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Thread: Newbie Artist

  1. #1
    Forum Newbie amuletts's Avatar
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    Aug 2006
    Oxford, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom
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    Default Newbie Artist

    Hello I am new to Ebid and though I would pop in and say hello.

    I am a traditional painty-type artist. My main topics include Celtic, Faeries, Landscape and figurative. I am particularly fond of colour. I work in Oil (kinda new to that medium though), acrylic and watercolour (ahhh my love). I hope you like my paintings.

    I am a student in Oxford (UK) and have a website at www.amuletts.com

    Tips and advice will be appreciated, especially where it comes to actually selling things. I'm an artist, my personal expertise is very much in the area of creating pretty pictures. I am not a business man.


    Please visit my Ebid store:

  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by amuletts View Post
    I'm an artist, my personal expertise is very much in the area of creating pretty pictures. I am not a business man.
    Well bit difficult being a businessman unless you are planning a bit of cosmetic surgery Anyway welcome to eBid from another artist.

    For low cost Prints and Affordable Originals just Click the Logo

    and check out my other stores

    Ken's Cave

    Fantastic Fotos Store

  3. #3


    Be very welcome Amy. And be also patient as selling seems to be a slow matter here... but we must keep an optimistic mind.

    Please visit my shop: Selling mainly garage doors parts and remote control garage door openers. Good quality parts.


  4. #4


    welcome to ebid , i enjoy watercolour painting also but am not as good as your self and others on here , i'm just a beginner really

    maybe one day i will be confident enough to list one of my paintings for sale - at the moment i'm content with giving them to family as pressies

    I had a look at your paintings Amy they are v good , although i believe a gallery pic may bring you some more sales , as it gets a bit tedious having to click on each one to get a glimpse of them !

    Good luck with your sales all
    Lisa :0)

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    A smile is a curve that can set things straight!

  5. #5

    Wink Artists - come and look at my shop!

    Hi everyone

    I noticed a couple of newbie Artists here - nice to see you on board!

    I own an Art Materials business on ebay and have just set up shop here. The store is being stocked at the moment, but I have had a couple of teething problems and it has set me back a little bit.

    However, you can check it out and see what you think so far, or have a quick peek at my ebay store to see what I will be stocking here on e-bid. (Please don't buy from the ebay store - it costs too much in sellers fees).

    My link to browse is http://stores.ebay.co.uk/webartsupplies (Just to whet your appetite!)

    This shop should be stocked up in about 2 weeks or maybe sooner.

    Thanks for looking.

  6. #6

    Wink New here too, know everywhere else.

    Hello, I too am a new Painter on e-bid, I think like most Artists selling work has always been a bug bear, better find an agent or gallery willing to take on your Folio or I guess stick and paste your work where-ever you can. I take my chances like many others with auction sites and on-line galleries, over time you will develope a customer base and perhaps attract commissions.
    I am a traditional painter, i work mainly with oil, i love its qualities and emursed myself in the media from an early age. I paint mainly to commission, lots of birthday and christmas gifts, usually still life or portrait. This buisness is often picked up through the net, but i also advertise locally using flyers etc. The quality of your work will determine your customer and eventual price you can expect. We Artist are usually seriously under-valued while we breathe, but never sell yourself short..Most of all enjoy your work and keep producing!.. Regards DG (Dgartstudio)

  7. #7


    I paint and sculpt historical miniatures and once in awhile delve into fantasy. I do a lot of commission work here in the States so none of my work will be offered on ebid or anywhere else online.
    Feel free to see this example of my work:
    As Dgartstudio points out finding an agent or gallery to promote your work is generally the way to go. People have to see your stuff. Competition is great.
    Unless your work becomes the flavor of the month don't quit your day job. And don't quit creating.
    The most important line I learned in college was: If the Medium does not fight you it is not Art.
    Good luck.

    " Those who beat their swords into plowshares usually end up plowing for those who didn't. "
    Ben Franklin




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