are having a purge on sellers for some reason. Good way to push us over to Ebid I think!!

    Quote Originally Posted by HobbyHabitat View Post
    welcome to all new ebiders, i to have today got the dreaded email from the dark side about my dsrs for p&p. i only charge at cost, but it seems some buyers expect it to be sent for free. i discount on p&p for multiple puchases wherever possible. i have been, and at the moment still do sell on the other site (until they take more action against me). the good news is, and this may be of interest to new sellers to ebid, in the last couple of weeks my sales here are higher than on feebay. there probably are a few reasons for this, however, the signs are that ebid is definately getting busier, and its nice to know that i will not be threatened and cajolled on ebid into doing something i do not want, just to swell their coffers.
    i really do believe that greedbay are leaning on small sellers like myself just for me to to pay higher fees, so my listings will be seen. i think the next email i will get will tell me that i HAVE to give free p&p. on an item that sells for 99p (p&p costs me 69p), paypal charges = 27P final value fee 10p, they will leave me no choice whatsoever.

  3. #33


    Quote Originally Posted by darklisruthven View Post
    I am selling tons of things (and more to be listed) from having a huge and strict clear out, but I think that anyone (individual or business) can use Ebid. EvilBay is far more for businesses now, look how they are treating individual sellers now You are better off here even if sales are slower because you can list as much as you need to clear out, and relist as often as you need, without all the other crazy "rules".
    It would agree too, and you can't beat the $49 Seller +, you could use it for the next 20 years and save on every item listed. Going for less membership because you might sell less would be more expensive in long run.

    Everyone sells different stuff in different amounts, etc. Its a neat idea to open 5 stores, pack them full and just keep an eye on them. That is way different from our technique over there. No way could I take a chance on listing odd things I picked up cheap. The fees would have killed me if they took a while to sell over there. Here I have spoons, dolls, books, linens, and can easily try some unusual thing without being out money. And that is how people shop, I don't go into a store with 20 items, I want to see 200 or 2000. That is fun to shop.

    Whether people are starting out large or small, they should read all the forums and use different techniques listed. Keep tweeking according to the suggestions until you start to sell. Then you know everything is in place and at optimum for viewing. i.e. just because you only have 20 items, does not mean they have to sit there for a year waiting for first sale. Make the changes and make the sales.

  4. #34


    Quote Originally Posted by trinketbox View Post
    Have had this problem myself this week. I charge P&P at cost plus @ 60p for packing which I think is fair but some buyers want everything for nothing!! I think they are having a purge on sellers for some reason. Good way to push us over to Ebid I think!!
    Yes, but looking back I think when that happened I was really dealing with someone in competition with me. Some people would take alternate name or names, buy from you, complain like crazy and then neg you. Then they used those alternative accounts to bid on their other items, so their final prices went up.

    After I left there I ran into so many people who admitted doing both. Yikes. That is why no one has alternative accounts here and they are very fussy about certain things. i.e. you getting bids from your own computer, or one that is nearby. Keeps it honest. I like the thought that I know exactly who I am dealing with. A couple of clicks and you have their about me page.

  5. #35


    Quote Originally Posted by trinketbox View Post
    I find they take the buyers word every time no matter what it does to the seller. But then they have already taken their fees so they don't care!! This person has left me 5 lots of neutral feedback, very nasty piece of work. Of course, after 2 emails to the site there is still no reply, will get a chance to call them tomorrow and air my views!!

    Yes, I made the passport holders, very cute! Hoping to move a few auctions over every day if I can. Some have got bids so at least they will sell over there, but the others will come over here. I know it's a bit quieter here but at least people are friendly. Strangely enough, 30 minutes after sending the first email my auctions started getting views so who knows what they're up to!

    Thanks for the encouragement!
    Good for you! If you notice just views and few sales after a few weeks come back and we can work out some tweeks to try to get the sales coming. Most sales come from google, but you can also get ebid members to buy, your old customers, and do some marketing on your own for sales.

    Forums have these tips too, but sometimes it take somone looking at your listings and spotting something you missed to get the problem solved.

    Someone always here to help you.

  6. #36

    Default Thank you

    I mostly sell the items I have bought over the years and never used/not used much, I am a hoarder!! But I also make and sell when I have time to sit at a sewing machine for a few hours.

    The views are increasing a little :-) Everyone who has ever bought from me (apart from nasty customer the other day) has now had an email with the Ebid details. And every item I have left over there will be emblazoned with a sticker on the package with it as well.

    Thanks for the info. I won't be doing too much until the end of May so their action won't make much difference just yet, but that's not the point. But after that time I hope to be on here and selling bargains galore!!

    Quote Originally Posted by deltadelta48 View Post
    Good for you! If you notice just views and few sales after a few weeks come back and we can work out some tweeks to try to get the sales coming. Most sales come from google, but you can also get ebid members to buy, your old customers, and do some marketing on your own for sales.

    Forums have these tips too, but sometimes it take somone looking at your listings and spotting something you missed to get the problem solved.

    Someone always here to help you.

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