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Thread: Let us sellers work together to help ebid grow

  1. #31


    Quote Originally Posted by Golde View Post
    Thanks Gothicina! I knew there must be some framework in place ; )
    But I am afraid that 10,000 listings of one particular item from just 1 seller, ie. 10,000 car filters, will simply put all other independent small sellers off listing all together, seeing their odd (interesting) listings 'lost' in pages of boring search results. They(we) know buyers will just not look here after 1 dead boring search.
    Greedbay thought its small attic sellers (who got them where they are) 'didnt matter' and look where it has taken them...lol!
    When are auction sites going to recognise that it is the used and independent stuff that people want to 'discover' not just yet another supermarket BIN site like bloody Ammazon!

    The only way somebody can upload that many listings is via the spreadsheet. As I already said that defaults to OnFirstBid for more than 500 items at any one time.

    Even if a large lister uploaded 499 items a time (which would take a great deal of time,) they are extremely unlikely to choose anything other than RunTiLSold for the majority of their items, because they wouldn't have the time needed to keep on top of the constant updates required otherwise.

    Unless a very large lister paid for featured their items do not dominate search.

    If you look at the results given when making a search on eBid you will see:-

    1) featured listings in time order.

    2) countdown listings, (doesn't matter if they are an auction or BuyNowOnly or auction & BuyNow) they are listed in the order of the time they have left.
    You cannot post 1 day listings here, the shortest time is 3 days, so nobody can hog the results that way.

    3) RunTilSold

    4) OnFirstBid in time order, so a 3 day OnFirstBid will show before a 10 day one. They only start to countdown once they have had a bid,
    obviously if they are OnFirstBid buynow, they never countdown at all.

    Not sure about the closing auctions on the frontpage, but in the ones at the side of the forum are restricted to showing one item per ID, so large listers cannot hog that either.

    That is why we advise small sellers to use mainly countdown listings with reposts, to make the most of eBid search,
    but, with at least 7 days to run, (& a BuyNow price as well,) to get the most out of the google product uploads.

    MAHATMA GANDHI - "The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way in which its animals are treated."

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  2. #32
    Forum Newbie
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    Default Good Morning from Canada & Again a Bid Thankyou!!!

    To the Previous few Posts again I thankyou !! I know I am going to Love being here on Ebid It is finally nice to see everyone that is soooooooooo friendly & actually HAPPY - the only complaints I see are trying to Hang in to wait till this site is BIGGER!!!! It will be I am sure of that Especially when everyone works together - I am going to do my best to promote Ebid in local adds & as many classifides adds as possible as I know people are sick of GreedBay!!! Like Myself -
    I wrote on a different link asking also if anyone knows if I can direct my Domain name of www.mystiquejewel.com (it is pointing nowhere right now)
    here to my Ebid store as I previously had it directed to Greedbay & am unsure how to do this - where is the link code of html of my store , sorry I am alittle new to this all as my Son usually helps & now he works long hours so I am on my own!!!!
    As far as the Canadian goverment answering to the previous post ) they apparantely took the other Big Auction Site (no names ) to court the last couple of years fighting to get all of the Power Sellers names , addresses & Info of $$$$$ made & the government finally won in the last few weeks so now as of November 17th all records of 2004 & 2005 have to be released , so if one did'nt keep proper records or declare there buisness income & pay taxes they have some big troubles! In the forums I see soooooo many who even started selling jsut there own odds & ends & received powere Seller status are losing sleep worrying that they will get audited ! Because of all this I believe more Sellers like myself will come here & the big guys will stay there - on any auction site it is only common sense to keep all receipts & monies earned for declaring for Buisness use anyways It is my belief that the US government will follow suit to cllect there tax money as well ! Greedbay will go down because of soooooooo many problems this will encounter I am sure of it!
    Well gotta run for a bit - have'nt had time to list any more items but will tonight - still figuring this site out - it is fairly straight forward but if you are alittle bit of a airhead sometimes(like myself !!) it takes a bit of time!!!

  3. #33


    As regards the Canadian revenue disclosures, surely it will only be a matter of time before they start looking at other online selling venues and making the same requests for information.

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  4. #34


    Quote Originally Posted by Glamour16 View Post
    I wrote on a different link asking also if anyone knows if I can direct my Domain name of www.mystiquejewel.com (it is pointing nowhere right now)
    here to my Ebid store
    Yes you can, your eBid store link is

    It might be worth you getting rid of the new store1 part of the name.

    If you go to the control panel for your domain name forwarding,
    & paste the url there it will point to your eBid store.

    Some of mine are setup that way.

    MAHATMA GANDHI - "The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way in which its animals are treated."

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  5. #35
    Forum Newbie
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    Default Store Linking

    Thankyou very much Gothicina - you are wonderful!!! I will direct my name there & did you mean delete the words store 1?? or change Glamour16 link to read Mystique Jewel , I am alittle unsure what your advice is ????
    I will look at your store also to see if I can figure out what you mean - sorry to be such a pest!!!!

  6. #36


    Quote Originally Posted by Glamour16 View Post
    Thankyou very much Gothicina - you are wonderful!!! I will direct my name there & did you mean delete the words store 1?? or change Glamour16 link to read Mystique Jewel , I am alittle unsure what your advice is ????
    I will look at your store also to see if I can figure out what you mean - sorry to be such a pest!!!!
    Sorry if I wasn't clear.
    new store1, newstore2 etc
    is how the system identifies stores before you make them active.

    It's a pet annoyance of mine to see them used in the store name for active stores, they just make the url longer.
    Unless of course you call every store you open by the same name, then they have a purpose.

    I bought my domains after I'd named my stores so they do match, but it isn't necessary that they do.

    MAHATMA GANDHI - "The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way in which its animals are treated."

    My Stores
    Gothicina Labels | Gothicina's Web - for eBid Auction Templates & Store Banners.

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