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1982 SG 1049 - fine used (o)
1982 SG 1049 - #2 fine used (o)
1984 SG 1124 - #2 fine used (o)
1976 SG 8438 - #3 fine used (o)
1975 SG 827 - fine used (o)
1977 SG 895/897 - fine used (o)

Feedback Page For jlandskr [+70711]View jlandskr's eBid Store. 'Stamps and Covers from all over the World'

70729 separate comments
100% 70713 positive comment(s)
0% 14 neutral comment(s)
0% 2 negative comment(s)

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From -> To
jlandskr [+70711]
stephen.roberts.a (BUYER)
1925 Michel 242 - fine used (o) (87849004)

@Tue 19 Jan 2016 18:46:36 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
stephen.roberts.a (BUYER)
1884 Michel 33 - #3 fine used (o) - no arrows (88422058)

@Tue 19 Jan 2016 18:46:36 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
stephen.roberts.a (BUYER)
1916 Michel 105 - fine used (o) (88422065)

@Tue 19 Jan 2016 18:46:36 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
stephen.roberts.a (BUYER)
1922 SG 2 - #5 fine used (o) (137204134)

@Tue 19 Jan 2016 18:46:35 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
stephen.roberts.a (BUYER)
MONTENEGRO 1894 Michel 18A - MH (*) (137905563)

@Tue 19 Jan 2016 18:46:35 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
stephen.roberts.a (BUYER)
1938 Michel 194 - #3 fine used (o) (86871006)

@Tue 19 Jan 2016 18:46:35 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
stephen.roberts.a (BUYER)
1939 Michel 208 - #2 fine used (o) (87848926)

@Tue 19 Jan 2016 18:46:35 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
stephen.roberts.a (BUYER)
1935 Michel 181 - fine used (o) (86870966)

@Tue 19 Jan 2016 18:46:35 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
stephen.roberts.a (BUYER)
1921/1922 Michel 100 - fine used (o) (97572303)

@Tue 19 Jan 2016 18:46:35 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
stephen.roberts.a (BUYER)
1939/1940 Michel 403 - fine used (o) (137964760)

@Tue 19 Jan 2016 18:46:35 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
stephen.roberts.a (BUYER)
1933 Michel 267 - #2 fine used (o) (136874263)

@Tue 19 Jan 2016 18:46:35 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
stephen.roberts.a (BUYER)
1926 Michel 202 - fine used (o) (122490847)

@Tue 19 Jan 2016 18:46:35 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
stephen.roberts.a (BUYER)
1938 Michel 1 - MH (*) (122480056)

@Tue 19 Jan 2016 18:46:35 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
stephen.roberts.a (BUYER)
1912 SG 147 - #2 fine used (o) (81359772)

@Tue 19 Jan 2016 18:46:35 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
stephen.roberts.a (BUYER)
1891/1904 Michel 49a - fine used (o) (125044758)

@Tue 19 Jan 2016 18:46:35 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
stephen.roberts.a (BUYER)
1891/1904 Michel 44 - #3 fine used (o) (125044773)

@Tue 19 Jan 2016 18:46:35 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
stephen.roberts.a (BUYER)
1910 SG 2 - #2 fine used (o) (142730254)

@Tue 19 Jan 2016 18:46:35 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
stephen.roberts.a (BUYER)
1928 Michel 461 - MH (*) (97659801)

@Tue 19 Jan 2016 18:46:35 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
stephen.roberts.a (BUYER)
1928 Michel 462 - MLH (*) (97621128)

@Tue 19 Jan 2016 18:46:35 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
stephen.roberts.a (BUYER)
1928 Michel 463 - MH (*) (97659802)

@Tue 19 Jan 2016 18:46:35 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
stephen.roberts.a (BUYER)
1927 Michel 442 - MHH (*) (97659800)

@Tue 19 Jan 2016 18:46:35 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
stephen.roberts.a (BUYER)
1918 Michel 184C - fine used (o) (77554607)

@Tue 19 Jan 2016 18:46:35 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
stephen.roberts.a (BUYER)
1918 Michel 172C - fine used (o) (97621053)

@Tue 19 Jan 2016 18:46:35 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
stephen.roberts.a (BUYER)
1936/1942 SG 583 - fine used (o) (132385663)

@Tue 19 Jan 2016 18:46:35 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
stephen.roberts.a (BUYER)
1909 SG 387 - fine used (o) (132386371)

@Tue 19 Jan 2016 18:46:35 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
stephen.roberts.a (BUYER)
1882 SG 237 - fine used (o) - perf. 11 (132386366)

@Tue 19 Jan 2016 18:46:35 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
stephen.roberts.a (BUYER)
NEW CALEDONIA 1938 SG 217 - fine used (o) (144477475)

@Tue 19 Jan 2016 18:46:35 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
stephen.roberts.a (BUYER)
SARAWAK 1899/1908 SG 38 - #3 fine used (o) (140354590)

@Tue 19 Jan 2016 18:46:35 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
stephen.roberts.a (BUYER)
1928 Michel 207 - fine used (o) (82474117)

@Tue 19 Jan 2016 18:46:35 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
stephen.roberts.a (BUYER)
1895 Michel 68 - #2 fine used (o) (124739227)

@Tue 19 Jan 2016 18:46:35 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
stephen.roberts.a (BUYER)
EAST AFRICA AND UGANDA 1904/1907 SG 18 - fine used (o) (141328629)

@Tue 19 Jan 2016 18:46:35 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
stephen.roberts.a (BUYER)
1921/1929 SG 92 - #3 fine used (o) (115008532)

@Tue 19 Jan 2016 18:46:35 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
stephen.roberts.a (BUYER)
1921 SG 99 - #2 fine used (o) (115077925)

@Tue 19 Jan 2016 18:46:35 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
stephen.roberts.a (BUYER)
1883 SG 16a - fine used (o) (125054073)

@Tue 19 Jan 2016 18:46:35 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
stephen.roberts.a (BUYER)
1911/1922 SG 160 - fine used (o) - Wmk. Single Star (128197191)

@Tue 19 Jan 2016 18:46:35 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
stephen.roberts.a (BUYER)
1922 SG 74 - #2 fine used (o) - Watermark 1 (84551972)

@Tue 19 Jan 2016 18:46:35 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
stephen.roberts.a (BUYER)
1922 SG 31 - fine used (o) (138944216)

@Tue 19 Jan 2016 18:46:35 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
labang62 (BUYER)
1927/1945 SG 93+93b - fine used (o) (134726958)

@Tue 19 Jan 2016 18:46:34 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
labang62 (BUYER)
1927/1945 SG 97+97b - fine used (o) (134726971)

@Tue 19 Jan 2016 18:46:34 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
stephen.roberts.a (BUYER)
1903 Michel 35 - #2 fine used (o) (88308110)

@Tue 19 Jan 2016 18:46:34 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
stephen.roberts.a (BUYER)
1922 Michel 105+106 - fine used (o) (86119619)

@Tue 19 Jan 2016 18:46:34 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
stephen.roberts.a (BUYER)
1909 Michel 77 - fine used (o) (86119610)

@Tue 19 Jan 2016 18:46:34 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
stephen.roberts.a (BUYER)
1937 Michel 157 - #2 fine used (o) (86086858)

@Tue 19 Jan 2016 18:46:34 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
stephen.roberts.a (BUYER)
1932 Michel 165 - #2 fine used (o) (86086861)

@Tue 19 Jan 2016 18:46:34 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
stephen.roberts.a (BUYER)
1939 Michel 202 - MH (*) (86083667)

@Tue 19 Jan 2016 18:46:34 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
stephen.roberts.a (BUYER)
1939 Michel 200 - fine used (o) (123242371)

@Tue 19 Jan 2016 18:46:34 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
stephen.roberts.a (BUYER)
1938 Michel 196 - fine used (o) - with watermark (86119603)

@Tue 19 Jan 2016 18:46:34 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
stephen.roberts.a (BUYER)
1937 Michel 191 - #2 fine used (o) (86033716)

@Tue 19 Jan 2016 18:46:34 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
stephen.roberts.a (BUYER)
1910 Michel 89 - fine used (o) (86119616)

@Tue 19 Jan 2016 18:46:34 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

jlandskr [+70711]
Koloniaal (BUYER)
1916/1923 SG 1 - MH (*) (144498852)

@Sun 17 Jan 2016 11:28:55 (BST)

Excellent transaction, many thanks

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