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Thread: Got rid of the adult...

  1. #1

    Default Got rid of the adult...

    got rid of the adult stuff on here, don't think they will do so well, also things keep changing on website and I don't know which are not available anymore as they stay on here for too long.

    Check out my other stuff though!!

  2. #2


    I was wondering if they could perhaps be rebranded as fancy dress, just a thought.

    For low cost Prints and Affordable Originals just Click the Logo

    and check out my other stores

    Ken's Cave

    Fantastic Fotos Store

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by adultfunfinders View Post
    got rid of the adult stuff on here, don't think they will do so well, also things keep changing on website and I don't know which are not available anymore as they stay on here for too long.

    Check out my other stuff though!!
    adult stuff if you mean sexy ladys cothes
    l could not sell even on the dark side made more money to a lady at the catholic club
    thought about having a party but l have not got a lot to do this
    take a walk on the wild side
    born to be wild


    See my other shop for good used clothes.

    stomps away to the kitchen to look for alcohol pmsl

    or for psp,singnature tags, psp tutorials take a look at

  4. #4


    Agree. it does not sell well unless you can break into that niche- adult is a very very hard market to break into.. no matter your product. it's a highly competitive, murderously cut-throat business (sometimes even LITERALLY!) and changes its nature about as often, and as fast, as a stripper changes costumes on a Friday night. Myself, I'm already somewhat IN the industry to begin with, having the contacts, the knowledge, the suppliers, and even with all that, it is still an enormous struggle, which I have pretty much given up - despite having some very hot selling items, it just is not enough to make it worth investing in a merchant account, so will soon be making my final listing on PheeBay- packing my remaining inventory into one wholesale lot, and including my E-Commerce website (built from scratch, complete with SSL certificates, and not one, but TWO valuable domain names - appraised at $400 -$500 each) and seeing if I can at least recover the remainder of my investment (PheeBay's listing , relisting and FvF fees took 98% of my gross profit on those items!)

    Adult is just not a great business to be in- used to be very very lucrative and profitable, but nowadays, there's just too much competition that will do anything to undercut you.. driving prices down to the bottom, margins becoming razor thin for everyone.. and big stores like Amazon somehow being able to sell the same item you have for LESS than you can buy it for.. even direct from manufacturer (how DO they get manufacturer to give them such a huge discount?!! Dang! Manufacturer probably breaks even or loses money on the deal!) Ive got quite an interesting clientele.. mainly the adult entertainment (Strippers/Escorts/Low budget porn films props/etc) industry, with some in the collectibles industry (there's a market for those "Inflatable Dates" as collector's items.. more so than it is a market for people that want to actually *use* them - UGH!) but even with that, I have to offer discounts and work with them to pre-plan purchases so I can order, get delivery, and then ship/distribute all in less than a week's time - and that is a very high-stress line of work...

    So, basically, I'm getting out of that business myself too- money's OK, profits are slim, but there.. if you don't sell on SleazeBay... but the stress levels and competitiveness are just too much....
    Many changes yet again, started a new venture, and you can watch my store grow here: Really Rural Woodworks

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