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Thread: has any body sold anything here on ebid?

  1. #31
    Forum Master nykmedia's Avatar
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    I make sales on here when I concentrate on making sales and not wasting so much of my time in the forums. In fact, I think I sold my soul for the 80+ votes to find out what everyone else is doing in here and still made some sales during the canvassing
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  2. #32


    I'm only new to this auction site, but having a look for what I'd normally buy off ebay - I've definately not found the same range on here. My girlfriend too searched for items (ipods amoung them i believe) but found very little. So I don't think that a lack of buyers is entirely to blame. But saying that the site can't expect to be as big or have the same range as ebay over night - it will happen over time if people at least check ebid before they check ebay.
    I have read about advertising on this site by many members, maybe something could be developed to use and share on facebook etc as a relatively cheap way to find additional buyers and sellers.

  3. #33


    Both myself and Jimbo are constantly helping out both new members and those who have been here for a while. Personally, I get pi$$ed off by the people who either don't take on board that advice and then complain or by those who don't even bother asking before slagging the place off. I have little time for fools and rather than waste time with them I am prone to letting them know my opinion.

    However, those people who are genuinely making an effort to understand the different approach needed to sell here, who take the time to listen to the advice given and who make an effort to solve their own problems by using the resources which are freely available here, such as the forum search function, I am only too happy to keep on assisting.

    This is one of the reasons that the number of posts I make is in the thousands; something which you obviously failed to understand when making your unhelpful remarks.

    I suggest that instead of being so narrow minded in your approach you take the time to research and find out the truth before making future comments..

    One has only to read this post to see that I was right on in my comments, Please read your own words and you too will see the truth...

    I dont think alot of people come on here to wait weeks or months to sell a few items, I myself need to have a somewhat "quick turnover",Is this site so different that we are unable to use the experiences that we have had on all the other sites...Like I've said before, any other sites on the planet where you get 150 views would translate into a cooresponding number of bids..But here that is not the case..Basically what I hear from most of the sellers, that have been here longer than me, is,add a link, do more self advertising, list this way, list that way,add more stores, add more items...On every other site I've been on, other than Ebay, the problem is usually getting "watchers, viewers or bidders", on here it seems that we get plenty of viewers, but Not many bidders and I've noticed many sellers, some that have been here a lot longer than you guys are saying the same thing....So it's not just the newbies....Please help me understand what the issue is here..I see it as NO bidders....I mentioned Ebay and Overstock, because even with the fee's Ebay charges, I get such a higher price for my items, it far outweighs any benefits gained for a site with little or no fees. Even Overstock gives me more bidders than here and I personally think Overstock and Ebay suck..Dont get me wrong, I would LOVE to stay here on Ebid and kick the pants off Feebay, but we have to have some short term, qualified bidders to do that and so far, as least with the items, I'm selling, I dont see that....Anyone have any civilized solutions or advice ??

  4. #34
    Forum Diehard
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    Hi jimihorizons, I was suprised that you mentioned Overstock in the same sentence as feebay because it has virtually no listings (and no interest from the management, apparently). If it was such a good place to get bids why aren't people flocking there? I don't have any personal experience, just what I read on PSU.

    Ebid's 'problems' are no different to any other St. Elsewhere site, the main one being the dominance of feebay. To suggest that other sites are doing better is just plain wrong, I know that's not true from my own experience.

    If you want further hints and tips check out the 'Promoting Ebid and your Ebid Stores' section.
    Last edited by kedo; 21st November 2007 at 10:11 PM.

  5. #35


    well, i've had a couple of sales since I started listing in July. I keep my options open and sell on other auction sites too. I would really like Ebid to take off big time though!

  6. #36
    Forum Lurker julesjems's Avatar
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    i agree, i sell on another, but i like the friendliness in here and people willing to give advice, so i hope takes off big time too, jules.
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  7. #37
    Forum Lurker julesjems's Avatar
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    Question just asking

    ive just been browsing and came across a store that there first payment to be used is £ sterling, now i may be a bit thick here but is that sending cash through the post?and if so is anyone that stupid to do that?and if not why do they complain they get no sales,id never send money through the post,and if that was there option of paying id close the door and not go back, so can someone put me stright about this,because if im wrong i will apologise,thank you julie x
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  8. #38
    Forum Lurker Bearsden06's Avatar
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    Dont think anyone would be daft eough to send cash through the post,But there are always some who if the item looks a good enough bargain,and dont scammers items look bargains, will send cash
    I am also finding it difficult to sell on here but think its a combination of a lot of things, not E Bids fault, we are at the luxury end of the line for the available money after mortgages rents gas electric kids the list is endless.
    Unfortunatly on line shopping only makes the headlines when things go wrong never the benefits of dealing with the honest trader,no petrol parking costs,no queueing not got you want endless shops
    Just keep on trying.

    http://uk.ebid.net/stores/secondtime-books Still trying to find that elusive book why not visit us we may just have it.=For other collectables come and see us at http://uk.ebid.net/stores/DudleysCollectables

  9. #39


    Dont think anyone would be daft eough to send cash through the post,But there are always some who if the item looks a good enough bargain,and dont scammers items look bargains, will send cash

    Cash through the post is not the safest way to pay which is why I wouldn't solicit it unless I was listing something for collection. Bank transfers are also riskier for the buyer than for the seller but unlike cash they are traceable. The difficulty is with getting the money back if things go wrong and the seller is dishonest. BT is popular in Europe but less so in the UK.

    No matter what payment option you put in a listing, some people will send cash if they cannot pay by another means or perhaps they have decided that they will take a calculated risk based on the amount involved and the (good) reputation of the seller. In that context, calling buyers daft isn't very polite: they just take risks that I wouldn't consider.

  10. #40
    Forum Lurker Bearsden06's Avatar
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    Before the days of paypal ,credit cards we have received cash from abroad going back a bit I know but we have not been in a scammers line mainly books.
    I was just trying to make a point that some people will take the risk and then wonder why they get ripped off ,its just that here is no paper trail,personally we have accepted third party cheques if for some reason a buyer as wanted to send cash we have just said its for their protection which it is plus it saves any uncertainity in the transaction as to did the money get there or not.
    http://uk.ebid.net/stores/secondtime-books Still trying to find that elusive book why not visit us we may just have it.=For other collectables come and see us at http://uk.ebid.net/stores/DudleysCollectables

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