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Thread: Speed Problems

  1. #61
    Forum Lurker WorleGirl's Avatar
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    Extremely sluggish overall though mainly on Login Pages. Tried to view other people's stores but got fed up of waiting.

    Usually quite swift but today and yesterday were embarrassingly slow for trying to show off eBid to someone who was interested in *Bay at the time!...

    BlossomTree in Birmingham, West Mids. UK
    Craft Clearout
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  2. #62


    Hello. This link will take you to a speed test to see how fast your server is. I've provided links in the past and some people complain that they will get spam. I've not noticed any extra than the regular garbage I normally get after using the speed test link. You can beef up your spam blocker settings if you are worried about it. With my XP OS the settings can be found in tools-popup blocker-options-filter settings. The free speed test is at the bottom of the page.


  3. #63


    yes.. you can do a speed test.. but even that doesnt really prove anything either.. because it does not go over the same network.. it will only test your connection, and maybe a couple close-in hops.. it's very tricky to diagnose issues like this- could be the user's firewall , could be connection, ISP, could be a router somewhere in-between.. in addition to could be server..

    Warning: Tech stuff ahead.. if you get cross-eyed trying to read it, don't say I didn't warn you!

    Normally, if I see what appears to be a problem with loading a page or site, I will run an MTR (Matt's TraceRoute for those curious about it) from my Linux machine, which traces my latency across every "hop" (router) between myself and the server.. Most often, for me, the problem is about 4 hops out, on Bellsouth's network - which appears to be the DSLAM.. (I assume it's just too busy at times)

    Usually when the ebid server is exhibiting a problem, the pages don't load *at all* and I get a timeout, even though, oddly enough, I can telnet to port 80 and 443 on the same server (*SOMETIMES*) and make a connection, which responds nicely to my GET request.. which actually leads me to winder if it is not related to one of the remotely included ads... It is also possible that the inbound traffic is fine, and the problem or chokepoint is on the outbound route (outbound from server is not always the same route as inbound) - It's been a common problem with Cogent, which my routes often go across.. (We use some Cogent bandwidth in addition to our blended INAP bandwidth.. so we see similar issues now and then)

    But overall, I've seen very few problems , just the one or two times there was a glitch, which the guys scrambled to take care of.. other than that, most of the slowness , when it happens, isn't the server per se.. it's more due to the traffic routing, which the guys can't control - It isnt ebid's equipment/hardware/network in that case..

    I would imagine if we can pull in more traffic, more buyers and sellers, they will be able to expand, enhance, and improve the existing infrastructure... hire additional techs or help, etc .. way I see it, it's just growing pains.. I'm sure we'll see outages and issues every once in a while now and then.. I still get page loading problems and issues on FeeBay as well.. so, got to keep that in perspective.. it isnt a problem just for Ebid.. everybody else has the same problems too.
    Many changes yet again, started a new venture, and you can watch my store grow here: Really Rural Woodworks

  4. #64


    [quote=Idealproductsales;813236]yes.. you can do a speed test.. but even that doesnt really prove anything either.. because it does not go over the same network.. it will only test your connection, and maybe a couple close-in hops.

    Hello. Not trying to sound agrumentive but it does test your connection server . So saying "it doesn't mean anything" is BS

    I'm not a certified tech but have done alot of reading on the internet and computers. If you are and can supply your certification number and what certificates you currently have and are up todate I will leave this post well enough alone. I'm just trying to provide some common answers to some people's problems instead of posting a bunch of technical data that most people find mumbo jumbo anyway.

  5. #65


    Quote Originally Posted by canuckbid View Post

    Hello. Not trying to sound agrumentive but it does test your connection server . So saying "it doesn't mean anything" is BS

    I'm not a certified tech but have done alot of reading on the internet and computers. If you are and can supply your certification number and what certificates you currently have and are up todate I will leave this post well enough alone. I'm just trying to provide some common answers to some people's problems instead of posting a bunch of technical data that most people find mumbo jumbo anyway.
    In a nutshell: I didnt say speed test does not mean anything- I said it does not *PROVE* anything. The only thing it does is show how fast you can download data across your ISP connection/modem.

    It has no relevance to whether ebid itself is fast or slow to you, because your route to the speedtest server goes across a different network, it follows a different path than your connection to ebid..

    In a nutshell, you can connect to Ebid and download at 50Kb/s VS connecting to Speedtest and downloading at 3Mb/s - and the ebid problem can be simply because a router somewhere in between (on average there'll be 10-20 routers your connection goes across) is having trouble, or is overloaded or not working properly. Ebid can be dog slow for someone in U.S. and be nice and fast for someone in the U.K. even if both are connecting to the same server, simply because one of them is going across a route that is having problems. (think of two highways one from south, one from north, going to a city one highway is clear of traffic and it's a nice speedy trip to the city, while the other highway has had an accident on it, so traffic is really slow..)

    Certifications: worthless pieces of paper that only prove that someone at some point had enough facts and figures in their head to pass a written test. Ive worked with Two people, both of whom had certificates in various Linux/Network/Programming specialties... and both of them were so completely incompetent ( It was my job to train them for our data center) I had to take them back to the very simple basics of systems administration.. and they still struggled.. it got to the point, with both of them, that instead of trying to teach them how to do it, (after 3 months of trying) I just did it myself, because they were completely clueless! one quit after I got frustrated and called him a blithering idiot.. the other got fired because he ended up just sitting around doing nothing, while I did all the work.

    So, forgive me for having an extremely cynical view of Certified Whatevers...
    Many changes yet again, started a new venture, and you can watch my store grow here: Really Rural Woodworks

  6. #66


    Slow here this evening, & a couple of page not found errors,
    when listing or trying to view My eBid, & My Stores pages.
    Frontpage OK.
    18.20 hours, Southend-on-Sea area, Essex,UK, using Virgin Cable broadband.
    Same problem with IE6 Firefox 3 & Safari

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  7. #67


    same here. noted a brief outage at us.nine.ebid.net for about 1-2 minutes, nothing would load, although I could connect to port 80 via telnet and it responded.. but that may have been jsut as it was coming up, since pages loaded right after that.

    /me wonders when the guys have logrotate scheduled.. since logs rotating out will by necessity, stop and restart apache server, so the server can write to the new, empty log.. which would perfectly explain what I was seeing at the time..

    Other than that - I hadnt really seen excessive slowness with the servers.. no more so than what I'm normally used to anywhere else, that is.. so in comparison, ebid has been performing quite well from here.

    1330 hours in Miami (would be 1830 hours in UK) it's been reasonably quick from here.. even hitting the uk.ebid.net listings.. havent really seen an issue worth noting..
    Many changes yet again, started a new venture, and you can watch my store grow here: Really Rural Woodworks

  8. #68
    Forum Lurker WorleGirl's Avatar
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    Default ???

    Am I the only person experiencing really, really slow speeds still?!

    Clicking anywhere has been slow since the weekend without any change in performance since.
    Pages hang indefinitely, pressing Escape and trying again occasionally gives me instant access to the desired page but is quite rare.

    The Forum is fine. I haven't changed my PC settings, other websites that expect high traffic run smoothly - it's just eBid!! Didn't have this problem before the start of this week....

    Birmingham, West Mids
    Craft Clearout
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    Handmade by Jenny
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  9. #69


    Quote Originally Posted by BlossomTree View Post
    Am I the only person experiencing really, really slow speeds still?!

    Clicking anywhere has been slow since the weekend without any change in performance since.
    Pages hang indefinitely, pressing Escape and trying again occasionally gives me instant access to the desired page but is quite rare.

    The Forum is fine. I haven't changed my PC settings, other websites that expect high traffic run smoothly - it's just eBid!! Didn't have this problem before the start of this week....

    Birmingham, West Mids
    Went out to post some parcels at lunchtime and when I can back was locked out of the site and forums both on IE7 and Firefox. Have only managed to get back in about half an hour ago. Am I the only one?

  10. #70
    Forum Lurker WorleGirl's Avatar
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    Default Could it be....?

    Well, it seems my eBid experience has much improved! The only time it seizes is when I enter the nine / ten.ebid.net

    (any ideas why that would be techie guys?)

    Anyways, I simply avoid eBid when I see those two numbers in the url path and try and log in again a few moments later where I hopefully get pointed to three or four instead.

    Other users may find that nine/ten are jinx numbers during "hang-ups". Feedback here so they can conclude!!
    Craft Clearout
    (Most new, some hardly used)

    Handmade by Jenny
    (my hobby results in lovingly handmade items that need a new home!)


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