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Thread: Gazza - What I'd like to see in the revamp & some other musings.

  1. #1

    Default Gazza - What I'd like to see in the revamp & some other musings.

    These are ones that were not covered in any of the recent polls.

    Larger gallery thumbnail pictures.
    More characters in the titles (I know Gazza is looking into that one)

    Some slick looking (probably flash) step by step tutorials, commissioned by the site.
    (there's this cool little program called CamStudio, which might be useful)
    Pointless until the new look site is launched, but launched at the same time as part of it would be perfect.

    The listing page, or at least the description editor for those who use the WYSIWYG editors to be closer in size (or at least width) to a live auction.

    Multiple Item listings that are BuyNow, but not RunTilSold, need to reduce in numbers & repost. Would be better if they were separated from "True Dutch Auctions".

    If possible find a way of adding an enhancement to an auction or changing auction type, on live auctions.

    A lot of people who open stores on eBid have never had a store on any other site so maybe there needs to be 2 ways to set up stores, a bit like having Plain HTML, & WYSIWYG editors in listing.
    1. One the way we have now for more experienced users.
    2. A "one click to set up store", has a basic store set up already, with a generic banner, site colours, & a couple of categories & sub categories.
      With the option to click on each option to change/edit it as & when they were ready.

    Those new stores who didn't have their store category etc selected would just be placed in the stores category "under construction", (which could only be viewed by logged in members of the site) their titles would be username store 1 etc. The stores wouldn't be featured or anything, & the 12 hour rule wouldn't apply,possibly something like 7 days to give people time to experiment
    A section for under construction/test auctions as well, (possibly with a limit to the number of tests by any user at any time, or a time limit they could be posted for,) again only viewable by logged in members.
    Not included in search, or google uploads or anything like that, but an area to help troubleshoot problems, or for those wanting to practise before they post their first live auction, no charge for whatever type of listing chosen, but if/when anybody tries to bid/buy a page stating this is just a test auction, this item is not for sale at this time.

    Talking of stores, fairly major improvements IMO would be.

    • Search by store name, with results showing for all current store names not only online but offline stores as well.ie"This store name is already taken, although the store is not currently online."
    • Two store descriptions,
      • The first a short one (much like we have now possibly shorter) that must be filled in, to be used as in featured stores etc, & on links to the site.
      • The second an optional longer one, a bit like a mini all about for that store, for those who find the current description restrictive.
    • Individual My Notices for each store
    • Individual Holiday Settings for each store
    • More characters in store categories & sub categories.
    • A greater range of characters to use in store categories & sub categories especially currency / &

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  2. #2
    Forum Diehard rokins_toys's Avatar
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    One thing I'd definitely like to see is a page that has no limits in the sense of no character limits so you can get a lot of information in it.

    It's just taken me like an hour to edit 11 listings because when I save and check on the listing, spaces appear where they shouldn't be, entire text paragraphs get moved somewhere else etc.

    So I'd like a single page, no character limit, pictures allowed also, where I can stick all my Postage & Packaging information and Terms & Conditions.

    Because, postage prices in crease every year for us in the UK, so when you have a 180+ live listings, that's a lot to edit especially when you do a pre-combined price list like I do.

    I know I could charge x amount for the first carded figure then x amount per additional like they do on FeeBay, but that is an unfair system. Most on FeeBay doing that are overcharging, for example, if you buy 5 carded figures, you're being charged on average now £2.85 for the first one plus 75p per additional, so if you buy 5 figures, you're paying £5.85 Postage Costs, when, if you look at the Royal Mail tarrif, it doesn't matter if it's 4 or 5 figures, the Royal Mail stamp price is still the same so you're paying an additional fee for an extra figure that isn't costing the seller any extra, so they get that 75p to reap back FeeBay FVFs. So, that's why I do a more fair system, charge the bare minium and have a pre-combined postage list.

    Although the information on my listings looks good layed out etc, it is a hassle having to go through each one to edit them to change the postage costs, or, for instance, if I decide to do a special offer, I have to put that on the listings too, but over the past two days, I've spent over 4 hours having to edit, re-edit, and re-eidt over and over, sometimes 11 times on the one listing alone until it saves how it should be.

    So it would be nice if I could have just one page dedicated to Postage Costs and Terms & Conditions which has no character limitations like on oher areas where you only have 500 characters to write something.

    Because then, I could put a hyperlink on each listing saying: "for pre-combined postage costs and terms and conditions - click here".

    That way, my item description is much shorter with the above put under it.

    Also, I notice on the listings, when making one up, there is no area for "Returns Policy". Which means, I'll have to put something on the actual item description itself which means re-editing yet again, making the item description even longer. And if it doesn't save properly, editing again and again until it does save properly.

    On one page, a seller could put their postage costs, terms and conditions and returns policy, with a link to that page on each listing instead of having to put all that information on the listing. That way, item descriptions are short, simple and to the point.

    I have had comments no people saying how great my listings do look, but, it's hard work and takes time. Realistically, I should be able to edit 200 listings in an hour and a half, which is normally the case, but as above, these past two days, it's taken treble that because things aren't saving properly again. So it would save time if we could have postage costs, terms and conditions and returns policy all on one page which the customers are free to look at.

    And it needs to be a page that isn't restricted. All the postage information and terms on my listings are way over 500 characters, and I like having banners to divide things up, like my postage banners.

    Just some thoughts there for improvements..
    “Doing business without proper advertising is like winking at a girl in the dark. You know what you are doing but nobody else does and the girl doesn't even know you're winking at her either."

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