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Thread: How many of you don't wash your hair?

  1. #341


    Well done Kimbo.

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  2. #342

    Default Day 23, update on hairdressers

    Just back from the hairdressers. My hair is in beautiful condition and so soft according to the hairdresser. Then I told her and she said there is a growing trend away from pooing.

    She did recommend I try a dry shampoo though as it's looking greasy on top, although it isn't greasy. Don't think I'll bother, will just wait for my hair to self-adjust.

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  3. #343
    Forum Saint shezz's Avatar
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    Everyone is doing a great job on here keep everyone up to date

    I have a slight problem, I've still got my hair up but looking at that piccy of my hair it looks ok

    why dont i feel ok about it, is it because for so long it's been like a bush
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  4. #344
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    Your hair's started adjusting, now you've got to work on your head.

    Go shopping with it down. Or to the PO. Unimportant stuff, while you get used to the idea.

  5. #345


    Quote Originally Posted by shezz View Post
    Everyone is doing a great job on here keep everyone up to date

    I have a slight problem, I've still got my hair up but looking at that piccy of my hair it looks ok

    why dont i feel ok about it, is it because for so long it's been like a bush

    Did you wear your hair up a lot before you started no-pooing? Is that what you mean...it was like a bush before so you wore it up all the time? Because it's certainly no bush now - it looks lovely I suggest you take more pic of the back of your head to remind you how good your hair is looking now.

  6. #346
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    Quote Originally Posted by ruthiewildchild View Post
    Did you wear your hair up a lot before you started no-pooing? Is that what you mean...it was like a bush before so you wore it up all the time? Because it's certainly no bush now - it looks lovely I suggest you take more pic of the back of your head to remind you how good your hair is looking now.
    I have always had thick aussy hair, all my life , i had it chemically straightend and reallly really loved it, looked so human , then it started to frizzy up so after about 18 months went and had it done again, this time it was done by a trainee who done it wrong and it started to snap of and fall out, lost loads of it , i wore it down for a few months then ended up putting it up, so for about 2 years i have worn it tied back for work, only letting it down at home where no one can see it, i see that pic and think it looks brill ish, but cant bring myself to wear it down anywhere

    bykimbo is right need to sort my head out i think
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  7. #347
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    Not sure the daily updates make sense right now, but I don't want anybody thinking I've flunked or bottled. Reached something of a plateau - lots of movement, feels fine with a slight lanolin note to it, looks like I've over-done the hair products a bit. To be honest, I could probably live with this as is, and might well choose to do so if it doesn't get even better. It's such a pleasure not doing the shampoo thing, and while it's not quite as good as a pre-project good hair day, it's nowhere near as bad as a pre-project bad hair day. If I'm silent on the subject for a few days, assume nothing's changed.

  8. #348
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    Know what your saying, as mine dont seem to of changed much, went round my step mums last night

    her reaction was, she loved the colour and said it felt softer, all she knows is that i dyed it in the henna, she knows nowt about the not pooing, yet seems she not noticed that part

    just another ? i've noticed a tiny change in my face skin condition, not sure if it owt to do with the pooing, or my imagination

    anyone else feeling a change in it
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  9. #349


    Thought I'd give this no shampooing a go after reading this very long thread! Tried it for about 3 days just rinsing with warm water, but it got pretty oily and stringy. My hair is long, about mid-back and fairly thick. I think this experiment may have to wait till fall as we've got company coming over the summer months - don't want to look like a greaseball!

    As for everything else, we stick to natural, preferably organic soaps, household cleaners etc., and I ruthlessly read the labels and look up every ingredient I don't know. I've got a natural zinc based deodorant that works great, you only have to put it on about once a week.

    I've also stopped using so much soap on my skin after reading that washing with soap after sun exposure stops your body from producing the Vitamin D it needs. So I try and use the soap only about every 3 days, just rinse with warm water in between .... I wash the stinky bits with soap daily though, couldn't stand myself otherwise! LOL!

  10. #350
    Forum Saint shezz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Riverwood View Post
    Thought I'd give this no shampooing a go after reading this very long thread! Tried it for about 3 days just rinsing with warm water, but it got pretty oily and stringy. My hair is long, about mid-back and fairly thick. I think this experiment may have to wait till fall as we've got company coming over the summer months - don't want to look like a greaseball!

    As for everything else, we stick to natural, preferably organic soaps, household cleaners etc., and I ruthlessly read the labels and look up every ingredient I don't know. I've got a natural zinc based deodorant that works great, you only have to put it on about once a week.

    I've also stopped using so much soap on my skin after reading that washing with soap after sun exposure stops your body from producing the Vitamin D it needs. So I try and use the soap only about every 3 days, just rinse with warm water in between .... I wash the stinky bits with soap daily though, couldn't stand myself otherwise! LOL!
    At least you gave it a go, and maybe later on you can try it again.
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