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Thread: Shipping discount option would be great :)

  1. #11


    I rather tailor my shipping discount to fit my customer needs.... than using a set fee for additional items.

    I would not know what to set that fee to... 25 cents? 35 cents? 50 cents?...

    It's much easier to figure it out at the end of the auctions with all the items ready to ship.

    For instance, I was able to fit 30 books in a flat rate priority box for $11.00. But if I had sold only 20 books... the flat rate shipping would be the same price...

    Again, I rather customize the shipping fee than having a set fee per additional items.


  2. #12


    I sell a lot of multiples and let potential buyers know shipping discount right on top of each listing. Use the little message feature to advertise monthly special sales too. Just mentioning discount is not good enough, buyers want specifics or you lose sale(s).

    Auto systems (ebay) are too inflexible for me. Can't speak for everyone. I always give free shipping on 2nd items, but with 3rd, 4th, etc items, I vary discount depending on sale price, what I originally paid, how much they bought. Auto system can't do this, they end up overcharging.

    I also use flat rate boxes to cap shipping charges, i.e. if 25 items fit in the box, buyer only pays $10.99. Auto systems do not know when box is full, but I do.

    As far as adding features to ebid to increase sales, I believe good sellers sell items, not fancy features. You can add different templates, dancing dogs, music, etc, on your listings, but if you don't have good pictures, measurements, details and clear shipping discounts, buyers will pass you by.

  3. #13
    Forum Saint Huddylion's Avatar
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    I do a BUY ONE GET ONE FREE in my HUDDYLIONS RECORD DEN store and have a notice up about it.
    I like the op I think thats what he means, wish it could be automated so it lets buyers know when they purchase one record etc that they can get another free, I have tried the 50% off option as well but people just
    DO NOT SEE THE NOTICE , the amount of customers who pay me and lose out on the offer.
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    is 100% positive and has all been earnt here on Ebid

  4. #14
    Administrator gazza's Avatar
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    We want to add this option but we need to discuss with everyone how it would work. For example posting two televisions wouldn't be the same as posting 2 postcards. We will need to cater for things like this... What does everyone think on how this could be implemented?

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  5. #15


    It would need to be something each seller could set up for themselves. Personally, I like the option as it is now, to adjust prices / shipping on the invoice before sending it out.

    As long as we have that option is any other really needed? Isn't it just as simple to say on listings that if you're buying more than one item please wait for a combined invoice to be sent to you?

    If peeps pay before a combined invoice is sent then it's easy enough to give a partial refund or if it's a two for one offer, contact them and suggest they choose an additional item to be sent free of charge.

    It's only a matter of a short communication

    Or doesn't anyone communicate with customers anymore?

  6. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by gazza View Post
    We want to add this option but we need to discuss with everyone how it would work. For example posting two televisions wouldn't be the same as posting 2 postcards. We will need to cater for things like this... What does everyone think on how this could be implemented?

    Maybe it could be optional?
    I might use it for my labels, but wouldn't want to use it for books, or china, because there are too many variables.

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