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Thread: ok need a little help on getting started selling

  1. #1
    Forum Newbie
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    Default ok need a little help on getting started selling

    i have registered with ebid,i am from feebay since jan 99.still listing in feebay land.I decided to sell a item here on ebid an i signed in and clicked sell,let me pick what cat. to list in and then took me to the page where i register a cc.My 2 question are...

    can i pay my fee's with my paypal card?also i am confused on the page where it shows.
    "seller lifetime 0.00"" seller 7 day 1.99"" 30 day 6.99"" 90 16.99" 365 day 59.99""lifetime $49.99" .

    if i understand this correctly i have to purchase how much time i want 7 days to lifetime. Well what is the seller lifetime 0.00 versus the seller lifetime 49.99?????that has me a bit confused.Please explain.thank you

  2. #2
    Forum Lurker
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    The seller+ lifetime special is $49.95. That is the only cost you will ever pay - UNLESS you use gallery or other optional features. Those will cost you extra. If you are planning on selling many items, the $49.95 is a great deal. (Why pay $60 for a year when you can have a lifetime deal for $50.)

    Someone else can comment on the Pa-Pal.
    We specialize in North American model railroading as well as North American railroad books & postcards.

    Railroad Books (under construction!) - http://us.ebid.net/stores/Jays-Books and
    Model Trains - http://us.ebid.net/stores/Take-the-JTrain and
    Railroad Post Cards (under construction!! - hundreds to come!) -http://us.ebid.net/stores/Js-Railroad-Post-Cards and
    Railroad photos - http://us.ebid.net/stores/JTrain-Photos

  3. #3


    Seller lifetime is a one-off fee that enables you to list free and as part of the deal gives you a number of useful features such as free shops. There are other extras to pay for if you use them, for example extra pics but the fees are lower than elsewhere.

    The 7-day subscription is a recurring one, you would need to downgrade your account to stop the subscription.

  4. #4


    Upgrade using PayPal

    If you check in the 'help' section you will see that little bit of advice in very small print. Please be aware that people were reporting very slow processing of the fees by paypal - no prizes for guessing why.

  5. #5
    Forum Saint astral276's Avatar
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    Yes. You can pay your any fees via P@yP@l. That was introduced a short while back due to problems with certain cards (Maestro I think). When you are invoiced there is a button to pay via P@yP@l.

    Well what is the seller lifetime 0.00 versus the seller lifetime 49.99?????that has me a bit confused.
    You are missing a bit. The two are Seller Lifetime and Seller+ Lifetime.

    Seller Lifetime is the most basic seller account. It costs nothing to place a basic listing and you pay a final value fee of 3% on sales.

    Seller+ Lifetime is an enhanced seller account that brings many extras including the ability to run up to 5 stores for no charge. This has a one off up front fee and after that you can list for free and not pay any final value fees. So you can, as long as you do not add any extras, list and sell for free for ever more.

    More info at: http://homepage.ntlworld.com/astral....icks.htm#a0004

  6. #6
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    Hi Kirbykk
    Hope you give it a go here , if you are intending to list a lot of items it really is worth taking the seller + because from then on everthing is free you can list as much and as often as you like . It only costs a small fee when you sell and that is only if you have used a gallery picture ( 2 % of final sale price ) . At the moment things are slow for a load of reasons there isnt the money floating around at the moment but all you items stay listed and dont incur repeat fees like the Bay
    This site will grow , but we all have to do our own bit on the publicity front and you will find a lot of suggestions on how to do it as well as any problems no matter how small get answered in a cheerful way not like other places
    So good luck to you

  7. #7

    Smile Me Too -- considering the move...

    hi all -- really like the site and am completely burnt out on ebay -- just not a good place for folks like me who sell lower numbers of higher cost items -- I sell vintage toys, golden age comics, and other collectibles usually in the $100 to $150 range each -- maybe 30 to 50 a year -- most would consider what I sell "investment grade," I guess -- I am courious about how your business is going? are you selling well? is the support strong? good hits on your product? is the collectibles marketplace on ebid, specifically, strong? does ebid plan to make a serious run at ebay, so I can hope for additional promotion via their efforts? I am not an ebay spy! haha! thanks everyone! very impressed with what all of you are doing...

  8. #8
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    I am also curious (in reference to the above poster).
    I'm wanting to start selling and have done a lot of reading/research. From what I've been reading I've not been impressed with the way Feebay has been handling things. I've also just sold 2 items over there and we're on day 4/5 without payment and with no replies back from either buyer in my offer to assist them complete our transaction.

    Instead of starting up another thread, I was hoping a couple sellers would be willing to inform me on how their selling experience is on Ebid. Also one answer I seemed to have missed is if I list on ca.ebid, will my listing be viewed on the us.ebid site as well?

    Thanks in advance!

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by GameNGo View Post
    Also one answer I seemed to have missed is if I list on ca.ebid, will my listing be viewed on the us.ebid site as well?
    At no extra charge your items will be shown on the home site of every country which you mark the auction as being available to in your shipping details. Unlike Feebay.

  10. #10
    Forum Saint astral276's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GameNGo View Post
    Instead of starting up another thread, I was hoping a couple sellers would be willing to inform me on how their selling experience is on Ebid.
    That question has been asked and answered many times in the forums.

    Also one answer I seemed to have missed is if I list on ca.ebid, will my listing be viewed on the us.ebid site as well?
    Your listing(s) will be viewable on any eBid sites you select when you create the listing. There are no extra fees or requirements here for listing on worldwide sites.

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