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1982 SG 1049 - fine used (o)
1982 SG 1049 - #2 fine used (o)
1984 SG 1124 - #2 fine used (o)
1976 SG 8438 - #3 fine used (o)
1975 SG 827 - fine used (o)
1977 SG 895/897 - fine used (o)

Feedback Page For jlandskr [+70711]View jlandskr's eBid Store. 'Stamps and Covers from all over the World'

70729 separate comments
100% 70713 positive comment(s)
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Colettemikey [+11769]
jlandskr (SELLER)
NORTH EAST PROVINCES 1947 Michel P6 - mint no gum (185883322)

@Fri 11 Oct 2019 14:08:37 (BST)

Fantastic Seller. Many thanks to you +++++

Colettemikey [+11769]
jlandskr (SELLER)
1927 Michel 232 - MLH (*) (185883348)

@Fri 11 Oct 2019 14:08:36 (BST)

Fantastic Seller. Many thanks to you +++++

Colettemikey [+11769]
jlandskr (SELLER)
NORTH WEST ARMY 1919 Michel 15/19 - MLH (*) (185883363)

@Fri 11 Oct 2019 14:08:36 (BST)

Fantastic Seller. Many thanks to you +++++

Colettemikey [+11769]
jlandskr (SELLER)
1976 Michel Block 3 - MNH (**) (185883367)

@Fri 11 Oct 2019 14:08:36 (BST)

Fantastic Seller. Many thanks to you +++++

Colettemikey [+11769]
jlandskr (SELLER)
1960 Michel Block 2 - MLH (*) (185883368)

@Fri 11 Oct 2019 14:08:36 (BST)

Fantastic Seller. Many thanks to you +++++

Colettemikey [+11769]
jlandskr (SELLER)
1947 Michel 554 - #3 fine used (o) (185883424)

@Fri 11 Oct 2019 14:08:36 (BST)

Fantastic Seller. Many thanks to you +++++

Colettemikey [+11769]
jlandskr (SELLER)
1945 SG 293 - #2 fine used (o) (185883421)

@Fri 11 Oct 2019 14:08:35 (BST)

Fantastic Seller. Many thanks to you +++++

Colettemikey [+11769]
jlandskr (SELLER)
1951/1952 Michel 135 - fine used (o) - pair (185883301)

@Fri 11 Oct 2019 14:08:35 (BST)

Fantastic Seller. Many thanks to you +++++

Colettemikey [+11769]
jlandskr (SELLER)
1947 Michel P87 - mint no gum (185883319)

@Fri 11 Oct 2019 14:08:35 (BST)

Fantastic Seller. Many thanks to you +++++

Colettemikey [+11769]
jlandskr (SELLER)
1945 Michel P78 - mint no gum (185883318)

@Fri 11 Oct 2019 14:08:35 (BST)

Fantastic Seller. Many thanks to you +++++

Colettemikey [+11769]
jlandskr (SELLER)
1948/1949 3 different values - mint no gum (185883314)

@Fri 11 Oct 2019 14:08:35 (BST)

Fantastic Seller. Many thanks to you +++++

Colettemikey [+11769]
jlandskr (SELLER)
BOHEMIA AND MORAVIA 1944 Michel 134 - MLH (*) (185883272)

@Fri 11 Oct 2019 14:08:33 (BST)

Fantastic Seller. Many thanks to you +++++

Colettemikey [+11769]
jlandskr (SELLER)
MALUKU SELATAN 1948/1949 12 different values - MH (*) - FISH (185883192)

@Fri 11 Oct 2019 14:08:32 (BST)

Fantastic Seller. Many thanks to you +++++

Sandi5255 [+20113]
jlandskr (SELLER)
1954/1959 SG 376 - #3 fine used (o) (129856851)

@Sun 06 Oct 2019 21:28:52 (BST)

Thank you for this fine stamp

Sandi5255 [+20113]
jlandskr (SELLER)
NORTH BORNEO 1961 SG 397 - fine used (o) (159067995)

@Sun 06 Oct 2019 21:28:52 (BST)

Thank you for this fine stamp

Sandi5255 [+20113]
jlandskr (SELLER)
PERAK 1948 SG 122 - fine used (o) (183152360)

@Sun 06 Oct 2019 21:28:51 (BST)

Thank you for this fine stamp

Sandi5255 [+20113]
jlandskr (SELLER)
PERAK 1948 SG 122 - #2 fine used (o) (183152361)

@Sun 06 Oct 2019 21:28:51 (BST)

Thank you for this fine stamp

Sandi5255 [+20113]
jlandskr (SELLER)
NORTH BORNEO 1954/1959 SG 381 - #3 fine used (o) (163544623)

@Sun 06 Oct 2019 21:28:51 (BST)

Thank you for this fine stamp

Sandi5255 [+20113]
jlandskr (SELLER)
CEYLON 1935 SG 379 - #2 fine used (o) (139071073)

@Sun 06 Oct 2019 21:28:51 (BST)

Thank you for this fine stamp

Sandi5255 [+20113]
jlandskr (SELLER)
1935 SG 31 - fine used (o) (143226515)

@Sun 06 Oct 2019 21:28:51 (BST)

Thank you for this fine stamp

Sandi5255 [+20113]
jlandskr (SELLER)
1935 SG 23 - MH (*) (171656257)

@Sun 06 Oct 2019 21:28:50 (BST)

Thank you for this fine stamp

Sandi5255 [+20113]
jlandskr (SELLER)
1935 SG 21 - fine used (o) (183399445)

@Sun 06 Oct 2019 21:28:50 (BST)

Thank you for this fine stamp

Sandi5255 [+20113]
jlandskr (SELLER)
1957 SG 191 - fine used (o) (170125628)

@Sun 06 Oct 2019 19:38:45 (BST)

Thank you for this stamp

Sandi5255 [+20113]
jlandskr (SELLER)
1969/1975 SG 262 - fine used (o) (170125630)

@Sun 06 Oct 2019 19:38:45 (BST)

Thank you for this stamp

Sandi5255 [+20113]
jlandskr (SELLER)
1969/1975 SG 266 - fine used (o) (170125632)

@Sun 06 Oct 2019 19:38:44 (BST)

Thank you for this stamp

Sandi5255 [+20113]
jlandskr (SELLER)
NORTH BORNEO 1961 SG 396 - #4 fine used (o) (159068001)

@Sun 06 Oct 2019 19:38:44 (BST)

Thank you for this stamp

Sandi5255 [+20113]
jlandskr (SELLER)
NORTH BORNEO 1954/1959 SG 376 - #2 fine used (o) (159068004)

@Sun 06 Oct 2019 19:38:44 (BST)

Thank you for this stamp

Sandi5255 [+20113]
jlandskr (SELLER)
NORTH BORNEO 1954/1959 SG 372 - MH (*) (139775589)

@Sun 06 Oct 2019 19:38:44 (BST)

Thank you for this stamp

Sandi5255 [+20113]
jlandskr (SELLER)
SABAH 1964/1965 SG 412 - #3 fine used (o) (165383276)

@Sun 06 Oct 2019 19:38:44 (BST)

Thank you for this stamp

Sandi5255 [+20113]
jlandskr (SELLER)
1961 SG 391 - #3 fine used (o) (129856879)

@Sun 06 Oct 2019 19:38:43 (BST)

Thank you for this stamp

Sandi5255 [+20113]
jlandskr (SELLER)
NORTH BORNEO 1954/1959 SG 379 - #2 fine used (o) (159068022)

@Sun 06 Oct 2019 19:38:43 (BST)

Thank you for this stamp

Sandi5255 [+20113]
jlandskr (SELLER)
NORTH BORNEO 1954/1959 SG 379 - #3 fine used (o) (159068023)

@Sun 06 Oct 2019 19:38:43 (BST)

Thank you for this stamp

Sandi5255 [+20113]
jlandskr (SELLER)
NORTH BORNEO 1954/1959 SG 378 - fine used (o) (159068026)

@Sun 06 Oct 2019 19:38:43 (BST)

Thank you for this stamp

Sandi5255 [+20113]
jlandskr (SELLER)
NORTH BORNEO 1954/1959 SG 378 - #4 fine used (o) (159068029)

@Sun 06 Oct 2019 19:38:43 (BST)

Thank you for this stamp

eddiebax [+9236]
jlandskr (SELLER)
1941/1942 Michel 530 - MNH (**) (176710745)

@Sat 05 Oct 2019 19:23:30 (BST)

Item received promptly and as described , as always Excellent. Many. thanks again.

eddiebax [+9236]
jlandskr (SELLER)
1938/1942 Michel 373 - MNH (**) (176710761)

@Sat 05 Oct 2019 19:23:30 (BST)

Item received promptly and as described , as always Excellent. Many. thanks again.

eddiebax [+9236]
jlandskr (SELLER)
1951 Michel 917/921 - MNH (**) (183389130)

@Sat 05 Oct 2019 19:23:30 (BST)

Item received promptly and as described , as always Excellent. Many. thanks again.

eddiebax [+9236]
jlandskr (SELLER)
1938/1942 Michel 376 - MNH (**) (176710764)

@Sat 05 Oct 2019 19:23:29 (BST)

Item received promptly and as described , as always Excellent. Many. thanks again.

eddiebax [+9236]
jlandskr (SELLER)
1938/1942 Michel 377 - MNH (**) (176710765)

@Sat 05 Oct 2019 19:23:29 (BST)

Item received promptly and as described , as always Excellent. Many. thanks again.

eddiebax [+9236]
jlandskr (SELLER)
1938/1942 Michel 379 - MNH (**) (176710766)

@Sat 05 Oct 2019 19:23:29 (BST)

Item received promptly and as described , as always Excellent. Many. thanks again.

eddiebax [+9236]
jlandskr (SELLER)
1979 Michel 2172 - #2 MNH (**) (183389097)

@Sat 05 Oct 2019 19:23:29 (BST)

Item received promptly and as described , as always Excellent. Many. thanks again.

eddiebax [+9236]
jlandskr (SELLER)
1980 Michel 2216 - MLH (*) (183389098)

@Sat 05 Oct 2019 19:23:29 (BST)

Item received promptly and as described , as always Excellent. Many. thanks again.

eddiebax [+9236]
jlandskr (SELLER)
1945/1946 Michel 687 - MNH (**) (176710704)

@Sat 05 Oct 2019 19:23:29 (BST)

Item received promptly and as described , as always Excellent. Many. thanks again.

eddiebax [+9236]
jlandskr (SELLER)
1945/1946 Michel 684 - MNH (**) (176710703)

@Sat 05 Oct 2019 19:23:28 (BST)

Item received promptly and as described , as always Excellent. Many. thanks again.

eddiebax [+9236]
jlandskr (SELLER)
1946 Yvert 701 - #3 MNH (**) (151375590)

@Sat 05 Oct 2019 19:23:28 (BST)

Item received promptly and as described , as always Excellent. Many. thanks again.

eddiebax [+9236]
jlandskr (SELLER)
1962 Michel 1388 - fine used (o) (183389163)

@Sat 05 Oct 2019 19:23:28 (BST)

Item received promptly and as described , as always Excellent. Many. thanks again.

eddiebax [+9236]
jlandskr (SELLER)
1977 - Yvert 1961 - MNH (**) (119576798)

@Sat 05 Oct 2019 19:23:28 (BST)

Item received promptly and as described , as always Excellent. Many. thanks again.

eddiebax [+9236]
jlandskr (SELLER)
1944 Yvert 645 - MLH (*) (119576771)

@Sat 05 Oct 2019 19:23:28 (BST)

Item received promptly and as described , as always Excellent. Many. thanks again.

eddiebax [+9236]
jlandskr (SELLER)
1938/1942 Michel 383 - MLH (*) (177014541)

@Sat 05 Oct 2019 19:23:27 (BST)

Item received promptly and as described , as always Excellent. Many. thanks again.

eddiebax [+9236]
jlandskr (SELLER)
1938/1942 Michel 384 - MLH (*) (177014544)

@Sat 05 Oct 2019 19:23:27 (BST)

Item received promptly and as described , as always Excellent. Many. thanks again.

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