I know there are not hundreds of listings in the cycling category just yet. Hoping there will be tons... we are considering moving our entire inventory over here so I would like to make a few suggestions for breaking it down a bit to help customers find what they need. I notice the parts category is somewhat confusing now but I will send suggestions for bikes

cycling / bikes & frames / road bikes
cycling/ bikes & frames / BMX bikes
cycling / bikes & frames/ Mountain bikes
cycling / bikes & frames/ Children's bikes
cycling / bikes & frames/ unicycles
cycling / bikes & frames/ other

No need for this yet but ... BMX bikes could be further broken down once you get more listings. (as could all of the suggestions)

BMX bikes/ Trick/ Flatland
BMX bikes/ Trick/ Vert
BMX bikes/ Race / 20 inch
BMX bikes/ Race / Cruiser class
BMX bikes/ Race / Pit Bikes

I am going to give the cycling / parts category some thought. I see everything is getting jumbled and hard to find in there already. Thinking of building a bike I would want to see:

Parts / Forks
Parts / headsets and stems
Parts / Wheels
Parts / Bars grips and tape
Parts / Bottom Brackets
Parts / Cranks, Pedals, Chain rings, and Chains
Parts / Saddles and posts
Parts / Other

I know I am missing something there but it's a start.

Thanks for your consideration
