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Thread: Using eBid RSS feed in a web page...

  1. #31


    The issue you are having now is because the rss address is incorrect, it shouldnt have any "&" but "&" instead

  2. #32
    Forum Saint astral276's Avatar
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    Yay!!! Thanks. Got it going. You'll have to excuse. I was raised on machine code and assembler programming. I've tried to keep up but I think I am too long in the tooth now to make a great impression on some of the modern stuff. I usually plug away until something works and don't worry too much as to why it does.

    I think me dinner is likely burnt to a frazzle by now so I had better tend to that and come back to this later.

    Many thanks for the help and guidance.

  3. #33
    Forum Master gazlannathai's Avatar
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    I'm having a related issue right now - any tips appreciated

    Trying to get the feed from eBid categories (not store or seller, but main site categories) and the feed is failing - even on the eBid feed preview - for example this one -

    Is the site's feed server broken?

  4. #34


    Quote Originally Posted by gazlannathai View Post
    I'm having a related issue right now - any tips appreciated

    Trying to get the feed from eBid categories (not store or seller, but main site categories) and the feed is failing - even on the eBid feed preview - for example this one -

    Is the site's feed server broken?
    Have you looked at tozcentral's web page about eBids RSS feeds?
    Not sure if it will help as I no nothing about these things, he does all of it for me.
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  5. #35
    Forum Master gazlannathai's Avatar
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    Yup WizOne - had a look at that and may be able to use it for hard-coded sites, but as a plug-in for the main site-scripts I use, I'll have to do some reworking and bundling to get ti to play with the auto-installers.

    He's come at it from an interesting route using the java, I'm aiming at pure php because of varous additional needs from what I'm developing, and having a need to capture and place wrapped html straight out of the feeds.

    Though my main concern today, is that not every category on the site has an active feed - maybe never activated, or maybe broken, or maybe just misconfigured to begin with - if the RSS from any button does not give a preview onsite, then nothing you do offsite will get results either, until the problem within eBid's code or server is fixed.

    I'm also having another issue that needs an expert opinion ( an ex-spurt being a drip under pressure - LOL ) regarding redirecting clixGalore affiliate links to item pages instead of just the home page or sign-up page - I've tried their recommended method with the eBid links affiliate-url&parameters&AffDirectURL={url-of-item-page} and it refuses to work with the eBid links - unlike the other affiliate sites I use it with. I'm thinking the boys haven't configured something at clixGalore.

    Ah well - been at this all week and it's saturday night - I think I'll just go kill some Americans instead (on the games system - LOL)

  6. #36


    Quote Originally Posted by gazlannathai View Post
    Yup WizOne - had a look at that and may be able to use it for hard-coded sites, but as a plug-in for the main site-scripts I use, I'll have to do some reworking and bundling to get ti to play with the auto-installers.

    He's come at it from an interesting route using the java, I'm aiming at pure php because of varous additional needs from what I'm developing, and having a need to capture and place wrapped html straight out of the feeds.

    Though my main concern today, is that not every category on the site has an active feed - maybe never activated, or maybe broken, or maybe just misconfigured to begin with - if the RSS from any button does not give a preview onsite, then nothing you do offsite will get results either, until the problem within eBid's code or server is fixed.

    I'm also having another issue that needs an expert opinion ( an ex-spurt being a drip under pressure - LOL ) regarding redirecting clixGalore affiliate links to item pages instead of just the home page or sign-up page - I've tried their recommended method with the eBid links affiliate-url&parameters&AffDirectURL={url-of-item-page} and it refuses to work with the eBid links - unlike the other affiliate sites I use it with. I'm thinking the boys haven't configured something at clixGalore.

    Ah well - been at this all week and it's saturday night - I think I'll just go kill some Americans instead (on the games system - LOL)

    When he decides to wake up I will get him to look at this thread.
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  7. #37


    You are correct, the feeds are invalid, I put the feed you linked through the w3c rss validator and found it has the line "<auction:shipping><A HREF='http://us.ten.ebid.net/perl/auction.cgi?auction=14421733&mo=auction#ship'>calc ulate</A></auction:shipping>" in it which will cause issues because of the "&" in it. There are a few other issues but they shouldnt cause any major problems (for example there is no xml header and the encoding is in the rss tag instead of the missing header).

    If that is the only error you could try something like:

    $handle = fopen("http://us.rss.ebid.net/perl/rss.cgi?type1=a&type2=a&categoryid=1362&mo=categor y", "rb");
    $xml = stream_get_contents($handle);

    $xml = preg_replace("|<auction:shipping><(.+?)></auction:shipping>|ism", '<auction:shipping><![CDATA[<\1>]]></auction:shipping>', $xml);

    that should download the rss and then correct the error.

    The reason I've used javascript for the rss reader i made is because the rss can sometimes take a while to load and that just means that people will be standing around twiddling their thumbs waiting for something to show up, using javascript means they get a page, although they still have to wait for that page to should everything, but at least the user knows its doing something.

    Hope this helps

  8. #38
    Forum Master gazlannathai's Avatar
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    Thanks Toz

    I've put it to rest for the weekend, so I'll see what I can do with it on Monday as I've got other stuff to clear tomorrow.

    The feed as intended for use will be displaying quite low down on every page, with the main content above it for reading, so I'm not too worried about it taking a while to load - provided the main content loads first and the user can read the main content, then by the time they get to the feed display, it should have shown up.

    Thanks for the code - I'll try it


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