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Thread: How many of you don't wash your hair?

  1. #51
    Forum Saint shezz's Avatar
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    I'm going to give it a try, my shelf is exactly as your's was Ruthie, let's hope it get's to what yours is like now
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  2. #52


    I just have to wash my hair... They are very greasy. I used to wash them everyday as they looked so bad otherwise. But I have to admit that all that washing made them more greasy so I have hunted high and low to do something to reduce the greasiness and now I wash them every 2 days which to me is already a giant step forward... I have discovered that greasing hair before washing them can reduce the production of sebum and it is with olive oil mixed with essential oils that I do the job. Hopefully I will manage to reduce the washing to twice or three times a week but I doubt I could go any further than that. The major problem being the fact that my scalp gets very itchy too and I think if I ever tried not to wash my hair for more than a few days I would probably scratch my head to bleeding point! Disgusting I know! I will therefore not talk of the smell and go hiding back in cupboard....

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  3. #53


    All those posting above should be grateful they have some hair to wash! At least I save on the cost of shampoo!

  4. #54


    I haven't used any type of shampoo in close to 30 years. Whenever I take my daily shower, I just use the bar soap I'm showering with and run it through my hair to make a lather, scrub the scalp, and rinse it off. I guess that still qualifies as washing it though.

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  5. #55
    Forum Diehard
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    I'm having to have a little giggle at this thread because I have very few chemicals in my home at all. In fact I actually bought some washing up liquid a few weeks ago which is the first 'real' washing up liquid I've bought for a long time.
    When I meet people who use the 'standard' preparations, deoderant, hairspray, clothes softeners, stuff like that, the chemical odour is almost overwhelming - it's like walking into a wall of perfume, most unpleasant. But because it's the norm I don't think most people realise it.

  6. #56


    Wow..I have never heard of this! My hair is long and thick. It is down to my buttocks. I wash it once a week. I just have to otherwise it becomes very greasy and heavy and very stringy. My scalp starts to itch alot too. I could not imagine not washing it. When I do wash it, my hair comes to life and feels amazing! I just wonder if alot of people are using the wrong type of shampoo...

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  7. #57
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    Think about it ... there are groups of people all over the world that either never wash their hair or just rinse it in water.
    Then think about all the residues that are left in your hair after applying whatever it is you apply (I think you'll find most hairdressers tell you that products leave residues)

    To be honest the first time I ever saw anything about this was years ago ... can't remember the programme but the presenters name was Burke. They did this with a woman with long, thick hair and she came on after not washing for 6 weeks but wore a towel on her head. We were all expecting ... urggh ... but no such thing, her hair was beautiful. She did however say that the early times were the worst and took some effort to get through!

  8. #58


    Quote Originally Posted by ArtisanUK View Post
    I'm having to have a little giggle at this thread because I have very few chemicals in my home at all. In fact I actually bought some washing up liquid a few weeks ago which is the first 'real' washing up liquid I've bought for a long time.
    When I meet people who use the 'standard' preparations, deoderant, hairspray, clothes softeners, stuff like that, the chemical odour is almost overwhelming - it's like walking into a wall of perfume, most unpleasant. But because it's the norm I don't think most people realise it.
    Artisan got me thinking. The place in my home that has the most chemicals is the bathroom. I only have 4 other cleaning products - washing-up liquid, T**co value washing powder (no perfume, use 1/4 of recommended amount, absolutely no fabric softenener), hand soap and general purpose Stardrops cleaner. All used sparingly. My home may not be spotless but it's clean and tidy.

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  9. #59
    Forum Diehard
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    Last year I was animal sitting for somebody and had to go under the sink to look for something to clean up a little 'accident.'
    I swear to God I didn't know which one to pick!
    Everything had a different use and I hadn't got a clue whether I was going to take the colour out of the carpet!
    Under my sink:
    Pure soap flakes
    Borax Powder
    Soda Crystals
    and for nice smellies - Lavender and clove bud oil.

    Will admit though to always having a bottle of bleach in - for when I'm feeling lazy re; loo cleaning.

  10. #60


    Forgot about the bleach for loo cleaning. But that's in the bathroom not under the kitchen sink, so 5 cleaning products.

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