If you enter an auction number in the search box on the home page, for example 1061543360-57006-0, you don't find any matches.

Of course, you can instead click on 'Search' and then fill in the auction id box. But I would think that it would be fairly easy (and low overhead) to check each search string for the form 10 digits-5-1 and act smart.

But why are auction numbers so complex anyway? Another fairly well known site (eBay) finds simple 10 digit auction numbers sufficient. Of course, eBid may eventually find this restrictive -- wouldn't want you to set your goals as low as only doing eBay's level of business!

This isn't mere carping -- I enter such info in a spreadsheet to keep track of my auctions. The ebid auction id's are so long they don't fit in the space I have.