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Thread: ebid items shown on google shopping

  1. #1

    Default ebid items shown on google shopping

    I'm sure this has been covered before, if it has please point me to where!
    Do products listed on ebid automatically appear on google shopping or do i need to do something else, please advise- any advice would be very grateful.
    currently sell on the other site, rip of prices time to move away... you know what i mean ....

  2. #2


    If you have buy it now items they will show,auction items wont.
    Also you items need to be running for at least 10 days as they only load them up at certain times and it takes about 3 days to show on Google.

  3. #3


    Thanks BAGHAG999 for the quick response, our items are buy it now and are running until sold. we will look out for them on google.


  4. #4
    Forum Lurker toolbug's Avatar
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    Your items must meet the below standards

    Google Products. If you wish your items to be included in our uploads make sure they are :
    1) Legal
    2) have a BuyNow price
    3) Have at least 7 days remaining OR are On First Bid OR are Run Until Sold at 5am on the 8th, 18th and 28th of each month

    Hope this helps Toolbug
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  5. #5


    Thanks Toolbug

    the information supplied is spot on, just what we need to help promote our products. any other tips would be G-r-e-a-t

    cheers PetTastic Pet Supplies

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by PetTasticPetSupplies View Post
    Thanks Toolbug

    the information supplied is spot on, just what we need to help promote our products. any other tips would be G-r-e-a-t

    cheers PetTastic Pet Supplies
    Hi PetTastic, you've some interesting items in your store.
    When you have the time there is a great deal of information on the forums, especially this one a good starting place is the following 2 threads.

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  7. #7


    Ummm, its great news that ebid items are on Google shopping. I have just tried searching for a few of my books and they are there even though I have not uploaded them to base.

    my question is: so is there any advantage in also uploading your eBid store items to base? It seems not unless I am missing something.

    Actually my adult items do not appear on google shopping even with no filter. Just my other store items. Does anyone know why this is?

  8. #8
    Forum Lurker toolbug's Avatar
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    Another tip put your signature (A a link to your auctions/shop) on, so this appears on your forum post, this is done via the user cp fount at the top on left side.
    For Craft Tools & General Tools


    Click Above to enter the Toolbug Store

  9. #9


    Thanks, I've been meaning to do that for about 14 months. You finally inspired me to do it.

  10. #10


    I'm confused about this google thing i'm new to ebid and thought i would try it as a business risk for a few months to see if it is worth my while. I'm a little aprehensive as there doesn't seem to be many people selling my type of clothes so this is either a good thing or it means there isn't any call for the type of hand-made clothing that i lovingly make
    I'm struggling to use this cp and put my shop link in i'm copying and pasting and usiing 2 windows think i need help, sorry not good with computer jargon and it's great i can ask questions here and feel like i'm talking to humans thanks Guys Rach xx



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