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Thread: Pheebay members on EBID can link to this new website to promote their listings!

  1. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by HockeyBiz View Post
    Did you have to pay the $5.00 to list store? See below

    If you would like to have your store listed in the directory, you will first need to become a SITE SUPPORTER
    A site supporter is someone who has made a modest ONE OFF donation
    of just $5 or more toward the running costs of the directory
    I didn't have to pay anything. I joined pheebay.com, posted a request to be added to the site, and within about 3 mins of posting I was there! Incredible speed, and very friendly welcome on that forum too.

  2. #12


    Hi folks.

    The $5 fee message being quoted above is nothing to do with the www.eBidSellers.info site. That in fact refers to the NetStoreSearch.com directory and is a condition applied to non-auction venue hosted websites. Sellers at eBid continue to receive a free link in the NetStoreSearch directory as explained on the website itself and at Pheebay.

    The eBidSellers.info site can cater for up to 50 eBid sellers to have their live listings displayed for free using eBid's new RSS newsfeeds. There are no fees involved whatsoever - it's all funded by Pheebay and some generous members who have made donations. The site is planned to stay in place until well in to 2009 at least and hopefully longer.

    At the time of posting I think there are 22 free spots remaining. To be included simply post your sellers ID in the appropriate forum thread at Pheebay.

    If anyone is interested in understanding how this kind of promotion helps sellers they may find this article useful: http://www.pheebay.com/?online-aucti...-more-323.html

    Beyond the current promotions involving eBid sellers at Pheebay we are now seeking more input and ideas to use the RSS capabilities on more promotional projects once this site is fully subscribed so if you have some thoughts please feel free to make suggestions and float any ideas you have.

    If visiting, please try to bear in mind that Pheebay is a general auction forum covering any and all venue sites. So, while eBid is obviously one of the more popular sites represented there, please respect the discussions and users of other sites. Our ethos is one of cooperation and friendly rivalry rather than any repetitive, competitively motivated inter-site criticisms or friction.
    Last edited by HelenAndGraham; 13th May 2008 at 06:59 PM. Reason: correct link

  3. #13

    Thumbs up

    Just a brief update on this promotional website. It has kicked in and is doing it's job nicely. I have several items now appearing on the first page of the google search in both the US and UK. If you search "princess pattern vegetable bowl" you will find my listing on eBid in the top 3 items returned. If you search "goebel hummel band leader" you will find my figurine #4 in the USA....I think it is #1 or 2 in the UK. Also if you seach some of my paperback book titles you will find them appearing on the 2nd page of the search....which is none to shabby of a feat considering the thousands of books listed on Amazon and through Random House who usually dominate the first 10 pages of the google search! :-) I am very pleased with the boost my listings are getting from this website. Page views are increasing daily.

    There are still a number of free pages available on the Pheebay promotional website for eBid sellers so if you have not gotten over to pheebay yet do it today. Sign up on this thread here:

    Good Luck to everyone! :-)

  4. #14


    Just a note to advise that anyone interested in this free offer needs to act soon. Yesterday they announced that the website will be finished off and closed sometime early next week so you only have this weekend left to get in on this SEO opportunity. There are only 19 spots or pages left open.

  5. #15


    Just a further update on the pheebay free website for eBid sellers. The following message was posted on the boards by admin, Sunray:

    "The free pages for Pheebay members are now finished.

    Any eBidder can now claim the remaining pages for their listings by using the $5 donate button on the site itself. There is no need to be a Pheebay member.

    The site is fully funded and paid for by Pheebay for the next year. If sufficient eBidders add a page by donating then we will use the funds raised to extend the life of the site by a further year."

    For anyone still interested there is a link to the website in my signature....bottom line. Thank you all who took advantage of this promotion.

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