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Thread: gamecube games wanted

  1. #1

    Smile gamecube games wanted

    Hi everyone I was wondering if anyone actually sells gamecube games on here as the few listed I have found.I either have or are not interested in.Games I'm Particually interested in are harry potters Philosphers Stone,Prisoner of Azkahban and goblet of fire,Spyro games,Mario dance mix and donkey konga jungle beat.Any help would be muchly appreiciated.Thanx Cassandra

  2. #2


    Thanx Mcblob for getting back at us.IThe games I'm particularly intrested in are:

    Harry potter:Philosphers stone
    prisoner of azkahban
    Goblet of Fire
    all 3 games
    £(depends on how many titles you can get hold of,for the spyro and potter games)

    Mario dance mix £15

    Thanx again

  3. #3


    N'ver mind thanx for looking mc.

  4. #4


    hi matey i've got the Harry potter:Philosphers stone game for game cube but only this one.
    if your intrested let me know and i will list it on here and give you the link.
    looking for £4.00 for it.
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  5. #5


    Hello. I only have a couple of game cube games. They are both new and sealed. Catwoman and Splintercell. Keep in mind that the new wii console will play them as well. Also DS games play world wide just like PS3 and alot of xbox 360 games. If you want them both you coud get a shipping discount.

  6. #6
    Forum Newbie
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    Default Gamecube Games

    Hi, I have Metroid Prime 2: echoes and Mario Smash Football currently listed on ebay though I do plan to list more Gamecube games on eBid - which would be Donkey Kong Jungle Beat and possibly Total Spartan warrior. I'm only a recent Ebay defector see! :P

  7. #7


    hey hush I deffo will buy the game but can you hold on til friday if thats ok.I've gotta pop ta me dads to help him out with some stuff.so won't be back till then he's not technalogiclly advanced so get online til then to will check fa ya reply on friday.Thanx cassandra

  8. #8


    thats cool will be fri day night will list then post yu the link.
    Check out my shop for all your fav comic books

    Hush is barnching out check it out

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  9. #9


    oh and by the way we have chamber of secrets as well.
    Check out my shop for all your fav comic books

    Hush is barnching out check it out

    Check out my about me for some stuff about me.
    or why not join my social group on the fourm pages.

    Why not follow me on Twitter.

  10. #10


    Hi canuckbid sorry I'm not interested in splinter cell and catwoman at this time but Thanks for posting maybe someone else will be.

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