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Thread: Google Data Feed built into eBid - wow! :O

  1. #11
    Forum Saint
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    Quote Originally Posted by tropicalgarden View Post
    Hi all,
    I put few products into my shop yesterday, and today one was searchable on google but the only problem is that when I click on it, it goes to another of my listings. The only reason I can think why is that when I listed I used sell similar, and changed the product details to suit.
    Would this mean that all my google uploads will be incorrect unless I end and relist all from scratch - if that makes sense.
    Another feebay refugee, the only positive with them is the store base connector. Is there anything that simple here?
    Many thanks

    Could you give us an example or link so we can see what's happening? It sounds like an interesting little puzzle...

  2. #12


    Originally Posted by pique
    I understood it was an automatic update to Google but I have never managed to find any of our items listed. We post Buy Now for 8 days with auto repost 10. So any tips welcome.

    To qualify for Google uploads items need to be:
    1) Legal
    2) have a BuyNow price
    3) Have at least 7 days remaining OR are On First Bid OR are Run Until Sold at 5am on the 3rd 8th 12th 18th 23rd and 28th of each month.

    Despite my listings meeting those criteria, the automatic upload has never worked for me either. I just rely on a manual export once a month, or whenever any of my listings change, using the button on the "Auctions I'm Running" page (select option 2 - Google Base format).

    I open the .tsv file that is created using Wordpad and save it as a .txt file (otherwise Google doesn't recognise it). To upload the file, log in to your Google Checkout account, then click on Base, then on Data Feed, and follow the instructions.

    Here is a screen dump of my last upload:

    Data feeds » My_eBid_Items

    Feed status details

    Outcome: Success
    Number of items processed: 11
    Number of inserted items: 11
    Uploaded at: 17-Aug-2008 15:45 BST
    Processed at: 17-Aug-2008 15:47 BST

    • Detected file format: Text
    Error Bad data Line #This attribute is no longer supported. Please use a supported attribute. help category 1

    I always get the error message shown above, but it doesn't seem to affect the success of the upload. Once the upload has been processed (it usually takes 2 or 3 minutes - keep refreshing the screen) the listings are visible in Google straight away. They expire after one month, after which time you need to repeat the exercise.
    Last edited by dadween; 24th August 2008 at 02:20 PM.
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  3. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by dadween View Post

    Despite my listings meeting those criteria, the automatic upload has never worked for me either.


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  4. #14


    if you type foxtail palm seeds into google, it takes you to (Sabal rosei...)

    This is another item in my shop.
    However , if you type in
    page 2, and click on the 'ebid store cool hardy tropicals' - it takes you to my store front?

    Ideally, I would like all of the links to lead to my storefront.

  5. #15
    Forum Saint
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    Quote Originally Posted by tropicalgarden View Post
    if you type foxtail palm seeds into google, it takes you to (Sabal rosei...)

    This is another item in my shop.
    However , if you type in
    page 2, and click on the 'ebid store cool hardy tropicals' - it takes you to my store front?

    Ideally, I would like all of the links to lead to my storefront.

    Interesting, thank you. It seems likely that your earlier surmise about revising items for relisting is something to do with it, but on a quick glance I don't pretend to fully understand what's happening! One to stew on a bit, think. I doubt if you can gain the sort of control implied in your last "would like", I fear. Out of interest, if you use the "shopping" search instead of "web", the first link works as you would expect.

    I think anybody searching for particular type of seed, and being returned a different sort at your store would rapidly realise it was worth searching further in your stock as you are clearly in the right market.

  6. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by tropicalgarden View Post
    if you type foxtail palm seeds into google, it takes you to (Sabal rosei...)

    This is another item in my shop.
    However , if you type in
    page 2, and click on the 'ebid store cool hardy tropicals' - it takes you to my store front?

    Ideally, I would like all of the links to lead to my storefront.
    Those are google searches NOT google shopping/product searches.

    What google search shows is what is picked up by their webots, it could be an online store, an auction listing, an ordinary webpage, a blog, a forum post, anything that can be indexed is, the only control you have over it, is what you do, or don't say online.

    What google shopping shows is items uploaded to google shopping, these have to meet certain criteria, ie plain auction listings are not allowed, a fixed price must be available.

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  7. #17


    Hi dadween,

    I followed your instructions, and almost got it - so thanks for making it so straightforward.
    Unfortunately it seems that because I have google base store connector for feebay, I would have to cancel that & get a multi account. I'm not sure then, whether I would still be able to use store connector for feebay - it is really useful & easy whilst I still have listings there, just a couple of clicks and shop updated. I think I will have to wait and see for a while with this.

  8. #18
    Forum Saint burgyeb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dadween View Post
    Originally Posted by pique
    I understood it was an automatic update to Google but I have never managed to find any of our items listed. We post Buy Now for 8 days with auto repost 10. So any tips welcome.

    To qualify for Google uploads items need to be:
    1) Legal
    2) have a BuyNow price
    3) Have at least 7 days remaining OR are On First Bid OR are Run Until Sold at 5am on the 3rd 8th 12th 18th 23rd and 28th of each month.

    Despite my listings meeting those criteria, the automatic upload has never worked for me either. I just rely on a manual export once a month, or whenever any of my listings change, using the button on the "Auctions I'm Running" page (select option 2 - Google Base format).

    I open the .tsv file that is created using Wordpad and save it as a .txt file (otherwise Google doesn't recognise it). To upload the file, log in to your Google Checkout account, then click on Base, then on Data Feed, and follow the instructions.

    Here is a screen dump of my last upload:

    Data feeds » My_eBid_Items

    Feed status details

    Outcome: Success
    Number of items processed: 11
    Number of inserted items: 11
    Uploaded at: 17-Aug-2008 15:45 BST
    Processed at: 17-Aug-2008 15:47 BST

    • Detected file format: Text
    Error Bad data Line #This attribute is no longer supported. Please use a supported attribute. help category 1

    I always get the error message shown above, but it doesn't seem to affect the success of the upload. Once the upload has been processed (it usually takes 2 or 3 minutes - keep refreshing the screen) the listings are visible in Google straight away. They expire after one month, after which time you need to repeat the exercise.
    I have only been able to list auctions on base google individually. I have seen a lot of my items on google but it was probably via a regular search because forum post, etc. also came up. I will try doing a data feed using a .tsv file using wordpad. Maybe that's why it didn't work before (uploading data feed).

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