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Thread: Someone said "Try e-Bid" So I did.

  1. #1

    Cool Someone said "Try e-Bid" So I did.

    Hello to anyone interested in Arts and Craft, painting, Drawing and generally getting messy with the media. I am new to e-Bid and interested in networking with other like minded souls. I have many years experience and have worked as a commercial Artist for over 20years. I am Currently freelance due to illness, confined to the studio. Still armed with a PC and a connection who needs to go out?
    I am interested in producing a calender focusing on Enviromental reclaimation, Nature winning through. I am looking to feature twelve landscapes and wondered if anyone out there would be interested in contributing some work. Payment for any image used would be by way of a royalty. The final images chosen will be sellected by vote. The Artist retains the original.
    Anyway must get back to some painting.. Think i might need some bigger brushes.

  2. #2


    Anything of mine that might interest you, just click the logo to see a sample of my work.

    For low cost Prints and Affordable Originals just Click the Logo

    and check out my other stores

    Ken's Cave

    Fantastic Fotos Store

  3. #3

  4. #4


    Thanks, Have many rollers, I like the small gloss rollers and use them often when working on murals or blocking in large areas, I remember watching Rolf Harris when i was younger painting a kangaroo with a roller, (not literally but on a canvas) I credit him with more influence on my generations expectations of art than Dali.

  5. #5


    Very impressive gallery Ken. I will post further details of the calender brief when the office gets round to drafting the full requirements of the client. The Enviroment Agency are particular about the subject of reclaimation. I understand it to be images of (example) Derelict building crumbling back to nature. (Example) Human Negative impact on enviroment transformed. I Know the agency are not very specific, i like a challenge.

  6. #6


    When I travelled last year, I got some really good ones of Western Australia (Cable beach sunset is my favourite because I took it with ONE hand on the back of a MOVING camel!)

  7. #7


    I don't have a link to it here, but if you want to view it, I'll upload it.

  8. #8


    Hello waterlily.. Seem to suddenly be inundated with Images, Perhaps you could forward me a sample to.
    Thankyou and i will get back to you..


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