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Austria.D593 5g Red.Fine Used.Aug22
Austria.D594 6g Red.Fine Used.Aug22
Austria.D595 8g Red.Fine Used.Aug22

Feedback Page For JamesDaddy [+38614]View JamesDaddy's eBid Stores.

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JamesDaddy [+38614]
theshark (BUYER)
SG389 5c Eastern Bluebird.Fine Used. (17289883)

@Fri 06 May 2011 22:01:18 (BST)

A pleasure to do business with.

JamesDaddy [+38614]
rhow (BUYER)
SG103 2c Green.Fine Used.ns (34033232)

@Fri 06 May 2011 22:01:17 (BST)

A pleasure to do business with.

JamesDaddy [+38614]
rhow (BUYER)
SG127 1s Black and Green.Perfs+Colour NOT Checked.MM.a (15124327)

@Fri 06 May 2011 22:01:17 (BST)

A pleasure to do business with.

JamesDaddy [+38614]
wellset (BUYER)
SG150 2d Black and Carmine-Red.Unmounte d Mint. (9881637)

@Fri 06 May 2011 22:01:16 (BST)

A pleasure to do business with.

JamesDaddy [+38614]
wellset (BUYER)
SG171 1s Commemoration Stone.Unmounted Mint.n11 (39020383)

@Fri 06 May 2011 22:01:15 (BST)

A pleasure to do business with.

JamesDaddy [+38614]
wellset (BUYER)
Victory set of 2.Mounted Mint.feb11 (39048336)

@Fri 06 May 2011 22:01:15 (BST)

A pleasure to do business with.

JamesDaddy [+38614]
wellset (BUYER)
SG179 10c Cultivation.Unmounte d Mint.ns1 (35113450)

@Fri 06 May 2011 22:01:15 (BST)

A pleasure to do business with.

JamesDaddy [+38614]
wellset (BUYER)
SG199 3d Violet.Fine Used.mar11 (41429219)

@Fri 06 May 2011 22:01:15 (BST)

A pleasure to do business with.

JamesDaddy [+38614]
wellset (BUYER)
SG180 20c Grating coconut and bananas.Unmountd Mint.ns1 (35113584)

@Fri 06 May 2011 22:01:15 (BST)

A pleasure to do business with.

JamesDaddy [+38614]
wellset (BUYER)
SG315 9d Hibiscus.Unmounted Mint. (13797509)

@Fri 06 May 2011 22:01:15 (BST)

A pleasure to do business with.

JamesDaddy [+38614]
wellset (BUYER)
SG89 6d Trading Schooner.Unmounted Mint. (29546934)

@Fri 06 May 2011 22:01:15 (BST)

A pleasure to do business with.

JamesDaddy [+38614]
wellset (BUYER)
SG177 6c Sorting Supplies.Unmounted Mint.ns1 (35113283)

@Fri 06 May 2011 22:01:15 (BST)

A pleasure to do business with.

JamesDaddy [+38614]
wellset (BUYER)
SG283 4c Bermudiana.Fine Used. (17266350)

@Fri 06 May 2011 22:01:15 (BST)

A pleasure to do business with.

JamesDaddy [+38614]
wellset (BUYER)
SG169 3d Arms of East India Company.Unmounted Mint.n11 (39020106)

@Fri 06 May 2011 22:01:15 (BST)

A pleasure to do business with.

JamesDaddy [+38614]
wellset (BUYER)
SG72 1d on 1d Light Ultramarine.Fine Used.ns1 (35593099)

@Fri 06 May 2011 22:01:15 (BST)

A pleasure to do business with.

JamesDaddy [+38614]
wellset (BUYER)
SG53 1 1/2a on 1 1/2d Pale Red-Brown.Fine Used.ns1 (35585732)

@Fri 06 May 2011 22:01:15 (BST)

A pleasure to do business with.

JamesDaddy [+38614]
wellset (BUYER)
1953 Coronation stamp.Fine Used.mar11.malta (41441798)

@Fri 06 May 2011 22:01:15 (BST)

A pleasure to do business with.

JamesDaddy [+38614]
wellset (BUYER)
1937 Coronation set of 3 On Piece.Fine Used.mar11 (41429277)

@Fri 06 May 2011 22:01:15 (BST)

A pleasure to do business with.

JamesDaddy [+38614]
wellset (BUYER)
SG149 2d Black and Deep Violet.Unmounted Mint. (9881627)

@Fri 06 May 2011 22:01:15 (BST)

A pleasure to do business with.

JamesDaddy [+38614]
wellset (BUYER)
SG178 6d Bistre-Brown.Unmount ed Mint. (9881779)

@Fri 06 May 2011 22:01:15 (BST)

A pleasure to do business with.

JamesDaddy [+38614]
theshark (BUYER)
SG896 35c Queen on horseback.Unmounted Mint.ns1 (36476743)

@Fri 06 May 2011 22:01:14 (BST)

A pleasure to do business with.

JamesDaddy [+38614]
theshark (BUYER)
SG897 $2 Spoon and ampulla.Unmounted Mint.ns1 (36476807)

@Fri 06 May 2011 22:01:14 (BST)

A pleasure to do business with.

JamesDaddy [+38614]
theshark (BUYER)
SG898 $2.50 Queen and Prince Philip.Unmounted Mint.ns1 (36476810)

@Fri 06 May 2011 22:01:14 (BST)

A pleasure to do business with.

JamesDaddy [+38614]
theshark (BUYER)
SG156 6d Perot's Post Office.Mounted Mint.mar11 (42148807)

@Fri 06 May 2011 22:01:14 (BST)

A pleasure to do business with.

JamesDaddy [+38614]
Bhavin (BUYER)
SG324 15r Satrunjaya Temple,Palitana.Fine Used.ns (31531093)

@Fri 06 May 2011 22:01:14 (BST)

A pleasure to do business with.

JamesDaddy [+38614]
wellset (BUYER)
Fishes (2nd series) set of 2 Pairs.Unmounted Mint.a1 (26628984)

@Fri 06 May 2011 22:01:14 (BST)

A pleasure to do business with.

JamesDaddy [+38614]
wellset (BUYER)
Tercentenary of Settlement set of 3.Unmounted Mint.n11 (39020082)

@Fri 06 May 2011 22:01:14 (BST)

A pleasure to do business with.

JamesDaddy [+38614]
wellset (BUYER)
SG96 1/2d Emerald.Fine Used.ns1 (35103401)

@Fri 06 May 2011 22:01:14 (BST)

A pleasure to do business with.

JamesDaddy [+38614]
wellset (BUYER)
SG218a 1/2d HMS St Angelo.Unmounted Mint.mar11 (41429309)

@Fri 06 May 2011 22:01:14 (BST)

A pleasure to do business with.

JamesDaddy [+38614]
wellset (BUYER)
Royal Silver Wedding set of 2.Unmounted Mint.cg5 (30550726)

@Fri 06 May 2011 22:01:14 (BST)

A pleasure to do business with.

JamesDaddy [+38614]
wellset (BUYER)
Christmas 1969 block of 4.Unmounted Mint. (14683013)

@Fri 06 May 2011 22:01:14 (BST)

A pleasure to do business with.

JamesDaddy [+38614]
wellset (BUYER)
SG463 4p Vickers Viscount 800.Unmounted Mint. (15253372)

@Fri 06 May 2011 22:01:14 (BST)

A pleasure to do business with.

JamesDaddy [+38614]
rhow (BUYER)
SG125 3d Light Blue.Perfs and Colour NOT Checked.M/Mint (15124288)

@Fri 06 May 2011 22:01:13 (BST)

A pleasure to do business with.

JamesDaddy [+38614]
rhow (BUYER)
SG581 2 1/2d Mt Cook.Type NOT checked.Unmounted (32351651)

@Fri 06 May 2011 22:01:13 (BST)

A pleasure to do business with.

JamesDaddy [+38614]
rhow (BUYER)
SG124 2d Grey.Perfs and Colour NOT Checked.Mounted Mint (15124196)

@Fri 06 May 2011 22:01:13 (BST)

A pleasure to do business with.

JamesDaddy [+38614]
rhow (BUYER)
SG227 5c Grey and Carmine.Fine Used. (16773846)

@Fri 06 May 2011 22:01:13 (BST)

A pleasure to do business with.

JamesDaddy [+38614]
rhow (BUYER)
SG74 6d Green&Bright Purple.Type NOT checked.Mntd Mint. (29545789)

@Fri 06 May 2011 22:01:13 (BST)

A pleasure to do business with.

JamesDaddy [+38614]
rhow (BUYER)
SG581 2 1/2d Mt Cook.Type NOT checked.Mounted (32351661)

@Fri 06 May 2011 22:01:13 (BST)

A pleasure to do business with.

JamesDaddy [+38614]
rhow (BUYER)
SG105 4c Carmine.Fine Used. (16773541)

@Fri 06 May 2011 22:01:13 (BST)

A pleasure to do business with.

JamesDaddy [+38614]
rhow (BUYER)
SG128 2c Dull Purple and Orange.Fine Used.feb11. (39269459)

@Fri 06 May 2011 22:01:13 (BST)

A pleasure to do business with.

JamesDaddy [+38614]
rhow (BUYER)
SG94 8c Blue.Fine Used. (15074059)

@Fri 06 May 2011 22:01:13 (BST)

A pleasure to do business with.

JamesDaddy [+38614]
theshark (BUYER)
SG39 1/2d Green.Fine Used. (9735919)

@Fri 06 May 2011 22:01:13 (BST)

A pleasure to do business with.

JamesDaddy [+38614]
theshark (BUYER)
SG393 12c Land Crab.Fine Used. (17289937)

@Fri 06 May 2011 22:01:13 (BST)

A pleasure to do business with.

JamesDaddy [+38614]
theshark (BUYER)
Royal Wedding set of 2.Unmounted (30548549)

@Fri 06 May 2011 22:01:13 (BST)

A pleasure to do business with.

JamesDaddy [+38614]
theshark (BUYER)
SG594a $2 Coronation Ring.Unmounted Mint.c (30613903)

@Fri 06 May 2011 22:01:13 (BST)

A pleasure to do business with.

JamesDaddy [+38614]
theshark (BUYER)
SG595a $2.50 Ampulla and Spoon.Unmounted Mint.c (30613932)

@Fri 06 May 2011 22:01:13 (BST)

A pleasure to do business with.

JamesDaddy [+38614]
theshark (BUYER)
Silver Jubilee set of 4.Unmounted Mint.cst3 (31042285)

@Fri 06 May 2011 22:01:13 (BST)

A pleasure to do business with.

JamesDaddy [+38614]
theshark (BUYER)
SG358 17c View from the sea.Fine Used. (17288844)

@Fri 06 May 2011 22:01:13 (BST)

A pleasure to do business with.

JamesDaddy [+38614]
theshark (BUYER)
50th Anniv of Rotary in Bermuda set of 4.Mounted Mint. (17266390)

@Fri 06 May 2011 22:01:13 (BST)

A pleasure to do business with.

JamesDaddy [+38614]
theshark (BUYER)
SG102 9d Red and Blue.Mounted Mint. (9736013)

@Fri 06 May 2011 22:01:13 (BST)

A pleasure to do business with.

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