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Thread: a word of warning (greedbay)dont let it happen to you

  1. #1
    Forum Diehard sparklybits's Avatar
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    Angry a word of warning (greedbay)dont let it happen to you

    i dont usually rant on but i feel this may help someone else , last april i moved house and closed my greedbay shop or so i thought !!!!!, i moved all my listings to here where i have never been happier , i did try to log onto my old greedbay account after the move but as i had no listings running and my shop was closed when i couldnt log on i thought what the hell , a few weeks ago i recieved a telephone call from greedbay saying i owed them money ? after several calls and them eventually allowing me to log back onto my account it apears my account had been hacked which they openly admitted to me , and the hacker had blocked greedbays emails coming to me !!!aperently they said i had closed my shop but as i had selling manager pro that was still running ? and therefore i owed them £18.84 for this i was gob smacked, anyway 2 days later i got a letter from a debt collection agency saying i owed £26.84 for greedbay , i contacted greedbay again and agreed reluntantly to pay what i owed they replied to pay them the £18.84 and that would be it so i did , now i have recieved another letter from the debt collection agency saying i still owe them £8.00 and will if neccessary take me to court for this amount , i rang them and explained i had paid greedbay they said thats fine but you still owe us !!!!, i have again contacted greedbay and they now tell me my account has been re instated and i am in fact £4.00 something in credit , i am fumeing not only do i not want this account ,i dont want the debt collectors on my back for £8.00 so please if you have left greedbay make sure you have closed everything includeing selling manager pro and not just your shop , id hate anyone else to go through this , i am gobsmaked that after 4 years and paying aprox £180 a month in fee's they are still after my hard earned cash , sorry to rant but please dont let this happen to you , i have asked for my £4.00 back but i wont hold my breath waiting for it to happen

  2. #2


    Thanks for the advice. I'm going to have to check the store I closed. Still have to wait 6 months apparantly before I'm completely removed. They really are a bunch of crooks with a professional business covering.

  3. #3
    Forum Diehard sparklybits's Avatar
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    yes i supose i am to blame for not closeing it properly but with not being able to access the account i didnt realise it was still running i thought when i closed the shop that was it , its so fustrateing

  4. #4
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    Hi Sparkybits.
    A few words about Debt Collectors/Agencies.
    Debt collectors have no powers to enter your house & remove goods.
    This is a FACT of law (UK). They will try every trick in the book to
    get you to part with the money they say you owe.
    If possible always record conversations between yourself & a Debt collection company (Tell them you are recording the call)
    Be Firm & try not to panic. I am aware that these jumped up bully boysthrive on intimidation,And the more you sound scared the more they thrive.Pay them not a penny, If they threaten you with court action,them proceed.This is another of their favourite Tricks.The Courts are there to settle disputes,they are not there to rule in favour of the debt collection agency's .Depending on the individuals circumstances you may only have to pay back the money owed at a £1.00 a month. These dept collection company's know this, this is why they try so hard to force you to pay a lot more than you could afford.Also remember that the original company who you acquired the debt with (i.e Greedbay) have sold your debt to the collection company,However,what they will not tell you is that the debt would have been sold for a little as 10p (Fact) And that they only have limited time to collect the debt.If you do decide to pay them (and for £4.00,you may decide it's worth it ,just for peace of mind) Be sure to obtain receipts, for any money sent,A client of ours paid a large amount by postal orders,the Debt collection company concerned,tried to say that they never received the money, i stepped in & was able to prove,that the money had been paid, And the company concerned was heavily fined by the courts! Seek advice,from citizen's advice & try not to worry.


  5. #5
    Forum Diehard sparklybits's Avatar
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    thankyou ratlin your advise is very much apreciated , when i phoned the debt collection agency i was fumeing i tride to stay calm bit when she said if you do not pay us it could end up in court , i shouted fine take me to court then but im not paying it , ooops maybe i shouldnt have said that but i was so mad at the time , i suppose il have to wait and see what happens next

  6. #6
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    Sorry to hear you got caught up in this. There was a thread on here a couple of months ago warning people to close their subscriptions as well. A lot of shops had free subscriptions, so the sellers didn't think about them - but once you close the store the subscription begins to be charged (no longer free in other words). It's a horrible racket.
    One more note - it is not worth a credit collection agency's time or money to take someone to court for £8.00. Just tell them to send you the court date. You probably won't hear from them again.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by RATLINTOEZ View Post
    Hi Sparkybits.
    A few words about Debt Collectors/Agencies.
    Debt collectors have no powers to enter your house & remove goods.
    This is a FACT of law (UK). They will try every trick in the book to
    get you to part with the money they say you owe.
    If possible always record conversations between yourself & a Debt collection company (Tell them you are recording the call)
    Be Firm & try not to panic. I am aware that these jumped up bully boysthrive on intimidation,And the more you sound scared the more they thrive.Pay them not a penny, If they threaten you with court action,them proceed.This is another of their favourite Tricks.The Courts are there to settle disputes,they are not there to rule in favour of the debt collection agency's .Depending on the individuals circumstances you may only have to pay back the money owed at a £1.00 a month. These dept collection company's know this, this is why they try so hard to force you to pay a lot more than you could afford.Also remember that the original company who you acquired the debt with (i.e Greedbay) have sold your debt to the collection company,However,what they will not tell you is that the debt would have been sold for a little as 10p (Fact) And that they only have limited time to collect the debt.If you do decide to pay them (and for £4.00,you may decide it's worth it ,just for peace of mind) Be sure to obtain receipts, for any money sent,A client of ours paid a large amount by postal orders,the Debt collection company concerned,tried to say that they never received the money, i stepped in & was able to prove,that the money had been paid, And the company concerned was heavily fined by the courts! Seek advice,from citizen's advice & try not to worry.

    Yeah, great post indeed!
    Too many crooks trying to intimidate people, especially vulnerable people, people that they know won't stand up to them

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  8. #8
    Forum Diehard mrsandman's Avatar
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    Excellent advice .. my friend opened her door , they told her who they were and why they were there.... she said " I do not owe you a penny. I never asked you to buy my debt"!!!.. she never heard another word

  9. #9
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    I think you should refer the £4 they owe you to a different debt collection agency, just to see how they like it

  10. #10
    Forum Lurker VandTnut's Avatar
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    Don't know how the agreement works in the U.K. but in the USA all of GreedBays activities are governed by the laws of the state of California according to their written agreements and that is the court where everything is adjudicated.
    Please explain to your debt collector that that is where they have to file any claims arising out of your business dealings with GreedBay. After they make the necessary filings you can then explain to them that they have no valid claim against you for any debt they have "purchased" from GreedBay as you have settled the debt with the original party which, under California law, satisfies all claims.
    In other words they can go pound sand.

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