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Thread: RE: Export Listings Function

  1. #1

    Default RE: Export Listings Function

    Hi All,

    I was trying to use the Export Listings function to do some editing of my listings. This is the first time I've tried this.

    It states it will save it to a file in Ebid Bulk Listing format, however it saves in a .tsv format which my Excel can't read or open. The only way to open it is in Notepad, which is useless for editing.

    What is this .tsv format, and is it possible to have this Listings file in a format Excel can use? Am I doing something wrong here?

    Thanks for any suggestions.


  2. #2


    try doing your normal open in notepad, but then "save as" a .csv or .xls file. It should open in excel, but what it will do to your data, Im unsure of, cos cant remember atm!! LOL

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by phanmale View Post
    try doing your normal open in notepad, but then "save as" a .csv or .xls file. It should open in excel, but what it will do to your data, Im unsure of, cos cant remember atm!! LOL
    Thanks Phanmale. I did try that and it doesn't give me an option for .csv or .xls file, only .txt. However, when I save it as a .txt file, it still states it's a TSV file in my documents and Excel can't seem to deal with it.

  4. #4
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    T for tab as opposed C for comma (as in CSV) - I'm surprised you can't open in excel, tab delimited should be fine. Have you tried launching excel then importing, rather than opening?

  5. #5


    As far as I remember you need to open a new blank excel file,
    then choose
    Import External Data,
    Import Data,
    leave the option as Files of type - All Files (*.*),
    & you will be able to navigate to your TSV file.
    Choose it & you can import as much or as little into excel as you want to.

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  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by Gothicina View Post
    As far as I remember you need to open a new blank excel file,
    then choose
    Import External Data,
    Import Data,
    leave the option as Files of type - All Files (*.*),
    & you will be able to navigate to your TSV file.
    Choose it & you can import as much or as little into excel as you want to.
    Yes, that does work. Thanks Gothicina and Kimbo. The only problem with the file is it only imported the first few lines of all of my descriptions. I wonder why that would be.

    Just for future reference - if I wanted to use this file for re-upload to Ebid, I would just need to put a header line on top, make any changes and upload it again to Ebid?

    Any idea how I could get it to export / import with ALL of my description, rather than just the first couple lines?


  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Riverwood View Post

    Any idea how I could get it to export / import with ALL of my description, rather than just the first couple lines?

    Click on the description cell and see what shows in the formula bar. Excel usually only shows (approx) 1024 characters in a cell but they're all they're in the formula bar. Just one of those limitation things.

  8. #8


    This is what I do - you can try and see if it works for you.

    1. click the top option of the two download options
    2. click on save file
    3. The downloads box pops up, right click to open the file in notepad
    4. type in .txt at the end of the file name. Save as type: text documents.txt, encoding ANSI
    5. open microsoft excel
    6. open the folder you saved the .txt file in
    7. where you see "files of type", click on all files
    8. open the file you saved
    9. the text import wizard should pop up
    10. Presss next, next, finish
    11. finally,. save in microsoft excel workbook

  9. #9
    Forum Saint HannaHolly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Riverwood View Post
    Hi All,

    I was trying to use the Export Listings function to do some editing of my listings. This is the first time I've tried this.

    It states it will save it to a file in Ebid Bulk Listing format, however it saves in a .tsv format which my Excel can't read or open. The only way to open it is in Notepad, which is useless for editing.

    What is this .tsv format, and is it possible to have this Listings file in a format Excel can use? Am I doing something wrong here?

    Thanks for any suggestions.

    Rename the file so that it ends in .txt then open excel and use the 'import' function to import the text file. this will work as i use it every day

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by Running_Grannie View Post
    Click on the description cell and see what shows in the formula bar. Excel usually only shows (approx) 1024 characters in a cell but they're all they're in the formula bar. Just one of those limitation things.
    No, unfortunately all the description fields are incomplete - only the first couple of lines got imported.

    I actually did put in a support ticket for this today so maybe the guys can sort it out.

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