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1982 SG 1049 - fine used (o)
1982 SG 1049 - #2 fine used (o)
1984 SG 1124 - #2 fine used (o)
1976 SG 8438 - #3 fine used (o)
1975 SG 827 - fine used (o)
1977 SG 895/897 - fine used (o)

Feedback Page For jlandskr [+70711]View jlandskr's eBid Store. 'Stamps and Covers from all over the World'

70729 separate comments
100% 70713 positive comment(s)
0% 14 neutral comment(s)
0% 2 negative comment(s)

Feedback Received by jlandskr (from Buyers)

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From -> To
silviobeato [+4651]
jlandskr (SELLER)
1981 Michel 2756 - cancelled (86840194)

@Wed 05 Jun 2024 16:21:38 (BST)

good seller

silviobeato [+4651]
jlandskr (SELLER)
1981 SG 592 - cancelled (217170241)

@Wed 05 Jun 2024 16:21:37 (BST)

good seller

silviobeato [+4651]
jlandskr (SELLER)
1952 Michel 725 - cancelled (123244364)

@Wed 05 Jun 2024 16:21:37 (BST)

good seller

silviobeato [+4651]
jlandskr (SELLER)
1921 Michel 153 - fine used (o) (87848929)

@Wed 05 Jun 2024 16:21:37 (BST)

good seller

silviobeato [+4651]
jlandskr (SELLER)
1919 Michel 66 - fine used (o) (87848930)

@Wed 05 Jun 2024 16:21:37 (BST)

good seller

silviobeato [+4651]
jlandskr (SELLER)
1949 Michel 539 - fine used (o) (89351099)

@Wed 05 Jun 2024 16:21:37 (BST)

good seller

silviobeato [+4651]
jlandskr (SELLER)
1927/1928 Michel 245+253 - #2 fine used (o) (90937310)

@Wed 05 Jun 2024 16:21:36 (BST)

good seller

silviobeato [+4651]
jlandskr (SELLER)
1952 Michel 796 - fine used (o) (90937324)

@Wed 05 Jun 2024 16:21:36 (BST)

good seller

silviobeato [+4651]
jlandskr (SELLER)
1952 Michel 784 - fine used (o) (90937336)

@Wed 05 Jun 2024 16:21:36 (BST)

good seller

silviobeato [+4651]
jlandskr (SELLER)
1952 Michel 721 - #2 fine used (o) (90937386)

@Wed 05 Jun 2024 16:21:36 (BST)

good seller

silviobeato [+4651]
jlandskr (SELLER)
1948 Michel 503 - fine used (o) (93575519)

@Wed 05 Jun 2024 16:21:36 (BST)

good seller

silviobeato [+4651]
jlandskr (SELLER)
1952 Michel 728 - fine used (o) (93575534)

@Wed 05 Jun 2024 16:21:35 (BST)

good seller

silviobeato [+4651]
jlandskr (SELLER)
KENYA 1995 SG 661 - fine used (o) (209861376)

@Wed 05 Jun 2024 16:21:35 (BST)

good seller

silviobeato [+4651]
jlandskr (SELLER)
1973 Michel 2864 - #2 cancelled (199656961)

@Wed 05 Jun 2024 16:21:35 (BST)

good seller

silviobeato [+4651]
jlandskr (SELLER)
1932 SG 211 - fine used (o) (157354754)

@Wed 05 Jun 2024 16:21:35 (BST)

good seller

silviobeato [+4651]
jlandskr (SELLER)
KENYA 1998 SG 758 - fine used (o) (209861379)

@Wed 05 Jun 2024 16:21:35 (BST)

good seller

silviobeato [+4651]
jlandskr (SELLER)
1979 SG 646 - fine used (o) (216071171)

@Wed 05 Jun 2024 16:21:34 (BST)

good seller

silviobeato [+4651]
jlandskr (SELLER)
ZAIRE 1979 SG 971 - fine used (o) (217388804)

@Wed 05 Jun 2024 16:21:34 (BST)

good seller

silviobeato [+4651]
jlandskr (SELLER)
1973 SG 343 - fine used (o) (216865284)

@Wed 05 Jun 2024 16:21:34 (BST)

good seller

silviobeato [+4651]
jlandskr (SELLER)
1938 Michel 405 - fine used (o) (148524292)

@Wed 05 Jun 2024 16:21:34 (BST)

good seller

silviobeato [+4651]
jlandskr (SELLER)
2014 NVPH 3236 - #2 fine used (o) (215862276)

@Wed 05 Jun 2024 16:21:34 (BST)

good seller

silviobeato [+4651]
jlandskr (SELLER)
1967 SG 783 - fine used (o) (211742980)

@Wed 05 Jun 2024 16:21:34 (BST)

good seller

silviobeato [+4651]
jlandskr (SELLER)
1962 SG 1020 - fine used (o) (147789317)

@Wed 05 Jun 2024 16:21:33 (BST)

good seller

silviobeato [+4651]
jlandskr (SELLER)
1973 SG 357 - fine used (o) (216865285)

@Wed 05 Jun 2024 16:21:33 (BST)

good seller

silviobeato [+4651]
jlandskr (SELLER)
AZERBAIJAN 1995 Michel 217+218 - cancelled - ANIMAL (200491269)

@Wed 05 Jun 2024 16:21:33 (BST)

good seller

silviobeato [+4651]
jlandskr (SELLER)
1962 Michel 344 - fine used (o) (216554673)

@Wed 05 Jun 2024 16:21:33 (BST)

good seller

silviobeato [+4651]
jlandskr (SELLER)
1985 SG 684/685 - fine used (o) (216865338)

@Wed 05 Jun 2024 16:21:33 (BST)

good seller

silviobeato [+4651]
jlandskr (SELLER)
1970 SG 291/292 - #2 fine used (o) (216865262)

@Wed 05 Jun 2024 16:21:32 (BST)

good seller

silviobeato [+4651]
jlandskr (SELLER)
1973 SG 358 - fine used (o) (216865286)

@Wed 05 Jun 2024 16:21:32 (BST)

good seller

silviobeato [+4651]
jlandskr (SELLER)
1973 SG 361 - #2 fine used (o) (216865287)

@Wed 05 Jun 2024 16:21:32 (BST)

good seller

silviobeato [+4651]
jlandskr (SELLER)
1974 SG 377 - fine used (o) (216865292)

@Wed 05 Jun 2024 16:21:32 (BST)

good seller

silviobeato [+4651]
jlandskr (SELLER)
1981 SG 547 - fine used (o) (216865312)

@Wed 05 Jun 2024 16:21:32 (BST)

good seller

silviobeato [+4651]
jlandskr (SELLER)
1978 SG 453 - fine used (o) (216865317)

@Wed 05 Jun 2024 16:21:32 (BST)

good seller

silviobeato [+4651]
jlandskr (SELLER)
1987 SG 732 - fine used (o) (216865323)

@Wed 05 Jun 2024 16:21:31 (BST)

good seller

silviobeato [+4651]
jlandskr (SELLER)
1953 Michel 159 - fine used (o) (131621519)

@Wed 05 Jun 2024 16:21:31 (BST)

good seller

silviobeato [+4651]
jlandskr (SELLER)
1954 Michel 174 - #2 fine used (o) (131621506)

@Wed 05 Jun 2024 16:21:31 (BST)

good seller

silviobeato [+4651]
jlandskr (SELLER)
1953 Michel 157 - #2 fine used (o) (131621523)

@Wed 05 Jun 2024 16:21:31 (BST)

good seller

silviobeato [+4651]
jlandskr (SELLER)
1953 Michel 161 - fine used (o) (131621528)

@Wed 05 Jun 2024 16:21:31 (BST)

good seller

silviobeato [+4651]
jlandskr (SELLER)
1953 Michel 158 - #3 fine used (o) (131621533)

@Wed 05 Jun 2024 16:21:31 (BST)

good seller

silviobeato [+4651]
jlandskr (SELLER)
1954 Michel 169 - #2 fine used (o) (131621537)

@Wed 05 Jun 2024 16:21:30 (BST)

good seller

silviobeato [+4651]
jlandskr (SELLER)
1957/1959 Michel 274 - fine used (o) (131621543)

@Wed 05 Jun 2024 16:21:30 (BST)

good seller

silviobeato [+4651]
jlandskr (SELLER)
1957 Michel 235 - fine used (o) - watermark 2 (131621547)

@Wed 05 Jun 2024 16:21:30 (BST)

good seller

silviobeato [+4651]
jlandskr (SELLER)
1957/1959 Michel 268 - fine used (o) (131621551)

@Wed 05 Jun 2024 16:21:30 (BST)

good seller

silviobeato [+4651]
jlandskr (SELLER)
1956 Michel 226 - fine used (o) (131621556)

@Wed 05 Jun 2024 16:21:30 (BST)

good seller

silviobeato [+4651]
jlandskr (SELLER)
1964/1966 Michel 447 - fine used (o) (131621559)

@Wed 05 Jun 2024 16:21:30 (BST)

good seller

silviobeato [+4651]
jlandskr (SELLER)
1955 Michel 205 - #2 fine used (o) (134604920)

@Wed 05 Jun 2024 16:21:30 (BST)

good seller

silviobeato [+4651]
jlandskr (SELLER)
1962 Michel 357 - fine used (o) - normal paper (134604977)

@Wed 05 Jun 2024 16:21:29 (BST)

good seller

silviobeato [+4651]
jlandskr (SELLER)
1962 SG 472 - #2 fine used (o) (134604984)

@Wed 05 Jun 2024 16:21:29 (BST)

good seller

silviobeato [+4651]
jlandskr (SELLER)
1966 Michel 546 - fine used (o) (134604994)

@Wed 05 Jun 2024 16:21:29 (BST)

good seller

silviobeato [+4651]
jlandskr (SELLER)
1966/1967 3 different values - fine used (o) (134604996)

@Wed 05 Jun 2024 16:21:29 (BST)

good seller

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