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1982 SG 1049 - fine used (o)
1982 SG 1049 - #2 fine used (o)
1984 SG 1124 - #2 fine used (o)
1976 SG 8438 - #3 fine used (o)
1975 SG 827 - fine used (o)
1977 SG 895/897 - fine used (o)

Feedback Page For jlandskr [+70711]View jlandskr's eBid Store. 'Stamps and Covers from all over the World'

70729 separate comments
100% 70713 positive comment(s)
0% 14 neutral comment(s)
0% 2 negative comment(s)

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From -> To
jlandskr [+70711]
phantis81 (BUYER)
1923/1926 SG 157 - fine used (o) (122566977)

@Mon 06 Jul 2015 08:17:07 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
phantis81 (BUYER)
1943 SG 290 - #2 fine used (o) (122566922)

@Mon 06 Jul 2015 08:17:07 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
phantis81 (BUYER)
1932 SG 227 - #5 fine used (o) (122566917)

@Mon 06 Jul 2015 08:17:07 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
phantis81 (BUYER)
1937 SG 264 - fine used (o) (122566897)

@Mon 06 Jul 2015 08:17:07 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
phantis81 (BUYER)
1928/1945 SG D13 - MLH (*) (134726994)

@Mon 06 Jul 2015 08:17:06 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
phantis81 (BUYER)
ADEN 1953/1963 SG 54 - MH (*) (133708471)

@Mon 06 Jul 2015 08:17:06 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
phantis81 (BUYER)
ADEN 1937 SG 4 - #2 fine used (o) (133708255)

@Mon 06 Jul 2015 08:17:06 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
phantis81 (BUYER)
ADEN 1937 SG 2 - #2 fine used (o) (133708252)

@Mon 06 Jul 2015 08:17:06 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
phantis81 (BUYER)
1949/1952 Michel 482 - fine used (o) (129851016)

@Mon 06 Jul 2015 08:17:06 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
phantis81 (BUYER)
1936 Michel 228 - mint no gum (129851000)

@Mon 06 Jul 2015 08:17:06 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
phantis81 (BUYER)
1938 SG 271 - fine used (o) - perf. 13,5 (125054090)

@Mon 06 Jul 2015 08:17:06 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
phantis81 (BUYER)
1957 Michel 673 - MLH (*) (137124596)

@Mon 06 Jul 2015 08:17:05 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
phantis81 (BUYER)
1939/1948 SG 23 - MLH (*) (140353022)

@Mon 06 Jul 2015 08:17:04 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
siggob58 (BUYER)
1982 SG 1181 - #2 fine used (o) (104383562)

@Sat 04 Jul 2015 11:43:19 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
siggob58 (BUYER)
1976 SG 848 - fine used (o) (140654775)

@Sat 04 Jul 2015 11:43:19 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
siggob58 (BUYER)
1961 SG 518 - #2 fine used (o) (104133298)

@Sat 04 Jul 2015 11:43:18 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
siggob58 (BUYER)
1960 SG 515 - fine used (o) (104133295)

@Sat 04 Jul 2015 11:43:18 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
siggob58 (BUYER)
1985/1998 SG 1157c - fine used (o) - from booklet (104133256)

@Sat 04 Jul 2015 11:43:18 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
siggob58 (BUYER)
1948 SG 410 - fine used (o) (104133214)

@Sat 04 Jul 2015 11:43:18 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
siggob58 (BUYER)
1971 SG 604 - #3 fine used (o) - from booklet (104133126)

@Sat 04 Jul 2015 11:43:18 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
siggob58 (BUYER)
1982 SG 1039 - fine used (o) (104566812)

@Sat 04 Jul 2015 11:43:18 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
siggob58 (BUYER)
1972/1977 SG 697 - fine used (o) (104123809)

@Sat 04 Jul 2015 11:43:18 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
siggob58 (BUYER)
1972/1977 SG 710+711 - fine used (o) - coil (104123812)

@Sat 04 Jul 2015 11:43:18 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
siggob58 (BUYER)
1962 SG 525 - fine used (o) (104380122)

@Sat 04 Jul 2015 11:43:17 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
siggob58 (BUYER)
1959 SG 512 - #2 fine used (o) (104380095)

@Sat 04 Jul 2015 11:43:17 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
siggob58 (BUYER)
1963 SG 535 - fine used (o) (104379991)

@Sat 04 Jul 2015 11:43:17 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
siggob58 (BUYER)
1962 SG 522 - fine used (o) (104379990)

@Sat 04 Jul 2015 11:43:17 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
siggob58 (BUYER)
1962 SG 524 - fine used (o) (104379988)

@Sat 04 Jul 2015 11:43:17 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
siggob58 (BUYER)
1959 SG 511 - #3 fine used (o) (104379987)

@Sat 04 Jul 2015 11:43:17 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
siggob58 (BUYER)
1959 SG 510 - #2 fine used (o) (104379983)

@Sat 04 Jul 2015 11:43:17 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
siggob58 (BUYER)
1970 SG 666 - fine used (o) (140654716)

@Sat 04 Jul 2015 11:43:16 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
siggob58 (BUYER)
1952 SG O194 - fine used (o) (104566759)

@Sat 04 Jul 2015 11:43:16 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
siggob58 (BUYER)
1959 SG 513 - fine used (o) (104381794)

@Sat 04 Jul 2015 11:43:16 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
siggob58 (BUYER)
1958 SG 504 - fine used (o) (104381789)

@Sat 04 Jul 2015 11:43:16 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
siggob58 (BUYER)
1962 SG 526 - fine used (o) (104381780)

@Sat 04 Jul 2015 11:43:16 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
siggob58 (BUYER)
1958 SG 508 - fine used (o) (104381778)

@Sat 04 Jul 2015 11:43:16 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
siggob58 (BUYER)
1997 SG 1763a - fine used (o) (104381845)

@Sat 04 Jul 2015 11:43:15 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
siggob58 (BUYER)
1977/1986 SG 861a - #2 fine used (o) - perf. 13x13.5 (138961029)

@Sat 04 Jul 2015 11:43:15 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
siggob58 (BUYER)
1970 SG 668 - fine used (o) (137277776)

@Sat 04 Jul 2015 11:43:15 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
siggob58 (BUYER)
1970 SG 670 - fine used (o) (137277775)

@Sat 04 Jul 2015 11:43:15 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
siggob58 (BUYER)
1970 SG 661 - fine used (o) (137277764)

@Sat 04 Jul 2015 11:43:15 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
siggob58 (BUYER)
1979 SG 959 - #2 fine used (o) (104566792)

@Sat 04 Jul 2015 11:43:15 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
siggob58 (BUYER)
1985 SG 1182 - fine used (o) (125054088)

@Sat 04 Jul 2015 11:43:15 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
siggob58 (BUYER)
1993 SG 1573 - fine used (o) (104382635)

@Sat 04 Jul 2015 11:43:15 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
siggob58 (BUYER)
1976 SG 883 - fine used (o) (104382618)

@Sat 04 Jul 2015 11:43:15 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
siggob58 (BUYER)
1985 SG 1189 - #2 fine used (o) (104382604)

@Sat 04 Jul 2015 11:43:14 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
siggob58 (BUYER)
1988 SG 1310 - fine used (o) (104382571)

@Sat 04 Jul 2015 11:43:14 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
siggob58 (BUYER)
1975 SG 812 - #3 fine used (o) (140654766)

@Sat 04 Jul 2015 11:43:14 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
siggob58 (BUYER)
1984 SG 1141 - fine used (o) (104382615)

@Sat 04 Jul 2015 11:43:14 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
siggob58 (BUYER)
1988 SG 1283 - #2 fine used (o) (104382613)

@Sat 04 Jul 2015 11:43:14 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

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