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Thread: Techie help re not being able to login!

  1. #1

    Unhappy Techie help re not being able to login!

    Hi there

    I have recently had a problem logging into ebid from my laptop.

    I can login on the main household computer and I can login to the forums from my laptop, however when I enter my username and password to enter myebid on the laptop, the screen refreshes and tells me to login!!!

    Ebid support have advised me to get rid of all cookies. I have deleted all my temporary internet files, I have allowed all parties of cookies, I have been into PC Guard and removed any cookie references there, I have been into Internet options and tured secutiry levels to a minimum and even named ebid as a trusted site!!!

    Please, please is there a techie person out there who can help me, I've pressed all sorts of buttons but can't get it to work.

    Many thanks in anticipation


  2. #2


    I take it this is the same problem that you already started a thread about a couple of days ago? The one where I replied?


  3. #3

  4. #4


    Could be worse. At least you have a beautiful body!
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