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Thread: Postcards

  1. #1

    Question Postcards

    Hi peeps,

    Its me again, a 'newbie' with too many questions.

    Whilst I was sorting out my great hoard of books, I found some old postcards and I wondered whether there was a market on eBid that would allow me to build up a feedback by selling them first.

    I have postcards which show major works of art from galleries from all over europe, about 1,000 black/grey/brown & white, (some in sets from museums, etc) plus maybe 200 coloured - mostly from the period 1920 to 1970; some new, some used. I have looked on shops on eBid and find many postcards, but virtually no fine art/sculpture. Comment from people who know would be so very helpful. I am thinking I might hear there is no market, but am prepared for to accept that.

    I will look at your sites, and elsewhere to get an idea of prices for the 200 or so that show named english and european views, churches, towns and etc.

    While I'm asking about postcards, can somebody tell me the easiest/cheapest way of getting a scan of the front and the back of a postcard. My way, scanning one side and printing it, and then scanning the other side next to the print; must be the saddest of old codger's tricks. Just like my homemade bi-focals; 2 different focal length plastic reading glasses taped together - it works though, even if the grandchildren and the postman do laugh.

    Thanks for your expected replies, Steven Alsoldbooks

  2. #2


    In my experience postcards of works of arts do not sell well at all; in fact I can't remember when I've last sold one!

    As far as the topographical cards are concerned, anywhere between pennies and up to £20 or more, depending on what they are.

    Showing both sides of the card:
    Scan or photograph both sides. If you have Photoshop, I do a "Photomerge Panorama" and manually put them one below the other and save.
    Alternatively MS Publisher lets you manipulate imates; click select all, copy and past into ms paint and save as jpg.

  3. #3


    Not sure about the postcards but the easiest way to stick to photos together would be:
    1) Download a photo editing package e.g. Photoshop or the free GIMP(http://gimp-win.sourceforge.net/stable.html)
    2) Scan the photos into two different files the way you currently do it.
    3) Open the GIMP and create a new canvas that is the size of both your photos. So if you had scanned your photos at 4x6 inches set the canvas size to 8x6 inches. Then just drag in the two photos from windows explorer next to each other.

    If you need anymore help just PM me or post here. Also might be worth just putting on a few Postcards at a price you think there worth BIN and see if they sell. If your seller+ you could even start a postcard shop.

  4. #4


    Hi Marianne, Thanks for confirming that art picture cards are basically worthless, tough eh! Thanks for the info on playing with pictures. Have spent the last hour with amazing results!!!! Thanks again.

    Hi Fun Store, Thanks for your advice, encouragement and offer of assistance; which I may well have to take up, if my amateur efforts do not improve when I have tried a few times more to achieve what I want.

    Steven Alsoldbooks

  5. #5


    Hi Steven

    I dont wish to put you off trying to sell your postcards but as marianne says art/museums cards are all but worthless. As for your topos there are far to many variables to give you a hard and fast rule... it depends on things like where they are from... how animated (lots of people, cars ect), how old... even things like the date it was posted (if it's used), the postmark, even the message on the back can effect the price.

    I think the best I can say is.... look at mariann's and my store's then look at your cards and (hopefully) it will give you a VERY rough idea on the price of your cards

    also, and with no disrespect to marianne, as it is the way I earn a living, I am always on the look out fro cards for my customers, so you never know you might have just the card I am looking for

  6. #6


    Hi somersethedge,
    Thanks for the information and advice. I will try to find time next week to do what you say, look at your and mariannes shops, compare and list some of the topographical cards.
    The art cards; it seems to me a bad thing to junk anything so beautiful. Perhaps I will eventually find a collector/buyer for loads of lovely cards with no value, except the aesthetic charm of many.
    Thanks, Steven Alsoldbooks

  7. #7


    if you have the time list them (the art cards) and see what happens.... I don't wish to plug my auctions but for my very cheap cards I list them at 75p inc P+P with payment in stamps. due to the lack of fees here it you can do that on this site and still make a few pennies on them.

    the only thing I would say is... due to the number of cards you have, it might be worth openning a store just for the cards.

  8. #8

    Smile Postcards

    Hi there again Peeps,

    Two weeks since I started this and now its happened.

    Thanks to all you wonderful people. I have bought my first Christmas stocking fillers, and have a bit of feedback now.

    Google checkout is sorted, I have a note about PPPay crazy fees on my site and I have found out how to start an auction.

    My trial auctions are running for Alsoldcards - my postcard shop, please comment if you have time. I really value all your advice. I have tried to follow as many recommendations as I can remember.

    Soon I guess I must start the huge task of listing thousands of
    German and English books on eBid. Then I will be pestering again.

    With luck I have a signature linked to my shop. Please, somebody let me know if I have anything wrong with my shop, or you can't get there.

    All the best,


    Press and check me out?

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