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Thread: Unable to list items...HELP!!!

  1. #1

    Unhappy Unable to list items...HELP!!!

    I just signed up yesterday to sell on Ebid and was able to get 2 books listed right away with no problems. After that I was unable to get pictures uploaded (at least they didn't show in the gallery) yet when I went back today there were 8 of one and 4 of another. Another problem was not being able to get the description in. The box won't let me do anything and any buttons clicked don't work. I have tried again this morning...same troubles. I'm fast becoming disillusioned, not to mention, disappointed that I spent $49.99 for membership on a site that I can't list on.

    Is there somewhere on here I can get technical support other than the forums? I read where other people are having the same troubles and are talking about templates and html editors. I don't know shinola on these things and they still seem to be having problems. I have tried on both of my pc's and the laptop usineg Firefox and IE. I've cleared the cache, history and cookies. Nothing works and I am more frustrated by the minute. Please help!

  2. #2
    Forum Saint astral276's Avatar
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    There were reported problems with the Gallery server yesterday. The result of which is that, when it splutters back into life, your numerous 'failed' attempts to upload are all actioned as one.

    Yes. Some people report the same problem with the WYSIWYG editor. There are various posts on this that I haven't followed too closely (as it does not affect me). I get the impression that admin are not able to reproduce the problem using any variation of browser/OS. I think the last advise was to look at what toolbars/addons you have running in your browser. Try disabling them to see if you can resolve the problem on your own system.

  3. #3
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    There seemed to be quite a few problems with photos and gallery last night. If you're still having problems this morning, though, it might be more than that. If you haven't seen the particular problem you're having discussed already, you could try posting more details of specific problems and see if anybody has any advice.

    If you need to "talk" to ebid themselves, they can only be contacted by email to support@ebid.tv - there's no phone or live chat. HOwever, their email support response is usually pretty good!

    Good luck, hope you get things sorted soon.

  4. #4


    Eureka! Where there's a will there's a way. I managed to resolve the html editor problem by using the simple version but when I previewed the listing, there was no formatting and everything was all run together. After pondering, I thought..."html...hmmm"...and opened up Microsoft FrontPage that I used to build my personal website. I entered all my info on the normal tab and then switched to the html tab and copied everything and pasted it into the simple editor on eBid. When I previewed the listing...VOILA...all of my editing was there and the description was perfect. Frustration has turned into determination. Now if the gallery will just work right...

    Hope this helps others that were in my boat until the Ebid editor is fixed.

  5. #5
    Forum Saint astral276's Avatar
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    I just had a 'play' trying to break the WYSIWYG editor under IE7/XP.

    I can break it totally or I can make it unusable without any buttons by changing various security setting in IE7s Internet Options. Not narrowed it down to which particular setting it is but will work on it later. Anyone having problems may like to check their own settings to see if they can eradicate the problem.

  6. #6

    Smile Thanks!

    Thank you astral and kimbo for your help and suggestions. Played with IE for a bit but nothing helped. I think for now I'll just stick with using FrontPage and then copy the html over to the simple editor. It's an extra step but it works beautifully for me until the advanced editor glitches are worked out. Have a great day!!!


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