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Thread: Answering buyer questions

  1. #1
    Forum Diehard rokins_toys's Avatar
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    Exclamation Answering buyer questions

    I noticed the eBid policy on making sellers contact buyers within 24 hours of them asking a question, sending a message etc.

    In most cases, it's not a problem, however, I find this 24 hour policy a bit unfair come the weekend. After all, I will only reply to questions, messages etc within official business hours. Which by law I'm entitled to. I think eBid should change it's policy to take into consideration, that I am a proper business, with proper business hours and I'm not going to sit here at 10pm at night answering questions/messages outside of business hours, and make exceptions for the weekend, for example, if a buyer asks a question, sends a message after my official shop closing hours on a Saturday, then I should be allowed to reply to them on the following Monday during official shop hours.

    I think eBid should look into this. And make the changes I suggest. I think it's unfair for my listings to be closed and or whatever, if I do not reply on a Sunday when I am closed for business. I have a life after all! Other things to do, places to be etc.

  2. #2


    Although it says 24 hours, I'm fairly sure that allowances are made for weekends holidays etc.

    It was only brought in because of Sellers who dump their listings & then don't bother to check their account.

    I think 24hrs is too short, maybe 3 days?
    Or even 3 - 7 after all most sellers would expect to be paid within that timeframe, it would be pretty discourteous of them not to answer a prospective buyer within that time.

    If eBid did lengthen the time allowed, I'd expect them to enforce the rule more strictly.

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  3. #3
    Forum Saint astral276's Avatar
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    I think Gazza did respond on this subject earlier. Stating that cases would be judged individually. If you were a seller of good standing then you had nothing to worry about. The inference was that they wanted to keep the rule to use if needed.

    The big push for the Holiday setting was brought about by the existence of this rule.

  4. #4
    Forum Diehard rokins_toys's Avatar
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    Interesting points.. I doubt eBid will make any changes to the policy, but I do think they should at least extend it to replying within 48 hours maybe?! And make exclusions for weekends and holidays would be a good idea. Just so there's no confusion etc anywhere.

    I always make a point of responding to customer and potential buyer emails etc within 24 hours anyway, as long as it's within official business hours, so I just like eBid to change the policy to some degree to make things more clear so sellers do know that they can make exceptions to the rule when it's a weekend or holiday, as with many sellers, last thing you want to be doing in your free time is doing work outside of business hours. Be interesting to see if anything happens there.. Probably nothing though lol!
    “Doing business without proper advertising is like winking at a girl in the dark. You know what you are doing but nobody else does and the girl doesn't even know you're winking at her either."

  5. #5


    What worries me maybe more, is whether the Ebid ASQ system is working! I have asked two questions now of reputable sellers and did not receive any response either time; I cannot believe they ignored the questions or did not check to see if there were any so I can only assume they did not get through.

    Likewise, one of my sales the other day never came thru on my email account, it's a good job I constantly check My Ebid or I wouldn't have known I had made another sale.

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  6. #6


    I always reply within an hour , oops can feel my nose getting longer.

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