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Thread: bulk uploader problem.

  1. #1

    Smile bulk uploader problem.

    hi all first of just like to say how much i love Ebid compared to feebay and hope it goes up and up.
    2nd am trying to use the bulk upload thingus and am having a problem.
    now am trying to upload some comic books for my store on a by it now basis now the destructions say to leave columns k,l and m blank but every time i try and do this it say's computer says no!!!!
    can anyone help please.

  2. #2
    Forum Newbie Artamorous's Avatar
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    I agree. My various roles in using a PC have never included any use of spreadsheets so it all seems gobbly-gock to me.

    TurboLister is an unstable piece of software at times but, when it worked, it worked well and save sooooo much time.

    When do we get one here please?

  3. #3
    Forum Saint HannaHolly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hush77hush View Post
    hi all first of just like to say how much i love Ebid compared to feebay and hope it goes up and up.
    2nd am trying to use the bulk upload thingus and am having a problem.
    now am trying to upload some comic books for my store on a by it now basis now the destructions say to leave columns k,l and m blank but every time i try and do this it say's computer says no!!!!
    can anyone help please.
    Try using the online version at http://www.ebidinfo.com/ . The exported file you build is in exactly the same format as the ebid bulk uploader so you can edit in excel, then save as a .txt file to upload.

    one note of caution. the online lister is build by ebid member jimbo and may not yet have been updated for all the new ebid locations.

  4. #4


    Did you ever get the bulk uploader to work???

    I to cannot get it to work

  5. #5


    I haven't used it recently, but I did when I first uploaded it about a month ago.

    One suggestion is to put a few nice clean listings on line in the way you want them to show, including a photo, and then export your listings and paste into the bulk uploader, that will let you see what to put in each column.

    To export your listings got to My Ebid/Autions I'm running (on left hand side)/export listings (found under back button at top of the listings.

    Save the file and then open it excel. Copy and paste the listings in to the bulk uploader and Save this file as your main template and then add to it by copying from previous line.

    One strange thing I found on the exported items, was in the postage and destinations you post to. The more recently added countries, tend to come out with letters and not the designated number 1 - 18 18 being Norway. I just replaced these with the actual numbers.

    I did about 150, but it was suggested that you do only 50 at a time. It was a bit difficult to get started, but once you know what goes where it's not too bad.

    Hope this helps!


  6. #6
    Forum Saint HannaHolly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kathysshowtack View Post
    Did you ever get the bulk uploader to work???

    I to cannot get it to work
    see post 5

  7. #7


    I cannot get my head round the excel spread sheets and for books its a right pain. I keep asking when e-Bid will actually get one made themselves for us to use thats shall we say more user friendly. I do believe this is putting off many from using the site. If you have loads to upload then you want a quick and simple program and not one that you need to think about..

    Come on e-Bid can you answer us as to whether one is in the pipeline and if so how much longer before we can use it ?

    Lets face it for the books a lot of the categories could be lessened ie autobiography... Why do you have to over complicate things by adding 12 sub sections for this when just autobiography would be simpler ? !!! Add this to the excel spread sheet and well no wonder people give up and go elsewhere. :-(

    Its such a shame that these little things can't be addressed cos the site then would definately become a true contender to e-Bay.

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