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Thread: Done with pets

  1. #1
    Forum Diehard
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    Default Done with pets

    I am done with having pets. It hurts too much to lose them. We had to put one of my dogs down today and it hurts like losing a member of the family. This dog we had for 18 years. After the pets I have now are gone I don't want anymore.

  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by MrsBentley View Post
    I am done with having pets. It hurts too much to lose them. We had to put one of my dogs down today and it hurts like losing a member of the family. This dog we had for 18 years. After the pets I have now are gone I don't want anymore.
    Pretty selfish. They need caring and loving families inspite of Life being short.
    You would deprive a small beating heart of a caring home because it hurts you to lose them! ?
    Crap! We ALL die sooner or later.

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  3. #3


    Sorry to hear about this. I had to get the cat put down so know what it is like. There must have been a good reason for you to do it so you must have saved the dog some suffering in the future? Anyway, hope you are not too upset about this - best thing is to have a good cry if you can to get the grief out.

  4. #4
    Forum Saint shezz's Avatar
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    Awww sorry I know how you feel

    I had 2 dogs, an alsation and a lab, we had them for 12 and 13years

    One saturday i went outside and found my lab he must of had a heartattack as he was just laying there looking asleep but he had died

    2 days later I had to have the alsation put down, the shock of losing his partner in crime, caused something in his stomach to erupt and he was bleeding to death internally
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    Forum Master harold69's Avatar
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    My comment exactly, at the time. I grieve for you in your loss, but like me and my wife, there will be more. Just keep being the person that i know you are, bless you.

  6. #6
    Forum Master shelleywelley's Avatar
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    Every time an animal dies, we say no more, but you can guarantee we always do. It's just a gut reaction at the time.

    It is very sad when a loved pet dies but thats life, everything and everyone dies at some time. I think it's important for the kids as well to understand this, and with your help learn to deal with it.

    Last month we had to bury one of my mums dogs, she was 15. Yes the kids were upset, but they dealt with it admirably, even wanted to help bury her.

  7. #7



    I send you my thoughts and prayers as I remember what a mess I was for a few days when our cat made his final journey to the vets.

    Take care
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  8. #8


    For me the enrichment of my life by having pets over the years, far outweighs the pain of losing them.

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  9. #9


    I know how you feel on this one. It does hurt - and it is like loosing a family member, especially if they live with you as a part of the family. Grieve as you would for a human family member. Ignore people who say - but its only a dog. It isn't - it is someone who has been part of your life for 18 years, talked to you, listened to you, played with you and the children, gone on holidays perhaps, been involved in a lot of things that you and your family have done. Its natural that the loss will leave a gap. Involve the children in the routine that you will have for burial - get them to plant a small tree over the grave, or a rose bush, or something like that. It will help them to understand. If they've experienced 'death' before, then it will make it so much easier. Death is a natural thing, and part of the circle of life.

    I have had soooo many pets over the years I have lost count. Yet, if I sit down and think on it, I can recall each one in such vivid detail, they are back with me for those split seconds. Some have died naturally, and some have had to be put down at the vets.

    After each ones passing, I have vowed - Never Again - It hurts too much when I loose them - But, being the big old animal softy, that can't resist the temptation of those dark brown soppy eyes, does take in another 'baby'.

    I have 2 now, both I've had from 10 weeks old, a brother and sister - who are now 10 years old. I know that they are both healthy and well at the moment, although Co does have problems with his eye, but this isn't life threatening (unless it ulcerises (sp??)). They are both the centre of each day, (hubby comes second) and they both give me lots of laughs each day. I know that I will eventually loose them - and probably both at the same time as they hate being separated - so I'll have a 'double wammy' when it happens. I also know that I'll be saying - never again, it hurts too much. But I also know, cos I'm a big softy, within 2 years, I'll have another.

    So, allow yourself the grief, it is natural when you loose someone that you have cared about. Take my wishes with the sincerity that they are sent with. Time won't heal, but it will allow you to come to terms with the loss.

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    Forum Saint astral276's Avatar
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    Sorry for your loss.

    It is a sad fact that to have the joy of something you usually have to accept the pain that goes with it.

    Give yourself time to grieve and then consider a rescue animal. You can give life and a good life to one of those - even if that life is short.

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