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Thread: shop categories - increase limits please?

  1. #1

    Lightbulb shop categories - increase limits please?

    I'm a new user here so please forgive me if I am re-hashing an old topic; I couldn't see it on the board at first glance. Basically, I would like to see a big rise in the number of internal categories available to those shopkeepers with a highly varied product range.
    I am a bookseller, mainly of academic and non-fiction items, and my current stock (only just starting to list here) is divided into well over 200 categories and sub-categories.
    Would it be possible to expand this feature? Also, it would be very useful to me to be able to create 2 levels of sub-category beneath a given parent. I imagine such upgrades would be useful to sellers of books, music, films, stamps, coins and various other collectibles.
    Regards to all,

  2. #2

    Exclamation Oh, and I forgot to say...

    I did contact the help guys about this, who pointed out that I could gain many more categories by opening more stores, with 30 more categories in each; however to be honest it would be much easier for me and more useful from a sales point of view if I could keep all the categories I need under one storefront.
    Thanks again,

  3. #3


    I'm not sure how much work it would be for the guys to add 2 levels of sub-cats to the stores.

    If the numbers of Categories were increased, say to 50 top level with 25 each in sub-cats (from the current 30 & 15) I think it would become necessary to find a way of automatically hiding cats/sub-cats that were empty, although it would be nice to have that happen anyway.

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  4. #4


    Why not just open a new store for a few categories of books.
    For example, have a fiction store, a medical and technical store, a reference work store and so on. As a buyer I would rather not have to plow through hundreds of categories that I am not interested in just to find the one or two I may be looking for, so using different stores would help with that.

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