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1982 SG 1049 - fine used (o)
1982 SG 1049 - #2 fine used (o)
1984 SG 1124 - #2 fine used (o)
1976 SG 8438 - #3 fine used (o)
1975 SG 827 - fine used (o)
1977 SG 895/897 - fine used (o)

Feedback Page For jlandskr [+70711]View jlandskr's eBid Store. 'Stamps and Covers from all over the World'

70729 separate comments
100% 70713 positive comment(s)
0% 14 neutral comment(s)
0% 2 negative comment(s)

Feedback Left by jlandskr (all)

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From -> To
jlandskr [+70711]
seaspray123 (BUYER)
1937/1945 10 different values - #79 fine used (o) (86083662)

@Thu 04 Mar 2021 20:19:47 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
seaspray123 (BUYER)
1933 Michel D14I - fine used (o) (86083663)

@Thu 04 Mar 2021 20:19:47 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
seaspray123 (BUYER)
1922 Michel 105 - fine used (o) (86033703)

@Thu 04 Mar 2021 20:19:47 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
seaspray123 (BUYER)
1909/1920 Michel 88 - fine used (o) (136874511)

@Thu 04 Mar 2021 20:19:47 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
seaspray123 (BUYER)
1938 Michel 249 - fine used (o) (175819860)

@Thu 04 Mar 2021 20:19:46 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
seaspray123 (BUYER)
1938 Michel 248 - fine used (o) (175819859)

@Thu 04 Mar 2021 20:19:46 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
seaspray123 (BUYER)
1936 Michel 232 - #6 fine used (o) (119387320)

@Thu 04 Mar 2021 20:19:46 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
seaspray123 (BUYER)
1936 Michel 228 - fine used (o) (192709141)

@Thu 04 Mar 2021 20:19:46 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
seaspray123 (BUYER)
1935 Michel 226 - fine used (o) (192709137)

@Thu 04 Mar 2021 20:19:46 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
seaspray123 (BUYER)
1935 Michel 224 - #2 fine used (o) (192709139)

@Thu 04 Mar 2021 20:19:46 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
seaspray123 (BUYER)
1934 Michel 217 - fine used (o) (192709135)

@Thu 04 Mar 2021 20:19:46 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
seaspray123 (BUYER)
1934 Michel 216 - fine used (o) - short top left (187785869)

@Thu 04 Mar 2021 20:19:46 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
seaspray123 (BUYER)
1934 Michel 215 - fine used (o) (187785868)

@Thu 04 Mar 2021 20:19:46 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
seaspray123 (BUYER)
1933/1939 Michel 195 - fine used (o) (180605298)

@Thu 04 Mar 2021 20:19:46 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
seaspray123 (BUYER)
1930 Michel 194 - fine used (o) (192709102)

@Thu 04 Mar 2021 20:19:46 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
seaspray123 (BUYER)
1930 Michel 192 - fine used (o) (180605279)

@Thu 04 Mar 2021 20:19:46 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
seaspray123 (BUYER)
1930 Michel 191 - fine used (o) (164541441)

@Thu 04 Mar 2021 20:19:46 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
seaspray123 (BUYER)
1930 3 different values - #324 fine used (o) (119427201)

@Thu 04 Mar 2021 20:19:46 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
seaspray123 (BUYER)
1926 Michel 166 - fine used (o) (119387287)

@Thu 04 Mar 2021 20:19:46 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
seaspray123 (BUYER)
1926 Michel 155 - fine used (o) (192709088)

@Thu 04 Mar 2021 20:19:46 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
seaspray123 (BUYER)
1926 Michel 153 - fine used (o) (119427222)

@Thu 04 Mar 2021 20:19:46 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
seaspray123 (BUYER)
1925/1926 Michel 149 - fine used (o) (164541438)

@Thu 04 Mar 2021 20:19:46 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
seaspray123 (BUYER)
1924 Michel 139 - #2 fine used (o) (192743554)

@Thu 04 Mar 2021 20:19:46 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
seaspray123 (BUYER)
1949 Michel 319 - fine used (o) (119387362)

@Thu 04 Mar 2021 20:19:45 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
seaspray123 (BUYER)
1946 Michel 294 - #2 fine used (o) (192709163)

@Thu 04 Mar 2021 20:19:45 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
seaspray123 (BUYER)
1946 Michel 293 - #2 fine used (o) (119427173)

@Thu 04 Mar 2021 20:19:45 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
seaspray123 (BUYER)
1945 Michel 286/288 - #2 fine used (o) (179088388)

@Thu 04 Mar 2021 20:19:45 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
seaspray123 (BUYER)
1944 Michel 285 - fine used (o) (192709147)

@Thu 04 Mar 2021 20:19:45 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
seaspray123 (BUYER)
1944 Michel 284 - #2 fine used (o) (148183569)

@Thu 04 Mar 2021 20:19:45 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
seaspray123 (BUYER)
1944 Michel 281 - #2 fine used (o) (175819858)

@Thu 04 Mar 2021 20:19:45 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
seaspray123 (BUYER)
1943 Michel 280 - #4 fine used (o) (119404774)

@Thu 04 Mar 2021 20:19:45 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
seaspray123 (BUYER)
1941/1943 Michel 264+279 - #3 fine used (o) (119387341)

@Thu 04 Mar 2021 20:19:45 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
seaspray123 (BUYER)
1941 Michel 268 - fine used (o) (181557752)

@Thu 04 Mar 2021 20:19:45 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
seaspray123 (BUYER)
1941 Michel 266 - fine used (o) (119428227)

@Thu 04 Mar 2021 20:19:45 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
seaspray123 (BUYER)
1941 Michel 265 - #2 fine used (o) (192709134)

@Thu 04 Mar 2021 20:19:45 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
seaspray123 (BUYER)
1941 Michel 264 - fine used (o) (119428171)

@Thu 04 Mar 2021 20:19:45 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
seaspray123 (BUYER)
1940 Michel 263 - #2 fine used (o) (177316752)

@Thu 04 Mar 2021 20:19:45 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
seaspray123 (BUYER)
1940 Michel 261 - fine used (o) (148024784)

@Thu 04 Mar 2021 20:19:45 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
seaspray123 (BUYER)
1940 Michel 260 - fine used (o) (119428130)

@Thu 04 Mar 2021 20:19:45 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
seaspray123 (BUYER)
1940 Michel 259 - fine used (o) (119428128)

@Thu 04 Mar 2021 20:19:45 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
seaspray123 (BUYER)
1940 Michel 257 - fine used (o) (180605294)

@Thu 04 Mar 2021 20:19:45 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
seaspray123 (BUYER)
1940 Michel 256 - fine used (o) (119428144)

@Thu 04 Mar 2021 20:19:45 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
seaspray123 (BUYER)
1986 Michel 853 - fine used (o) - Perf. POJ (148024817)

@Thu 04 Mar 2021 20:19:44 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
seaspray123 (BUYER)
1972 Michel 528 - fine used (o) (192709160)

@Thu 04 Mar 2021 20:19:44 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
seaspray123 (BUYER)
1972 Michel 527 - fine used (o) (192709159)

@Thu 04 Mar 2021 20:19:44 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
seaspray123 (BUYER)
1971 Michel 513 - fine used (o) (192709153)

@Thu 04 Mar 2021 20:19:44 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
seaspray123 (BUYER)
1967 Michel 462 - fine used (o) (192709157)

@Thu 04 Mar 2021 20:19:44 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
seaspray123 (BUYER)
1965 Michel 430x - fine used (o) (119387276)

@Thu 04 Mar 2021 20:19:44 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
seaspray123 (BUYER)
1962 Michel 400x/402x - fine used (o) (119428139)

@Thu 04 Mar 2021 20:19:44 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
seaspray123 (BUYER)
1961 Michel 397 - #3 fine used (o) (119427223)

@Thu 04 Mar 2021 20:19:44 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

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