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Thread: New/Used

  1. #81


    I think the new/unused is getting a little pedantic, provided a precise definition is included in the description it would have to be a rather stupid buyer complaining about an unused vintage postcard being 100 years old if it was listed as new.

    If I complete a painting and not list it for a few months does that make it secondhand or unused or is it still new, what about the age of the subject if I paint a historical scene. Some common sense is required here.

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  2. #82
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    Quote Originally Posted by kengillam View Post
    I think the new/unused is getting a little pedantic, provided a precise definition is included in the description it would have to be a rather stupid buyer complaining about an unused vintage postcard being 100 years old if it was listed as new.
    Unfortunately Ken we have some of those, plus as the site gains in popularity we will get more.

    Personally I think that all categories should have new/used/unused; with the addition where neccesary of mint (coins/stamps etc).
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  3. #83


    Quote Originally Posted by TiasTreasures View Post
    I have seen posts from sellers who had their listings pulled because the items were old, in unused condition, that they listed as "New".
    . . .
    Those of us who are selling collectibles are especially vulnerable to this.
    I'm repeating this because it seems to have been overlooked.

    If listings are being "deleted without warning" by eBid because an old item is described as "New", how can we list them? An uncirculated 1940 coin is NOT "Used". Originally, this simply seemed to be a good idea for accuracy. Now, it has become a major concern. As I said before, I'm not going to add any more items that are in Unused condition. I don't care to go to all that work and then have them deleted, and I am not going to list them as Used.

  4. #84

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  5. #85


    'Unused' added - excellent news - I'll get snapping those pics and scribing those texts!

  6. #86


    If I complete a painting and not list it for a few months does that make it secondhand or unused or is it still new,

    Ken - I would say definitely NEW - its 'still in the shop' so to speak!

    The point about commonsense ( and buyers' apparent lack of the same) is very valid!
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  7. #87


    Quote Originally Posted by Running_Grannie View Post
    Yes, age (like size) does matter. If I listed a 100 year old postcard as NEW simply because it had never been written on then I think I could be in for some SNAD flak despite noting its actual age in the text.

    I've always understood, for listing purposes, NEW to mean something that one could still purchase from a retail outlet and is in current production.
    Very pleased to see UNUSED has been added, this will certainly help many who have mint/AS NEW items that cannot be added under NEW but to be fair should not be classed as USED either.

    For my point (as I have stated before) like the above quote, NEW is quite irrelevant to its age, BUT the item should still be available described NEW from the seller that has bought it from wholesale or published/made it therefore its sales as yet have NOT been to the end user, ie the Public! My own Postcards fall into that, so do books I distrubite or may publish in the future, just as I would selling books that are currently in print, once out of print, they maybe ought to be UNUSED.

    I agree that in general selling a mint perfect 'as new' book or postcard for example (other items fit that) cannot be either NEW or USED, if its been sold through another collectors hands, as its not still new its obviously second-hand, because you cannot go direct to the maker & say Id like one of those!

    Could not comment on clothing, but UNUSED must be a far better condition to list coins & stamps and 'old' mint postcards. Really good that eBid is listening to its sellers, rather than elsewhere pandering to the buyers alone.

    Quote Originally Posted by TiasTreasures View Post
    18th October 2008, 03:40 AM post #72
    Similar problem here. We have hundreds of new items to add (now that we've finished moving everything from GreedBay). Thousands if I count the stamps and coins.
    We all just need to promote eBid in general out there much more to start tipping the balance going by the views Ive seen so far on our early teasers at auction here. Those with thier own sites (outside of auctions), photo sites, blogs, facebook and such like need to help make ebid roll off the tounge just as the other one does when people talk about online auctions. Many have not yet heard of eBid!
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