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Thread: who hid John's glasses?

  1. #11


    with both my mother and I being spirit sensitive from an early age, the last time we counted up the spirits in our two houses we found that we had 27 permanent or occasional “visitors”

  2. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by somersethedge View Post
    with both my mother and I being spirit sensitive from an early age, the last time we counted up the spirits in our two houses we found that we had 27 permanent or occasional “visitors”

    Would that be classed as a lot, or the norm?? To me, it would be a lot - although if they do their own thing, it wouldn't matter how many there are. Where it could be a problem is - like with 'normal people' (I use that term lightly as there is no such thing as normal cos everyones idea of normal is different) each would be jostling for attention in a house with that number of occupants - if they are able to communicate they would create mischief if they felt either ignored or left out perhaps.

    I'm only summising here as I've no great experience in this area. The only one I've come accross was the chap in my last house who did his own thing in his own time zone or world. It didn't seem to bother him that I couldn't see him, although I could sense he was around as the room or area went very very cold.

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  3. #13


    thats a lot in most houses/gardens. knowing/sensing you have one or two is not unknown but more than that is a bit rare.

  4. #14
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    I lived in a house in college with some friends who were musicians. They made a lot of practice recordings in the house to prepare for their studio time.

    There was the ghost of a dog in that house, which could be seen clearly at night and felt during the day. Any recordings that were made when the dog was about had unidentifiable sounds on them, which the guys sampled and included on some of their albums with credit being given to "the ghost dog."

    Some pipes broke and workers had to get under the house, and the skeleton of a small dog was discovered in the crawl space. We buried the skeleton in the back yard and had no more visits from then on.
    "You're a guest of nature.....so behave!"

  5. #15


    Poor dog, at least it's passed on now... it's always nice to help anyone/thing cross

  6. #16
    Forum Master pearlygirl555's Avatar
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    We've also done some healing work on the land where I live now. There was an inter-tribal massacre on my back 60 acres and that area just had the creepiest feel to it. Those acres are fenced off, and for about 5 years whenever I had occasion to go through that gate there would be some kind of dead animal there. I wouldn't say it has the same feel as the front 60 acres do, but it feels more settled and I haven't found any carcasses since about 2005.
    "You're a guest of nature.....so behave!"

  7. #17

  8. #18
    Forum Master pearlygirl555's Avatar
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    It wasn't the size of the land that was so daunting, the malevolant energy was the daunting part! I was able to do a lot of it remotely, and then some Native American friends helped with the land itself. The plan is for them to come sometime this year and work right at the epicenter of the trouble; part of me isl ooking forward to it and part of me is a bit leery.
    "You're a guest of nature.....so behave!"

  9. #19


    Our house has two permanant ghosts and two visitors. We used to see a lady walk up the hall - just out the corner of our eye all the time (my son saw her fully when he was about 5, and described her as like bo-peep - the dress and the old fashioned hat) - I had a friend of my daughter's here who is sensitive and she said the lady walkes up to my daughter's bedroom to check on something, and sits in the hall reading - this end used to be the barn and where the sheep had lambs etc, so i think she may have been a farm servent. i have also found what i think to be har grave in the local cemetery.The girl in my daughter's bedroom that she saw ages ago when she was about 11, has fallen out with the woman for some reason and the woman won't have anything to do with her and gets angry when asked about her.
    But we have just had a bit of building done to the house which tends to stir them up a bit and i found my reading glasses in the washing up! - at least they were clean. They're always hidding things or moving them about - i don't mind, they're just being cheeky and having a bit of fun.

  10. #20
    Forum Diehard brishada's Avatar
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    Hi Morebooks

    Yes they do like their fun don’t they?

    My daughter’s Fairy loves hiding things, recently she hid our wholesalers price list for a week before putting it somewhere we could eventually find it!

    She has been very mischievious (sp?) this last week, I woke up the other day to find she has been cutting my hair! One side is now just under an inch shorter than the other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My daughter thought it was very funny but did remind her Fairy that it was very naughty. I just hope I don’t wake up bald!!!!!!!!!

    We currently have a little girl spirit in the house, she likes to jump on my daughter’s back when she’s sitting on the floor. She likes to follow us around the house.


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