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Thread: A Thank-you and Well Done

  1. #1
    Forum Newbie
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Bovingdon, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom
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    Smile A Thank-you and Well Done

    As a Newbie to eBid (who has just completed their first purchase - yipee!) - and a soon-to-be ex eBayer, I just wanted to say thank you for providing a fair and cheap alternative to the mega-congolmorate that eBay has become.
    I'm mostly what you would call an attic seller, and it seems that eBay are wanting to now get rid of the likes of myself, as they have grown sufficiently to be able to concentrate purely on thier business sellers. Ha! Their loss! It's because of the little attic sellers like me that eBay is what is is (or was). It was because of the individual who was selling unusual odds and sods that people knew that whatever they were looking for, there was a good chance they would find it on eBay. But now - more and more of our selling priviledges are being taken away, and the costs get higher and higher.
    I am so glad that I found you. I love the layout of the site, and I love facilities like the AAL. There are far more facilities and options in My eBid compared to what there is in eBay and they're really easy to use.
    It will be interesting to see what the exposure is like. Unfortunately, the dreaded eBay is still the only household name for online auctions. It remains to be seen how well my stuff sells.....thanks again.

  2. #2

    Thumbs up Yes, Thank You and well done!!.

    This site is going from strength to strength. More and more is being added as we speak:0).
    I am , mainly, a buyer and have begun to find some great stuff here. I now spend more and more time searching through the site for what I want, not as a second choice but a first stop.
    The sellers here are the best, friendly and helpful, I tell all my friends to try here.
    Best wishes from a very happy customer, Di .:0)

  3. #3


    HI Andrishka

    You should get a sig for the forums, so people can click on it and see what you are selling. I'm useless at explaining stuff like that, & i'm sure someone will be along soon to tell you how to add one.
    Good luck with your selling.


  4. #4


    Happy Birthday Jane from Canada. Hope you a have a super day!
    (of course we're not going to ask your age!) lol

  5. #5

  6. #6

  7. #7


    If you're selling then have a look at this thread for some info. http://www.ebid.net/forum/showpost.p...postcount=5245

    For low cost Prints and Affordable Originals just Click the Logo

    and check out my other stores

    Ken's Cave

    Fantastic Fotos Store

  8. #8


    #2 - Welcome - glad you have found us to be a good place for buying!!

    Please tell everyone you know about us - we have so much to offer, and if you are looking for 'out-of-the-ordinary' items - I think you will all find some surprising stuff here, as 'attic sellers' migrate from feebay.
    Why not take a quick look at my Stores?

    Find all kinds of books HERE

    Find 'Plus Size' Clothes HERE

    Find NEW tiny Baby Stuff HERE

    Find 'Bits & Bobs' HERE

  9. #9

    Smile Thank u!

    Im really pleased I have found this wonderful site, I had been a seller for 10 years on greedbay but had enough of the draconion rules as of late, not to mention the high fee's!!! this site is very much like greedbay in the good old days when they first started, but much much better, and so friendly and welcoming. I love the fact you can down load pictures in the gallery, instead of spending hours trying to remember where they are, and the layout is very user friendly, I have been promoting this site like mad and dishing greedbay where ever possible and my local post office have aggreed to have and ebid advert in their window!!!

    And dont you worry everyone will be buying on here soon, you all be pleased to know sales are dropping on greedbay, they have caused great waves amonst the attic sellers and are not happy...

    and im still not sure how to add my links on here...

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