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Thread: Voting In the USA. This is History in the making

  1. #111


    Quote Originally Posted by bahhumbug View Post
    The take away points from that being his tax plan and his stance all along was that if you made $250,000 or under your taxes would not go up. Not going up is different than guaranteed a tax decrease which was where the $150,000 comes in.

    Your $42,000 figure comes a non-binding budget resolution which simply set a spending target which assumed the Bush taxcuts were expiring on schedule. The democrats also offered their own budget resolution that included their own cuts which are not accounted for in the 42,000 claim. http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com...ttle-as-42000/

    I'd love to give a response to your Biden claim as well but can't find any reference to it via the google.

    Also I'm confused by your "ripping apart Bush for being Catholic" because as one other poster has noted Bush and his wife both belong to the United Methodist Church, which he joined after marrying her. Previously he belonged to an episcopalian church. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontl...tc/script.html
    I've assumed the "Bush" in question is the current president. Although I can't see how it would apply to H.W., an episcopalian, either.
    Made a mistake on his denomination. But it was his christianity that was made a big deal of. Most Christians in this country are under attack here. I really get sick and tired of hearing about yet another person suing over what they feel is offensive to them because they aren't Christian.

    Also, Obama is going to take away the tax cuts Bush gave us. And no, not only the rich got the cuts. We are no where near being rich and we benifited from the cuts. To me, taking away our tax cuts is the same as raising our taxes. We paid about half the amout of taxes under Bush than we did under Slick Willy.
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  2. #112


    Quote Originally Posted by patticakebbq View Post
    I really get sick and tired of hearing about yet another person suing over what they feel is offensive to them because they aren't Christian.
    You can't be half as sick as the rest of us who are fed up with others constantly trying to make laws inspired by their own personal belief system with the intention of imposing it on others who do not share those beliefs.

    Religion of any shade should be made to be conducted behind closed doors between consenting adults, anyone who doesn't share those beliefs should be left in peace to live their lives without the raucous hectoring that comes from those who seem to feel it is their mission in life to "spread the word".

    Lets face it, if Bush hadn't been told it was ok to invade Iraq by his personal imaginary friend in the sky (which probably coincided with a personal desire to avenge the ignominious outcome of the first invasion), we likely wouldn't be involved in the war there.

  3. #113
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    It is my personal opinion that one of the largest mistakes made by the framers of the U.S. Constitution was when they made the clause "separation of church and state". I think it would have been better stated as "separation of church from state".
    Would have drawn a wider line and prevented a lot of the interference we see - on both sides - to this day.
    I am a practicing Episcopalian. My faith, from which I derive a great deal of support in down times.
    I can not abide bible thumpers, and people who say they are forgiven so whatever they do is OK are hypocrites of the highest order as far as I am concerned. Christ taught us certain principles by which we are supposed to live our lives. These are sound principles that have withstood the test of time and I recommend them to all whether you profess a belief in christianity or not.
    One of the books of the Old Testament of the Bible (also found in the Hebrew Torah) is basically a manual of proper health and sanitary practices.
    I would also recommend that you study the teachings of the Budda, the Dalli Lamma, Aristottle, and Sun Tzu among others.

  4. #114


    The rest of the books of the OT seem to be an invitation to genocide as far as I can see, I refused to carry on reading them to my daughter, it was horrific.

  5. #115
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    Quote Originally Posted by patticakebbq View Post
    Also, Obama is going to take away the tax cuts Bush gave us. And no, not only the rich got the cuts. We are no where near being rich and we benifited from the cuts. To me, taking away our tax cuts is the same as raising our taxes. We paid about half the amout of taxes under Bush than we did under Slick Willy.
    I don't know how many times this needs to be repeated but his plan is under $250,000 will not see a tax increase from the current levels. $150,000 and below will see a decrease, and in most cases it will be a larger decrease than under McCain. The reason for expiring the Bush tax cuts is they provide even larger relief to the rich so you get rid of the Bush tax cuts and replace them with equal or better tax cuts for those making under $250,000.

  6. #116
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    And in regards the President Clinton hating I think most of the country would rather have an economy that wasn't collapsing and a national surplus as opposed to current situation and record deficits to go with a ballooning national debt.

  7. #117
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    Quote Originally Posted by patticakebbq View Post
    Made a mistake on his denomination. But it was his christianity that was made a big deal of. Most Christians in this country are under attack here. I really get sick and tired of hearing about yet another person suing over what they feel is offensive to them because they aren't Christian.
    Not being allowed to push your beliefs on others is not being "under attack" and we do have this little law calling for separation of church and state.

    Doing something like trying to force children who are not of your religion to pray to your god while they are in school should not be allowed. I'm sure christians would object if their children had to do a praise Allah, any reason people of another faith or atheists shouldn't be allowed the same courtesy? It's not "attacking" one religion it's protecting all religion by keeping the state out of it.

    Getting a job as a pharmacist so you can refuse to provide medicine is ridiculous, if you object to the duties of the job then you shouldn't take the job. Would it be prosecution of vegans if someone was fired from the deli for refusing to sell meat under moral grounds? or would the vegan in question be widely derided?

    Wanting to be able to marry the person you love isn't an attack on anyone either. It's not like Adam and Steve are forcing happily married men to get divorced and start having sex with each other. The only attacking going on there comes from the religious right and groups like the mormons who spend $20million dollars so they can tell other people how they are supposed to live their lives.

    Not directly related but here's a nice bit by one of the anti separation of church and state people which was too good to pass up. http://www.boingboing.net/2006/06/17...ments-con.html He apparently knows neither the constitution or the ten commandments.

  8. #118

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