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Thread: Search not working?

  1. #11
    Forum Saint astral276's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gazza View Post
    We've made some improvements to searches that will be uploaded with our next software update.
    Look forward to see how much difference has been made.

    We have had the recent poll inviting users to vote for their favourite items on a 'wish list'. I think that is what they should remain at present and all endeavours be directed toward getting the core system working reliably.

    The two crux areas of the system, as I see it, are that:

    1. Sellers be able to list their items without grief.
    2. Buyers be able to find and buy those items without grief.

    As regards 1. We have the continuing problems of Gallery failing to work correctly with pictures either not uploading - or at least not showing as uploaded.

    Then there is the problem with the WYSIWYG editors. This only appears to affect some but to them it is a big deal. Even the direct entry of HTML created outside of eBid seems prone to being changed or misinterpreted by eBid.

    As regards 2. The search, which you are addressing, can seem clunky. My personal preference would be for a dedicated Advanced Search page rather than (or in addition to) the Refine Your Search process.

    Categories. Probably a no win situation with that one. While you can please some of the users all of the time, all of the users some of the time, you likely can't please all of the users all of the time. There still remains scope for some improvement - though I don't agree that slavishly following feebay's layout of categories is the way to go.

    I appreciate that it is all too easy for me to sit here and pick fault. That is not my intention. I am just giving this one user's view on where eBid should be concentrating efforts. Many may disagree or have their own take on the subject.

    Despite any of the above I still love the whole ethos of eBid. I want it to be the winner it deserves to be. I am just worried that some of the rough edges to the core system is driving potential users away before they give the place a fair chance.

  2. #12


    Astral I am just glad you understand Gazza's post, it lost me but then thats not hard

  3. #13


    Thank you Gazza - I hope that I will be able to find 'size 30' in women's clothing as well! - (That's PLUS size 30 - not 'bust, waist, height 30' etc!)
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  4. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by gazza View Post
    We've made some improvements to searches that will be uploaded with our next software update. These include searches of single digit integers and also the search for AND instead of OR for non purely a-z words.

    Good to hear, Gazza, thanks from lots of us, I'm sure.

    Not sure why "non purely a-z words" should get different treatment. Why don't you just unconditionally use AND for all the words? If it turns out there are no matches, THEN you can show some helpful hints to the user about how to search for looser matches (e.g. by using OR or commas within parenthesised lists). It's just not reasonable to have a dumb computer trying to second guess what a user wants.
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  5. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by kengillam View Post
    Just highlight and use Crtl-C I do that a lot of the time in all sorts of places to save my fingers
    Ken, you're missing the point. You know how to do that, I know how to do that. An awful lot of computer users don't.

    Just go to an internet cafe or a college or anywhere where there's a bunch of random users and stand behind them watching. (Try not to get thrown out or arrested!)

    It's a usability issue. eB*y have got it right, they've polished this aspect of their site. eBid haven't. Why do toasters have rounded corners? It's easier to manufacture toasters with square corners, that's how they were 50 years ago. But rounded corners are more friendly. These little points seem trivial but they add up and users get a positive or negative feeling accordingly.
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  6. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by gazza View Post
    We've made some improvements to searches that will be uploaded with our next software update. These include searches of single digit integers and also the search for AND instead of OR for non purely a-z words.

    When will the next software update happen?

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