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Thread: Work From Home

  1. #1
    Forum Diehard onlinegifts's Avatar
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    Smile Work From Home

    Hello, I like alot of people dream of working from home and earning a great incolm, but in the UK not many companies take home workers on board and 99% of job offers are cons.
    I know some of you earn a living on auctions, which I may do sometime in my dreams!! but I am looking for any sugestions pointers for myself and others who will read this thread to work from home along side Ebid auctions and most importantly family,
    I am a mum of 2 now, youngest being 5 mths and I do not want to have them both in full time day care and Ican't find part time work fleaxable enough for my kids needs and nursery school times etc.
    I have looked into many franchises but all expensive and money is very limited, hence the need for work!
    Any suggestions.
    Please no cons!! or MLM
    I do mystery shopping at the moment but only for a couple of companies but work is adhoc so not gaurenteed.

    ps sorry for any SP mistakes spell check isn't working!
    BIG SALE now on in my Bargain Shop


    Usborne books at home Mummy says its only 5.00 to join till 9th March.
    PM me for details xxx

  2. #2



    I know you said no MLM, but years ago we used to do Kleeneze and that worked for us very well with being able to work when it suited us which was the added bonus!

    We had to give it up due to personnel reasons but we have sometimes thought about starting it again.
    Now selling Air Dry Clay click here.

  3. #3
    Forum Diehard heatemyfather's Avatar
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    If you're smart I'm sure there's still plenty of opportunities and money to be made on the internet, not necessarily in physical goods selling at online auctions but with the internet itself.

    I'm not sure how it goes beyond this as I seem to lack all imagination when it comes to making money out of anything, but if you have a talent then maybe it can be transferred to the internet; people make a bomb out of making websites, reselling domain names and hosting, etc etc. I think I must have some kind of freaky negative business acumen as I know about these things but just don't seem to be doing anything about it!
    My auctions: video games, photography stuff, miniature wargaming hobby bits and pieces
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  4. #4
    Forum Saint klj's Avatar
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    The only jobs I've heard about where people actually make money by working for someone else while at home are with companies whose employees work on computers at the office most of the time anyway. They just let their employees work at home and send in the work via internet. It is getting more popular. Insurance companies, accountants, and lawyers' legal typists are a few that I've heard about.

  5. #5
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    hi onlinegifts if you have a passion for doing something particular helps; I found that business links in my area, has and is helping me with my business growing... to be honest; every few months, I do make good money [darkside unfortunately]; i rather make my money here; but i stray for the subject; the local government branches have LOADS of ideas and tips and such; in my case it was also LEGI; and other organizations help around your life ... there are also grants that help start up your business and get you in touch with other businesses to offer help in getting website, equipment, accounting and so much support along the way.

    maybe it's an avenue to try; just a thought / of course all the above is very helpful

  6. #6
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    Are you looking to do something where you can be your own boss or just work at home but be working for someone else? If it's the latter then you will have to find a company willing to let you do that and like someone else said it's usually just computer work they'd be doing at the office anyway. If you're looking to be your own boss, the possibilities are endless.

    I have to jump in here and say though that it always irritates be a bit when people put down MLM's just assuming they are all scams when in fact they provide great opportunites for many people with very little start-up. Companies like Fuller Brush (which I did in the past and have currently moved on the something else) and Avon have been around 100 years or more and yet they are MLM's and most people are OK with them. Just because something is new don't avoid it. However I do recognize that it is NOT for everyone. It is only for people that have a leader, self-motivated mentality. Not for followers. In fact if you have a follower mentality you better off just sticking with being an employee. Of course people can change this mentality if they really want.

    If you do have what it takes to be your own boss, do an evaluation of yourself or discover your skills and talents and maybe put them to use helping others from home. Some examples would be phone consulting/counselling/coaching, psychic readings, some type of writing. As I said before the possibilities are endless.

    Best wishes to you.

  7. #7
    Forum Saint merlin's Avatar
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    you don`t need loads of cash to start your own business

    i started selling off my hobby items online

    my wife actually made more than me in the early days as i used to sell for her stuff she got from car boots , she had no knowledge of stuff she bought just that it was stuff she liked , from a outlay of £3.00 she made about £250.00 in a month just kept buying something else everytime she sold

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by merlin View Post
    you don`t need loads of cash to start your own business.
    i started selling off my hobby items online
    This is how I started, just selling my old computer stuff, then a few years ago I got made redundant, that gave me a real wake up call.
    So i then started buying old computers from auctions refurbishing them and selling them on as internet ready computers.
    Made a lot of money in my first year.

  9. #9


    I've also heard good reports on Kleeneze so it might be worth a look at....

    As for making a living at on line auctions there are very few who can.... I make enough to survive but don't have any spare cash to speak of, and we need Maplegin's pension....

    Like merlin I started with about £50 of stock, and also like merlin I plough what I make back into more stock, so in money I am poor but on paper (stock) I am rich(ish)

    Also remember if you work from home you would have to become self employed which means keeping books (accounts) and filling in a tax form every year

    what ever you dicide I wish you luck

  10. #10
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    I love building websites - I cheat and use the web builders through my host.

    I then signed up to a bunch of affiliate brokers who connect me with merchants (lots are very well known companies and charities) who pay me whenever someone clicks through to their site from mine and spends money with them.

    Connecting with merchants is free so all I do is spend money on domains and hosting - all my promotions are free (submitting to search engines and getting backlinks organised) and I dont have to lug bags of cleaning equipment from door to door only to find my 'customers' werent in or wouldnt pay me (that was with Avon and Betterware)

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