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Thread: Please let me list on other eBid sites/countries

  1. #1

    Exclamation Please let me list on other eBid sites/countries

    I've been on eBid for the last couple of months and apart from slow sales, I'm quite happy here.
    However, when I was on Greedbay, I had most of my listings on Greedbay UK (not Ireland) but also many listings on Greedbay Germany. I still have some Germany specific items which I really can't list on eBid Ireland as they wouldn't mean anything to buyers outside Germany. And they're smallish items, so it wouldn't be worth my while putting them up on Greedbay Germany, apart from the fact that I don't want to list on Greedbay anymore.
    It's a real pity though that I can't sell them via eBid and I was wondering if you have any plans of changing this in the near future.

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  2. #2
    Forum Saint
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    If you say you ship to Germany, they'll be totally visible and buyable there, regardless of where you've listed them. Or is there some other issue?

  3. #3


    Sorry to sound daft in this, but wouldn't they be visible to the countries that you choose to ship to.

    I don't know properly with Germany, but I'm thought that my items were visible to Netherlands as I sold a few items there a month or so ago, and now in the YDC I had America listed in my overseas shipping details and one of them sold to a lady in USA. Isn't that how it works, or am I understanding it wrong.

    Sewing Room Creations - for hand crafted gift ideas & doll accessories.

  4. #4


    Listed items will be seen on your home site and any other site you mark that you ship to. The best I can suggest is that you very clearly state in each auction that the items are only available to the German site and not to Ireland.

  5. #5


    If I were to list on eBid Germany, I would obviously do my listings in German. But to list an item in German on the Irish site looks...a bit daft to put it mildly.
    And anyway, as to the visibility: how do items show up on sites of other countries?
    When I try to log into eBid Germany, all the categories I see are in English and on the (few) occasions that I've done a search for items there, only listings in English appeared.
    Does that mean the Germans don't use eBid or am I missing something here?

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  6. #6
    Forum Saint
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    Why not just make them bilingual? Best of both worlds if you put your description in both languages, isn't it? Anyway, if you're sure the best solution is to list via another site, I think your best option is to ebid support@ebid.tv and tell them why, and see what they say. If you do, please let us know the outcome.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by bykimbo View Post
    Why not just make them bilingual? Best of both worlds if you put your description in both languages, isn't it? Anyway, if you're sure the best solution is to list via another site, I think your best option is to ebid support@ebid.tv and tell them why, and see what they say. If you do, please let us know the outcome.
    Good idea, Bykimbo. Thought they would read this thread anyway, but I may as well mail them. Thanks!
    When I was still on Greedbay, I often had bilingual listings, but I would always put the native language first (like German first on Greedbay Germany), so that made sense. Anyway, lets see what support say.
    Last edited by LunabuAllsorts; 1st November 2008 at 05:40 PM.

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  8. #8


    meebo1 sells a few bits and bobs related to German and Germany and I know she sells to people in Germany - so how does she do it?
    She gets the visibility and sales somehow.

    Sewing Room Creations - for hand crafted gift ideas & doll accessories.

  9. #9


    The non English sites are still in beta, that is why they are still in English.
    Nothing stopping you from listing in German if you wish, I'd imagine people that didn't understand it, wouldn't look at it.
    If your items qualified for google upload I think you would have to do that to google products de yourself.

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  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by BabsnRay View Post
    meebo1 sells a few bits and bobs related to German and Germany and I know she sells to people in Germany - so how does she do it?
    She gets the visibility and sales somehow.
    Must check it out, thanks

    Please visit my eBid Stores

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